Wait a wee..
Wait a wee, the morning light…
Don’t penetrate throughout the panes…
Wait a wee, my nighttime guest…
Don’t disappear with amber rays…
The night is mine…for this last time…
To feel your presence once again …
Transparent vision…lonely mime…
Cold lunar path splits us in twain…
Your Voice still echoes in my chamber
Quoth: ”Farewell, my Beloved Flame…
If you forget me…I’ll forgive you…
I’ve missed it all…I’ve lost my way…
Though it is said…the Shadows can’t cry…
I’d be the slave of what I’ve done…
Beseech you…Tiny Star…to shine!
In bleary world…forsaken by the Sun… ”
To gather all our fading melodies…
And let them floating in the air…
I’m grateful to you for all memories…
One day you’ll hear My Voice somewhere…
Wait a wee, the beam of dawn…
Do not destroy my fragile sleep…
Wait a wee, my nighttime love…
Your floret in my hands I’ll keep…
Свидетельство о публикации №118050709177
Best regards!
Михаил Буреломов 09.02.2020 14:44 Заявить о нарушении
Наталия Михейкина 09.02.2020 16:14 Заявить о нарушении