As a vacuum cleaner

You have sucked me in as a vacuum cleaner
Can't pull out happiness. Brains are cold.
Islands under blue sky without limit.
It's in you I bathe - all life is a slope.

I can not get out of you, nowhere.
You've enticed. You've warmed. You have swallowed me.
You've surrounded. You have washed as waving.
You have taught. Have bathed me. And could forgive.

There are poems where people are still running,
Are expecting happiness, longing, crow.
And we got the Absolute without trying,
Without leaving your home you jerk off,

And you have your happiness - not full mouth,
But full brain and soul. The spectrum is full.
There is something to teach them. But humble
God will hold his tongue. Let gods execute.

And now we have spring in the middle of winter.
Dandelions. Allergy. The white fuzz.
And the lines of verse-drawings keep stringing
The smell of wild bliss all around the house!
