Волк и ягнята, овцы и бараны
Посвящается И.А. Крылову и басням И.А. Крылова
:: "Враги! Нас окружают враги! Враги планируют напасть на нас, на Америку!
Но мы будем сильнее! Мы нападём на наших врагов первыми!
Мы перебъём всех наших врагов первыми!"
:: Джордж Буш ::
:: Джордж Буш, Из публичного выступления американского Президента США Джорджа Буша, показанного по американскому телевиденью :: (как я смотрела и запомнила это)
Волк и ягнята, овцы и бараны
- "Ты виноват уж в том, -
Хочу я кушать!", -
Натура Волка
Просит жрать
Ягнят, овец:
Каждый день!
Бараном закусив,
Скажу Баранам:
- Хотел сожрать меня?
Эй, ты?
А твой удел??
Скажу я
Новорождённому ягнёнку:
- Что скалишь белы зубья
На меня?
- Сожрать меня ты,
Серого Волчару,
Лишь только
- Но нет! Обманешь!
Старого Волчару
Врагу его, Ягнёнку,
Иль Овце,
Иль даже круглозадому
Не провести!
И никогда
Не съесть!
- Мы будем первыми!
Мы, Волки!
- Мы на Врага,
Напасть на нас хотел!!
Мы первые накинемся!
Все вместе!
- И стадо вражье
Мы ночью перебъём!
- Мы первые!
И не дадим Обиду,
Что Злобу Лютую
Овцы на нас мостят!
- Мы отомстим!
Не пожалев
Овец с Ягнятами!
Кто наш лютейший враг!
И ночью волки,
Глаза сверкали
Лютостью в ночи.
И кровь ягнят, овец
Текла по пасти.
А те мычали
в ночи.
Баран вожак
И Волк утащит,
На зубок.
Крылов сказал,
Волки нападают:
Натура просит
И просит
И, Сытый,
Волк стоял,
Перед ним,
Совсем малой.
Волк разговарил,
Всё собираясь
В силе,
Чтоб в лес ближайший
Пищал Ягнёнок
Что родился:
- Что в мыслях
Даже рядом не держал
Напасть на Волка:
Что сосёт он Маму-
Овцу свою пока,
Для молока.
- И что потом траву,
Траву зелёну,
Как мама,
Стал бы навсегда!
- Вегетарианцы мы,
и по природе!
- Неубедительно
Ты лжёшь мне!, -
- Ты лжив!
И странно выглядишь:
- Копыта
Как у Дьявола!!?
- И потому
Я должен
Чёрто стадо
Во Славу Божию,
Всё Овечье,
- Я Рыцарь! Я Герой!
Во Славу Божью
Таскаю Крест
Я на своей груди!
- Двурожье стадо,
Что Барание
От Дьявола,
Чертей -
Всегда забить!
Коровушка мычала:
- Пожалей мя!
Телёночка не трогай!!
Мой сынок!!!
- Два рога? Два??
У Дьявола набралась???!
- Зарезать
И Коровку и Телок!!!
Волк лютыми глазами огляделся.
Налоги он накинул на село:
За бесовщину,
Что с рогатыми связались, -
Теперь в казну
Чтоб всем
Платить оброк!
И на тяжёлой
Груженной подводе
С села уехали
Дары сельчан в казну.
А Волк ходил
В медвежьей шапке,
В шубе,
В каменьях,
В золоте,
Потом он Герцег,
Откупил палаты.
Жена его Волчица
При Серьгах.
Волчата подрастают,
Все крещёны,
Учась врагов
А где упали капли крови, -
Где бегали, резвясь, -
И незабудки
Синие мелькали,
По цвету глаз,
Зимою снег
Закроет все дороги.
Как падал он тогда,
В ночной тиши,
И днём:
- Поспите, милые!
Пускай вас не тревожат!
- Лихие напасти,
Что были,
Все прошли.
Снегурка белая,
Белёсые ресницы,
И белокожа,
Нежная сама:
- Тепло мне,
Дедушка Мороз!, -
Украдкой дуя в пальцы,
Варежку убрав.
Весна. Растаяла.
И нет Снегурки рядом.
Зато в белых цветах
Черёмуха цвела.
Зато зелёная трава
Пробила землю,
Ковром с цветами
К лету
А Волка вопли:
- Уууу!, -
По лесу.
То тосковала
Волчая душа
О чём-то в прошлом,
Что ушло
Носить оставя
Шкуру волчью
Забили волков.
Сколько можно? Люты!
Не выжить с ними
И никак!
И вдруг ребёнок, девочка,
Прижав к себе,
Так стал Волчонок тот
Но в лес удрал,
Как вновь была весна.
Деревню ту спалили
Другие, те,
А девочку малую
Волки встретя,
Вдруг окружили,
За свою.
Выросший малой Волчонок,
Что Та была добра
Когда-то к ней!
А малых близнецов,
Волчат как родных,
Кормила волчьим,
Но ведь, молоком!
И Рим.
И Римская Империя стояла.
По слухам,
От Волчицы двух сынков.
Вот только люто
Так их воспитала.
Без жалости громить
Своих врагов.
И Волчая Империя распалась.
Была сильна.
В развалинах лежит.
Но как мечтали Волки,
Баранов резать,
По Закону чтоб,
Под дых.
Все в законе.
Убиты миллионы.
Мало им:
- Ещё!
- Враги!
Кругом враги нас окружают!,-
Гитлер громко:
- Мы сильные!
Мы первые! Мы - мы!
Напали первыми
На страны,
Шесть страшных лет,
Страшных лет.
Закончилась война.
Убёгли Волки,
Бараны рады.
Овцы рады тож.
Тут Буш опять сказал:
- Враги нас окружают!
Напасть хотят!
Мы ж первые!
На них!
И США напали
Вдруг на страны.
Замолк ООН.
Какой Закон?
У Волков лютых
Их закон:
Их Жадность
Сожрать, задрав,
На зубок.
- Мы не виновны!
- В Мыслях нет
На Волков:
На Америку-Страну!
- Хе-хе! Как лжёте нам,
Как лжёте!
- Ракет, небось,
В Ираке,
И обвинив других,
В чём виноваты,
И обвинив других,
Что в планах выполнять,
Напали Волки,
Люто истребляя,
И тут, и тех,
И там, и здесь,
Да. Сила - Волки.
Лютость беспощадна.
А хочется пожить ещё хоть миг!
И где же,
С кем тут быть?
С Волками ль плакать?
Иль лютиком, простым цветком,
В полях, в лугах цвести?
Нет, не ушли.
Остались, держат будто.
И молятся о нас:
Чтоб нам тут жить.
- Ты Человек!
Душа коль Человечья, Добра!
- Ты Человече!
Коль Мечты Добры!
- И гнитесь, милые, порой,
Как травы гнутся!
- Коль силушка слаба,
Поклон спину не трёт!
- Зима накинет холода зимою,
- А ждут поля
Когда тепло!
- Гордыня - грех!
Сгубила многих! Нету!
- Ты голову в поклон,
Картуз сними:
- Чего изволите,
Мой Господин Суровый?
Мой Барин?
Чтобы Вас повеселить?
- А не получится:
В леса глухие,
Беги подальше,
Схоронясь, живи!
- В пещарах в прошлом
Люди выживали,
В Тёмных!
Спустясь под землю,
Только это трудно,
- Другой есть путь:
Он в Небеса. Летать как Ангел!
Сражаясь на мечьях, копьях,
С Зверьём.
- Другой есть путь:
Сложить с себя, как Ангел,
Кто крылья опустил и снял,
Приняв судьбу кротко.
- Ещё есть путь: то просто жить,
Как есть! Куда река потоком
- Судьба же каждому
Его всегда даётся!
- Лишь Свыше знают всё,
Зачем и что!
И помолясь,
С Иконами, с крестами,
Колокола звоницей
Как набат,
Мы веруем всегда
В Добро,
И в Благо.
Что будут лучше жить,
И лучше нас.
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Ссылки / Links
1. ::::::: И.А.Крылов :::::::::
Иван Андреевич Крылов, басни
"Волк и Ягнёнок", басня. Автор: Иван Андреевич Крылов
Крылов, Иван Андреевич (1769 - 1844)
Ivan Krylov
Ivan Andreyevich Krylov
(born 1769, Moscow - died 1844, Saint Peterburgh)
Крыло [Krylo] - a Wing (on English)
Krylov - Kriilow <-> Wing's - Wings
Крыть [kryt'] = to cover
Kрыло = Fl;gel (нем) (Flugel)
Крылья = Schwingef (нем, German)
Крылья = ali (итал. Italian)
Крылышко = ala, aletta (итал. Italian)
Крылья, Крыло, Крылышко.
Крыло фигиля
Крыть (ругать, ругаться, обзываться)
Ссылки / Links
2. ::::: Bush and Wars / Буш и войны ::::::
К сожалению, я не смогла (пока?) найти ту самую речь Буша, которую слушала на английском языка и запомнила, и перевод с которой я привела на русском.
Странное, но масса видео того времени с ютюба удалены. И загружены заново, частично, некоторые, видимо, отцензурованные.
Попробую попозже найти, а пока даю эти ссылки о том времени 2001-2004 года.
George W. Bush - The Best Bushisms -
NBCUniversal Archives
2002: Bush defines enemies
CNN channel
Published on 7 Feb 2013
As the U.S. recovers from the 9/11 attacks, George W. Bush coins "axis of evil" to describe Iran, Iraq and North Korea.
President Bush Axis of Evil Speech
KellyWurx channel on youtube / Published on 2 Apr 2013
President George W. Bush gives his "State of the Union" address just months after the 911 attacks. These excerpts show that, Republican or Democrat, it was an historic moment in time. Emotions ran high as Bush spoke to the country and the Congress.
2003 State of the Union - Bush prepares to invade Iraq pt 1
CheneyWatch1 channel on youtube/ Published on 2 Oct 2009
2003 State of the Union - Bush prepares to invade Iraq pt 2
CheneyWatch1 channel on youtube/ Published on 2 Oct 2009
2003 State of the Union - Bush prepares to invade Iraq pt 4
CheneyWatch1 channel on youtube/ Published on 2 Oct 2009
George W Bush Address to the United Nations, 9/12/2002 // Published on 17 Sep 2017
XJNW66B channel Youtube / Published on 17 Sep 2017
President George W. Bush Address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, September 12, 2002. The President spoke at 10:39 a.m. in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters
Emotional 911 Cathedral Speech - President Bush
KellyWurx / Published on 18 Apr 2012
The National Cathedral in Washington DC. A moving speech delivered on September 14, 2001. A day the entire country watched and mourned together, politics aside. For all the pain, it was a time that made people stop and think
Emotional President Bush - September 13, 2001
Anang // Published on 30 Apr 2012
1:26 Karl Rove describes this scene in Courage & Consequence:
This was one of those times in which a president, even in a crowded room, seems almost alone, and in which his words have the power to move a nation. Almost more than his words of grief and resolution, however, were the gestures and sense that his face and movements conveyed. Even cynical, jaded reporters were moved: everyone--all his aides, all the reporters--had tears in their eyes. Bush moved to leave the Oval Office and head for his private study next door. He glanced at me, and then hurriedly looked away.
I tried to discreetly wipe away my tears and followed the president into his private study. His eyes were red; he was nearly overcome with emotion. I, on the other hand, was completely overcome. Nothing could stop my tears.
George W. Bush The Night of 9-11-01
911archives / Published on 17 Aug 2011
George W. Bush The Night of 9-11-01. 9-12-01.
Download newspaper covers from 9-12-01:
George W. Bush Arrives at the White House 9-11-01
911archives / Published on 14 Aug 2011
George W. Bush Arrives at the White House 9-11-01. http://911archives.webs.com/
ABC- George W. Bush in Florida on WTC Attack
911archives / Published on 24 Nov 2013
Download newspaper covers from 9-12-01:
CNN - Ex-President George W. Bush's Post 9/11 Speech
DontDeleteMyVideos / Published on 15 Oct 2006
Ex-President George W. Bush speaks on 9/11 after the terrorist attacks.
George W Bush delivers his first public speech after 9/11 attack
The Telegraph / Published on 5 Sep 2011
The US President promises to find 'those folks' responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Centre.
Address to Nation on Terrorist Attacks, 9/11/2001
US National Archives / Published on 25 Sep 2015
9/11/2001/ Records of the White House Communications Agency (George W. Bush Administration)
National Archives Identifier: 6171390
Washington, D.C. President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office regarding the terrorist attacks on the United States.
Address to the Nation on Iraq Use of Force 3/19/2003
US National Archives / Published on 25 Sep 2015
3/19/2003. Records of the White House Communications Agency (George W. Bush Administration)
National Archives Identifier: 6171398
Washington, D.C. President George W. Bush delivers an address to the nation from the Oval Office announcing the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Bush: "Mission Accomplished" -- REAL Speech
RR4401 / Published on 19 Feb 2011
George W. Bush - Operation Iraqi Freedom 03/19/2003
AmericanRhetoric.com / Published on 14 Mar 2009
President George W. Bush: Operation Iraqi Freedom Address to the Nation, delivered on 19 March 2003 from the Oval Office.
Complete transcript and audio mp3 at:
BBC Iraq War Coverage - Bush speech. 2003.
rikiless / Published on 12 Apr 2011
Recorded: 2003
Source: VHS
BBC Iraq War Coverage DAY2 - Massive Bombardment. 2003
rikiless / Published on 10 Apr 2011
BBC News 24 live coverage simulcast on BBC World and BBC Four. Carrie Gracie, Matthew Amroliwala, Brian Hanrahan and Kirsty Lang.
Recorded: 2003
Source: VHS
Sky News - Shock & Awe Iraq
Russell Miller / Published on 20 Oct 2006
From Sky News Australia - recorded live at the time bombing started.
Watch: the moment British missiles hit in Iraq | Channel 4 News
Channel 4 News / Published on 1 Oct 2014
In the past two days Britain has joined an international coalition in conducting bombing missions in Iraq.
Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Rugman has been in the town of Rabia and saw missiles hit Islamic State group targets.
GWT: House to house searches [in Iraq mission], tank crew survive RPG attack
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
1. Various wides of British troops approaching factory for a search
2. Various of soldiers crouched with guns
3. Various of troops breaking through doors of factory with sledge hammer
4. Soldier running with fuse wire for explosive
5. Hands fixing detonator to fuse wire
6. Soldier detonating explosion, UPSOUND (English ) "Firing now"
7. Various of troops stacking seized guns
8. SOUNDBITE (English) Name not provided:
"Really what we wanted to achieve was to make sure that there was nothing in here that could be used by the enemy and that's one of the reasons why we've come in not necessarily with a big stick, we've not come in all guns blazing because we realise that this is actually a civilian facility that has been utilised by the Iraqi military to target the coalition forces."
9. Various of a group of factory workers being held for questioning by British troops
10. Troops stacking more seized guns
11. Troops leaving building after search
12. Union flag on side of damaged British Challenger 2 tank
13. Wide of damaged tank
14. Close up of the tank's commander David Baird
15. Soot on metal of tank
16. Zoom on smashed window
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Sergeant David Baird, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards (Commander of the tank):
"I was reversing the drive and all of a sudden I just saw a rocket propelled grenade coming towards me by the side, so I just ducked down and it just exploded and took the scopes out."
18. Pan along side of tank with bullet holes
19. Baird holding up singed sleeping mat, zooms on mat
20. Various of Gunner Stuart Ferguson getting out of tank
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Gunner Stuart Ferguson, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards:
"This could be my last moments, there's everything rushing past in front of you and think of all the things I've not done. It has been quite a drama. But we scraped though, we came through with no casualties. So, that's the main thing."
22. Captain James Moulton looking at damage to his Warrior fighting vehicle after a different RPG attack
23. SOUNDBITE (English) Captain James Moulton, Irish Guards:
"The guys in the back told me we'd been hit. I hadn't noticed. It seemed an RPG was fired just as we were going past it and hit this back bin (points at it), that was bent back an awful lot more , straight n to the back door and just ricocheted off into the other bin. So, it gave is a lot of confidence about how solid these things are, especially because this is generally considered a weaker point. But, very exciting."
24. Wide of tank
Troops in two British vehicles escaped unharmed after heavy attacks from Iraqi forces on Tuesday.
Commander David Baird's Challenger 2 tank was hit by an anti-tank missile and a series of rocket propelled grenades (RPG), but the crew escaped unhurt.
The tank was leading an assault by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and the Royal Marines, south of Basra.
But the crew was left exposed and unable to see outside the vehicle after the main sights were destroyed by a guided missile.
The tank then was reversed into a ditch and was the driver was unable to manoeuvre out again.
In the same area on Tuesday, one of the Irish Guard's Warrior fighting vehicles was hit by an RPG, causing superficial damage.
The captain, James Moulton, was unaware that they had been hit and said the incident gave him confidence in the level of protection inside the vehicles.
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GWT: British troops outside Basra, checkpoint, smoke in distance (29 Mar 2003)
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
(29 Mar 2003)
1. Member of Royal Irish guards looking through binoculars across river at Basra (smoke comes from Iraqis burning oil to create smokescreen)
2. Various of soldier and another who is firing in the direction of Basra (unclear what he is firing at)
3. British Challenger tank drives past in direction of Basra
4. Soldier in turret of armoured vehicle, pointing down road in direction of Basra
5. People on road from Basra
6. Wide shot of British army checkpoint
7. Various of British soldiers searching people coming from Basra
8. Soldier looking under bonnet of car
9. Wide shot of people stopped being held for questioning
10. SOUNDBITE: (English) Sergeant Ian Pickford, Irish Guards:
"Basically we're checking all the vehicles going in and out of the town. The things we are actually looking for, hopefully, is ammunition, pistols, long-barrelled weapons, things like that."
11. Pan from British army soldier with sub-machine gun to line of cars
12. Soldier and cars
13. SOUNDBITE: (English) Captain Jimmy Moulton, Irish Guards
"The local threat is essentially from rocket-propelled grenades. Many have been fired from about two or three hundred metres (yards) in front of us and indirect fire, especially 60 and 120 millimetre mortar. There is the threat, also, the sniper threat but we are quite confident we have got it covered."
14. Abandoned Iraqi army vehicle by side of road
15. Soldiers at checkpoint
On Saturday, members of the Royal Irish Guards, a part of the British army with strong links to both Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, were manning a checkpoint outside Basra, near the bridge on the road south of the city.
On Friday the soldiers and civilians crossing the bridge reportedly came under fire from Iraqi units on the other side.
The British soldiers returned fire.
The soldiers have been searching people leaving Basra in search of food and water, checking that none are carrying weapons.
Any who raise suspicion are detained for more questioning.
North of Basra, a British soldier was missing and believed killed after armoured vehicles came under attack in a possible "friendly fire" incident.
Four other soldiers were injured.
Britain's Ministry of Defence said it was investigating reports the soldiers - members of the Household Cavalry Regiment - had been fired on by U.S. warplanes on Friday.
The Ministry also said it was investigating reports several British soldiers had been kidnapped in Basra.
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GWT: Arrests, British run radio station, first call to prayers (2003?)
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
(2003?) ::Az Zubayr::
1. UK troops searching cars
2. Suspect in white robe and red headdress being led away by soldiers
3. Suspect is made kneel by car
4. Suspect is searched and personal effects removed
5. SOUNDBITE (English), Major Johnny Bowron, First Light Infantry:
"As part of a routine patrol in this town of Al Zubayr we came across a couple of men at a vehicle checkpoint, they may have been involved or may have information concerning the disappearance of some of our soldiers. We're taking them in for further enquiries. This is a campaign against the regime, not the people of Iraq. As you may have seen they were wearing civies which makes it that bit harder."
6. Man is detained in personal carrier, guarded by soldiers
7. Door closes
::Outside Basra::
8. Close-up of announcer for British radio, delivering messages in Arabic to Iraqis
9. Wide shot of announcer
10. Close-up of microphone
11. Close-up of desk
12. Zoom into Aerial
13. Exterior of cartoonist's tent
14. Various close-ups of anti-Saddam Hussein cartoon
15. Zoom out from leaflet reading "This time we won't abandon you"
16. SOUNDBITE: (English) British Army Cartoonist (no name given):
"There's absolutely no deceit involved. We tell the truth and the reason we tell the truth is because it's absolutely critical that we retain credibility with the Iraqi people."
17. Various of Arabic speaking men from the British army talking to a villager
18. Villager's house
19. Various of villager talking
20. Various of Basra civilians praying
::South Iraq::
21. Wide shot of back alley with sound of Muslim call to prayers
22. Mid shot of Iraqis talking to one another in the streets
23. School being repainted to get rid of images of Saddam
24. Set up of spokesman
25. SOUNDBITE (English) Lieutenant Colonel Tim Collins, Royal Irish Guards:
"We've been here for almost one week and since liberating this town we've seen fear disappear, they've handed in over 200 weapons and the lights and water have come back on again. But the substantial changes are that schools have started again, the children are back and worship has begun."
26. Various of barber cutting hair
27. Customer waiting for hair cut
28. Iraqi boys talking to UK soldiers
29. SOUNDBITE (English) Major Andrew Cullen, Royal Irish Guards:
"We're simply here to help them, we can't play God almighty and we can't enforce our own societal values on them. So the way I see our job is to facilitate their rebuilding of their community."
30. Mid shot of courtyard
31. Two men talking in courtyard
::: STORYLINE: :::
An Iraqi man was arrested for allegedly playing a "significant role" in the deaths of two British soldiers, said ITV News reporter Tim Ewart embedded with UK forces.
The man was detained at a road block set up by British troops at Al Zubayr, 15 miles outside Basra.
On March 23 Sapper Luke Allsopp, 24, of north London and Staff Sergeant Simon Cullingworth, 36, from Essex of the 33 (EOD) Engineer Regiment, a specialist bomb disposal unit of the Royal Engineers, went missing after an attack on military vehicles near Al Zubayr.
Their bodies were later shown on Qatar based satellite broadcaster al-Jazeera, prompting condemnation from coalition commanders and politicians.
Meanwhile a British operated radio station in Iraq, known as Two Rivers, continues to broadcast confident military messages to try persuade Iraqis that coalition forces have toppled Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Out in the desert its antennas are pointed straight towards Basra, a city of 1.2 million people.
5-thousand wind up radios are being distributed to the civilians of the city as coalition troops battle to win what they call "the hearts and minds" of the people.
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US patrols continue outside Najaf, arrests (2003?) (Iraq?)
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
2003 (?) :: Najaf :: Iraq (?) ::
1. Spanish army convoy driving through the city of Najaf
2. Various shots of US and Spanish soldiers with their guns pointing towards the street
3. Spanish armoured combat vehicle parked at Spanish base outside Najaf
4. US 3rd Brigade task force commander Colonel Dana Pittard meeting Spanish officers
5. US officers going into Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters
6. Sign: CPA headquarters
7. Colonel Pittard meeting Phil Kosnett, chief representative in Najaf province for CPA
8. Various interiors of CPA headquarters
9. SOUNDBITE (English) Phil Kosnett, CPA Chief Representative in Najaf province:
"If you watch the movies you would think that life as a diplomat is all cocktail parties and receptions but that is not what it is about, it is part of our job to risk our lives like this."
10. US officer on top of roof of building overlooking city
11. Views of Najaf from rooftop
12. US officers making notes on map
13. Spanish armoured vehicles at base compound
14. Exteriors of CPA headquarters
15. Group of US officers
16. SOUNDBITE (English) Colonel Dana Pittard, US 3rd Brigade task force commander:
"We just have to see each other face to face. We saw each other two days ago for the first rehearsal and I just wanted to to make sure we are online."
17. Convoy returning to the forward operation base hotel north of Najaf
18. Various of men with bags on their heads (These are five people suspected to be Sadr sympathisers detained during patrols on Saturday)
19. Detainees being driven away
The head of the US 3rd Brigade Task Force that has gathered outside Najaf on Saturday travelled to a coalition base that is frequently attacked by militants loyal to the radical Shia cleric, Muqtada al-Sadr.
Colonel Dana Pittard met the Salvadoran soldiers who defend the base and held talks with Phil Kosnett, the CPA chief representative in Najaf province, who said the situation in Najaf remained dangerous.
"If you watch the movies, you would think that life as a diplomat is all cocktail parties and receptions. That is not what it is about," Kosnett said.
Some two and a half thousand US troops deployed this week to the outskirts of Najaf on a mission to kill or capture al-Sadr.
US commanders have said they have no plans for the time being to go into Najaf, the holiest Shiite city, where al-Sadr is located in his office.
The US forces appear to be holding back their firepower to allow moderate clerics to bring pressure against al-Sadr, avoiding an assault on Najaf.
A top al-Sadr aide, Jabir al-Khafaji, said mediations by Iraqi politicians had ended because of US conditions that the cleric's al-Mahdi Army militia be disbanded.
Militiamen attacked two US Humvees outside Najaf on Saturday, sparking a battle, witnesses said.
Al-Sadr loyalists also fired mortars at the Spanish army base, but there were no casualties.
A coalition soldier - apparently a member of the Spanish-led force in the city - was killed the night before in fighting with the militia, the US military said.
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US forces set up roadblocks around Najaf and Kufa [2003?][Iraq?]
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
::: Najaf and Kufa :: [2003?] :: [Iraq?] :::
1. Wide shot of roundabout on the eastern side of Euphrates river
2. Poster with the picture of Moqtada al-Sadr among other religious leaders
3. Views of the aftermath of the US attack on Monday night
4. Picture of Imam Ali
5. Shot of the bridge over Euphrates river
6. US military checkpoint
7. Tank
8. Iraqi men lined up on the side of the road
9. Close up of Iraqi men
10. US soldier searching an Iraqi man
11. US soldier aiming tow missile launcher
12. Iraqi boy waving at US soldiers from a bus window
13. Iraqi cars at the roadblock
14. Group of Iraqis waiting to pass through
15. US soldier searching Iraqis
16. Views of the mortar attack on the roadblock, US soldiers taking positions, audible mortar explosion
17. US helicopters flying overhead
::: STORYLINE: :::
US forces set up roadblocks around Najaf and the town of Kufa on Thursday, as they moved to put down a militia loyal to anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
The US military is treading carefully in Najaf, moving on the Mehdi Army militia while staying away from the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf and other sensitive Shiite holy sites.
Backed by tanks and helicopters, a US army unit set up a roadblock on the eastern side of Euphrates river near the Kufa bridge, at the roundabout that bears marks of Monday's air strikes that killed dozens of Mehdi army militiamen.
Kufa is located in about 10 kilometres (six miles) northwest from Najaf.
The roadblock was set up around two kilometres (1.25 miles) from the Kufa mosque, which is amongst the holiest sites in Shiite Islam.
Any action perceived to harm to the Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf could turn the limited al-Sadr revolt into a widespread uprising by Iraq's Shiite majority.
Earlier on Thursday, witnesses reported that Shiite militiamen clashed with US troops at a base in the holy city of Najaf.
There were no immediate details on the clashes.
Witnesses said militiamen fired seven mortars at the base, causing no casualties.
On Monday about 200 US troops moved into the base on the road linking Najaf and Kufa to protect the Coalition Provisional Authority headquarters on the territory of the base.
Some 2,000 US troops are deployed outside Najaf, the holiest Shiite city in Iraq.
US forces have vowed to kill or capture Sadr, who has spearheaded an uprising against the US-led occupation by his Mehdi Army militia and supporters.
Sadr is wanted in connection with the murder of a moderate Iraqi cleric.
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Attacks on convoys, US hunt for militants, comment on Fallujah (Iraq)
AP Archive / Published on 21 Jul 2015
:: Kut :: Iraq ::
1. Soldiers next to Humvee on Kut street
2. Close shot of soldier''s hand holding weapon
3. SOUNDBITE (English) Staff Sergeant Love, 2nd Armoured Cavalry Regiment:
"Right now we sustained no individual problems, any of the situation that we''re looking for or the enemy that we''re looking for, it''s been quiet and we hope it stays quiet, so we can give the city back to its people."
4. Iraqi police riding on police pickup truck
5. Wide shot of soldiers through barbed wire
:: Baghdad :: Iraq ::
6. Various tracking shot, plume of smoke rising
7. Various of looters removing contents from truck
8. More of looters removing contents from truck
9. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Vox Pop:
"If the Americans don''t leave Fallujah in peace, we won''t allow them to live in peace. All of us, from Baghdad, Fallujah, Abu Ghraib, we will all fight them."
10. Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, Coalition Military Spokesman walking into news conference
11. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, Coalition Military Spokesman:
"I can tell you that the coalition casualties since the first of April runs about 70 personnel have been killed in action. I can tell you that the casualty figures that we received from the enemy runs somewhere about ten times that amount. What we have inflicted on the enemy in terms of civilian casualties, there is no reliable authoritative figure out there. We would ask the Ministry of Health perhaps once Iraqi control remains inside of is allowed back in gets in Fallujah, they can get a fair honest credible figure."
:: Latifiya :: Iraq ::
12. Smouldering truck
13. Burnt truck with charred M113 APC
14. Burnt truck
15. Masked man pulling at burnt vehicle
16. Masked armed man holding gun and shouting ''God is great''
:: Baghdad :: Iraq ::
17. SOUNDBITE (English) Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, Coalition Military Spokesman:
"Over the past 24 hours we have put significant amount of combat power on both areas of operation to open up those lines of communication so we can not only resupply our forces in Fallujah, Ramadi and our forces down south, but also make those roads safe for travel. They''re at a condition that we would call amber, it is certainly not green yet."
:: Baghdad :: Iraq ::
18. Various shots of of US military vehicles at Mostansiriya University
19. Various shots of of military vehicles at university
20. US Military vehicle with loudspeaker announcement; UPSOUND: (Arabic) "Hand in your weapons and leave the university."
::: STORYLINE: :::
The US military said late on Monday it had the Iraqi cities of Kut, Nasiriyah and Hillah under control.
US troops resumed patrols in Kut, almost 160 kilometers (100 miles) southeast of Baghdad, on Monday after retaking it from followers of the radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr on Friday.
That military action was the first major foray in months by the US military into southern Iraq.
Hospital officials in Kut said 23 Iraqis were killed in the fighting.
A US soldier, Staff Sergeant Love of the second Armoured Cavalry Regiment, said he hoped Kut stayed quiet "so we can give the city back to its people."
Last Wednesday Ukrainian troops pulled out Kut after coming under attack by militia supporting al-Sadr, who had demanded that US forces leave Iraq, or face "a civil revolt."
Elsewhere in the south of the country, members of the Iraqi Governing Council have reportedly held talks with followers of al-Sadr, who still controls the three holy cities of Karbala, Kufa and Najaf.
One factor that has held off US action to uproot al-Sadr''s al-Mahdi Army militia was the presence of up to 1.5 (m) million Shiite pilgrims in Karbala, for Sunday''s al-Arbaeen ceremonies, one of the holiest days of the Shi''ite religious calendar.
Most pilgrims had left the city by Monday morning.
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U.S. Marines in Deadly Firefight | Battle of Fallujah | Operation Phantom Fury 2004
MilitaryCorner / Published on 3 Oct 2015
:: 2004 :: Fallujah :: [Iraq?] [Afganistan?][Vietnam?][Cambodga?][Syria?][Lybia?]{??]
RECON COMPANY: https://www.recon-company.com
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U.S. Marines in Deadly Firefight | Battle of Fallujah | Operation Phantom Fury 2004
MilitaryCorner / Published on 3 Oct 2015
:: 2004 :: Fallujah :: [Iraq?] [Afganistan?][Vietnam?][Cambodga?][Syria?][Lybia?]{??]
My Comment here
Locals had weapons? Have American Citizens USA had and have their weapons in their homes?
Is this ILLEGAL By American Laws TO HAVE weapons in homes for the self-defense s or just to have?
They lived in their own country by their way. They had weapons at home?
This is a legal thing to have weapons in a home by American Laws for American Citizens USA as a normal ordinary things, is not?
Please check the destination as Iraq is another country and far away from USA American land, please see a distance to have fears of bullets from weapons of people from Iraq as these bullets are not rockets to have a paranoia fears.
What is a distance USA-Iraq?
Iraq is not USA land.
Afghanistan is not American land.
These countries are far far away from USA land on a huge distance too.
1 rocket (Iraq) USA
Distance in miles?
Distance in km?
Distance in hours. minutes, seconds? for a possible rocket Iraq-USA?
Flightradar gave speed of plenty modern place to account for a possible plane from Iraq to a rocket.
Where are base of satellites on the planet to be able to trace so sort things?
USA has a powerful strongest 6th Fleet USA to protect USA borders!
Or USA has not already any 6th Fleet USA and any satellites too?
Just cartoons as a games promotions for a budget?
1 rocket (Iraq) USA
Distance in miles?
Distance in km?
Distance in hours. minutes, seconds? for a possible rocket Iraq-USA?
From Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
Distance = 9654.955 km
Distance = 5999.311 miles
Typical cruising air speed for long-distance commercial passenger flights is
475–500 knots
(878–926 km/h; 546–575 mph)
Time = Distance / Speed
From Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
Distance = 9654.955 km
Speed 926 km/h
Time of a flight for a plane: 10.43 hours (10 hours 26 min)
A commercial fastest plane flied from Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
for 10 hours 26 minutes
(a stange result , as a plane London-USA flied for 10-15 hours
while a plane from Baghdad should fly to New Yourk, USA via London)
From Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
Distance 5999.311 miles
Speed 575 mph (fastest commesrcial plane)
Time of a flight for a plane: 10.43 hours or 10 hours 26 minutes
A commercial fastest plane flied from Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
for 10 hours 26 minutes
From London, UK till New Yourk, USA
Distance = 5576.819 km
Distance = 3465.274 miles
A commercial fastest plane flied from Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
for 10 hours 26 minutes
I do not know spped of rockets.
7.9 kilometers per second
If a rocket is launched from the surface of the Earth, it needs to reach a speed of at least
7.9 kilometers per second
(4.9 miles per second)
in order to reach space.
This speed of 7.9 kilometers per second is known as the orbital velocity, it corresponds to more than 20 times the speed of sound.
Rocket speed - How fast does a rocket have to travel to reach space ...
7.9 km/second
4.9 miles/second
From Baghdad, Iraq till New York, USA
Distance = 9654.955 km
Distance = 5999.311 miles
Rocket speed
7.9 km/second,
Distance = 9654.955 km
Time of a flight, average
Time of a flight, average = distance/speed of roket =
= 9654.955 km / 7.9 km/second =
= 1222.12 seconds = 20.36 minutes = 20 minutes +
== 20 minutes
Rocket speed
4.9 miles/second
Distance = 5999.311 miles
Time of a flight, average = distance/speed of roket =
= 5999.311 miles / 4.9 miles/second = 1224.34 seconds
1224 seconds == 20.40 minutes = 20 minutes +
== 20 minutes
(Oh, I saw these 20 minutes numbers now in speeches of Bush and other English-speaking Top Politicians, they calculated all, probably, some way as I just have calculated here)
But! But any war is the preparation to a war as huge work of team with a logistic and a brain washing in news by Top Politicians to mark their Target to prapare their populations to a war ideas?
British Scientist whom had worked in Iraq declared it was no rockets technology in Iraq as the information from the professional British scientist in this area whom had worked in Iraq on this issues check.
He had not saw or founded any evedences of any rocket or rockets in Iraq.
This British Scientist was pushed and blamed for his open public opinion to British Nation by a rude blaming way of his humilation as the obligation to stay as a state slave in a slavery country and as a bad slave for a having his personnel professional opinions and worries as Top Politicians lied to British Nation.
This British Scientist (== as Andrey Saharov, Russian Scientist in some field of knowledge had another destiny as he lived in a modern British society of Great Britian:
This British Scientist had killed himself after as a suincide,
but people belived someone helped him, so, killed him to punish him and to close all mouths of each Britishl professional to say something more publicly
against the wishes of Top Politicians
to go to The War with Iraq immideatly.
Nobody saw any rocket from Iraq. Tony Blair said somethings as he lied but he had not worried as this way helped to free people of Iraq from Saddam.
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