The wedding of the dead

Down the avenues of the grief,
Down the avenues of the sad
I am sure you will follow me,
And I know that I will be dead.
See those roses, you held so soft,
So that petals could sing their song,
Saving light from our gloomy glow,
Humming silences all along.
Down the roads, covered with the past
Of our souls, our flesh and will,
You will walk me right through the dust,
Through the memories standing still.
On this sorrowful endless path
You will walk me right down the aisle
Just to bet that our peaceful death
Won't be chasing us. Tell the lie.
Keep forgeting your bets and vows,
Stay uncaring, stay cold and dead,
Be the god, take my sunny south
In your killing and cruel hand.
Touch the lyrics of our song
And destroy all the sense and rhyme.
What's been left from my sinful soul
Now is yours.
You can your time.
