Рецензии. Переводы
Рецензия на «В гостинице» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Four families, twelve brothers
Live in the Earth hotel.
They do not peeve each other –
And everything is well!
First guests are white and cold,
December’s older bro.
Jan, Feb are winter souls,
They bring white clear snow.
Spring family is second.
March’s wind and April’s rain.
Bright May will come and beckon
Again and again.
Good summer comes to visit
So nice is morning dawn.
July, June are exquisite,
And August’s so warm.
October and September
Are children of sad Fall.
And younger son – November –
He fills hotel by cold.
They do not peeve each other,
Live in the Earth hotel –
Four families, twelve brothers.
And everything is well!
Кирилл Ивницкий 05.10.2019 11:45
Рецензия на «Ночная встреча» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Autumn called – but it was not abruptly,
And she said that she will come soon here.
We will meet this guest – she will feel cuddly,
We’ll sing gala anthem for Fall dear.
We will gift her nice bouquet of flowers,
We’ll walk her across nice gorgeous carpet,
We will walk her to the splendid tower
Which is shining by bright golden, scarlet.
Door is locked, but it is not a woe –
Fall has magic key (she is not helpless).
It will be at moonlit night – I know.
Fall will settle in the tower-palace
And then she will enter and compose
Essay – handsome, little bit of sadness.
Golden pages of her pretty rhymes
We will read in sunbeams of new morning. –
Syllable of autumn is so fine –
It will be gilt in this early dawning!
Кирилл Ивницкий 31.08.2019 09:46
Рецензия на «О нежданном» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
She lives invisible, she’ll come
So unexpected to all people.
She’s so gentle like the sun,
We feel in our hearts strong ripple.
She very likes to play her tunes
On strings of souls of mankind.
Don’t to resist her – your life soon
Will be more beautiful and kind!
You’ll learn to love the whole world,
Learn to do good, learn to be happy.
She’s Love! She will win hearts of all,
All people – all girls and all chappies.
You will meet native soul and
You’ll live in love without woe.
And with your woman or your man –
In yourself light space you will open...
Кирилл Ивницкий 07.07.2019 09:27
Рецензия на «Романс» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
We can’t back time, dreams are broken.
Love won’t back, will back only pain.
And parachutes of words that spoken –
They cannot open up again.
We cannot get away from ground
To fly in sky at morning dawn,
‘Cause doubt’s burden pulls us down,
And couple will not be reborn.
Bouquet by beautiful white roses
Is faded. And he will not burn.
And so heavy my life’s prose,
And faith in happiness is gone.
But verses do not listen praying.
My soul’s empty, sans light’s gleam.
And she is silent. She’s not saying –
She is just cherishing my dreams.
But they will not come true – I know.
‘Cause there’s no love, and spring has passed.
And in my heart is only snow…
My love, don’t call me... All’s in past…
Кирилл Ивницкий 02.06.2019 18:26
Рецензия на «Сумерки...» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Sadly. Grey twilight. Deserted around.
Yellow circle’s in sky over town.
Mist came. Silently. No place to run…
Landscape is dim. I am tired. I’m one.
Longing is gnawing my heart like black worm,
Night is ahead. So far ‘til next morn...
Кирилл Ивницкий 14.03.2019 10:14
Рецензия на «О счастливых» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
With spring march’s dancing so shyly,
‘Cause early love’s like timid light.
And dance is charming them so highly,
And whole life is like nice flight.
Space gives them star of fate, and meeting
Has taken place on our Earth
Which she’s still white. But we’re believing:
They will come true – dreams ‘bout warmth.
Nice feeling’s warming hearts of lovers –
And it is spreading on this world!
Yes, spring will win! And awesome flowers
Will bloom in soul of cute girl!
With young spring shyly march is dancing –
And there is no need advising.
Кирилл Ивницкий 13.03.2019 15:27
Рецензия на «Снится лето» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Winter reigns outside.
But I fly away on wings
Of my splendid, lovely dreams
To hot summer at this night.
I feel gentle warmth of sun,
Loud splash of playful waves,
Shine of these summer days.
Summer is a time for fun!
Now winter is around,
Endless cold day by day.
But I know: anyway
Summer will come to my town!
Кирилл Ивницкий 08.02.2019 18:50
Рецензия на «От лица ЛГ» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Ah, lovely summer. Heat from nice hot sun.
Wonderful summer’s for our fun!
Roses are good, they are pleasing my eyes,
Roses are gentle and fresh – and it’s nice!
Yellow, scarlet – for me and for you.
Our favorite flowers – it’s true!
Here’s an arch – above our way,
She’s like a rainbow in summer day.
Our meeting! And we are so glad!
Sky’s clear. And we don’t think ‘bout bad.
Beauty and youth – for us they are so worth,
Life smiles kindly on our Earth.
Splendid dress, hat and umbrella are fine!
Love and horizon of sea are in mind.
Yours tux and cane are so fashion things!
I am your Lady, and you are my King!
Our couple’s successful – we know,
We’ll live in harmony sans any woes.
Кирилл Ивницкий 07.02.2019 21:19
Рецензия на «С мечтой о весне» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I thank to fate for our meeting –
In life each other we don’t lost.
Bright stars and moon are in this evening,
And window’s painted by nice frost.
Guitar is ringing so softly.
We’re hearing whisper of cold wind.
With your songs I am feeling warmly,
And East comes to us in sweet dream.
Sun’s burning hotly like a flame,
But from heat palms are saving ground.
And sea is calling me by name,
And gently azure is around.
And sky by endless blue is greeting,
She’s making me to feel delight.
But in this home is an evening
That’s turning into winter night.
Our dreams are so clear –
They are about summer, spring.
And dreams about youth, my dear,
More than one times songs will bring!
Кирилл Ивницкий 31.01.2019 15:06
Рецензия на «В зимней тишине» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Winter is again
In my lovely town.
She changed pouring rain –
White is all around.
Snowflakes are spinning.
Here’s the New year!
In this magic evening
Family is near.
Holiday New Year –
He’s on Earth, in skies.
Bliss is there, here,
Joy’s in children eyes.
So happy people,
Gracing firs and pines.
Tinsel’s on green needles –
It is so fine!
Lanterns are alone:
Will not meet with trees –
‘Cause trees are in home,
Lanterns are in street.
Snow’s on the benches.
Calm is everywhere –
It’s embracing gently
Streets and parks, and square.
Кирилл Ивницкий 26.12.2018 20:06
Рецензия на «Мама и дочь» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Hot fireplace is burning bright,
Through window sun is giving light.
And mom is saying: «We’re well done!»
Yes, daughter so good helped her mom,
Because girl was collecting peel,
When mom was doing own deal –
Was clearing fresh juicy fruits –
And compote will be so good.
Mom’s pleased. And daughter wants to play
With mom at this nice sunny day.
Girl’s face is shining by delight –
She’s hugging mommy so tight.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.12.2018 13:38
Рецензия на «Ручей зимой» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
In winter suddenly through snow
He made his way – this icy stream.
By cold water he fast flows –
He is so strong and so clean.
And snows are lush and are white,
But sans the bright rays and a gleam.
And landscape colors are so light,
But the dark water's in this stream.
The artist could see and display
On canvas winter natural world.
And beauty of the winter’s day
Yes, he conveyed to us, to all.
As in the mirror we can see
The trees and winter in the stream.
This picture’s just for you and me –
It all seems like a fairy dream.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.12.2018 11:28
Рецензия на «С верой в счастье» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
We split up. Autumn – it’s the sad time.
I look at fell leaves, think ‘bout you.
I keep memory in heart, in mind.
I remember your soft, gentle view.
Birds have flown away from the cold.
Love and warmth – they are welcome to all.
I sleep and I see sun – it’s so gold,
I sleep and I see the summer world.
I remember the diamond warm rain –
We were walking with you under him.
Now I am alone. And from pain
I am saved only in my sweet dreams.
I can’t hear songs of nightingale.
Icy winter’s ahead in the life.
But I know – will come true light tale,
‘Cause she keeps us: Her Majesty – Love.
Autumn twilight don’t dare to tire,
Time will come – spring will be on the Earth!
And again will burn our fire,
To each other we’ll say needed words!
Кирилл Ивницкий 16.12.2018 15:11
Рецензия на «Двойная звезда» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
You don’t notice me, you look on other,
Bright stars beckon you – you gift them gaze.
I burn so distant, but I wanna
Be your star – you’ll come to me through haze.
You’ll unravel image of my gladness
Over of space worlds and planets’ light.
You’ll appear, you’ll erase my sadness,
You’ll not fright by limit of the height.
Let the double star will light in heaven!
Let the happiness will shine by bright rays
Of the holy love – it will so pleasant!
In this limitlessness our way.
We’re the halves of one, we can be far –
But we are the wings of double star.
Кирилл Ивницкий 22.11.2018 11:36
Рецензия на «Мир хороший» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Yes, droplet of the rain –
She will not disappear.
Let she has not a name,
But she has not a fear.
She’s not afraid ups, downs,
And to be there, here.
She always lives around
The circle. Many years.
And seas, and lakes, and oceans –
So fine everywhere!
World gives us good emotions!
Earth is for life forever!
Earth is a truly wonder!
I love and spring, and summer.
Кирилл Ивницкий 05.11.2018 09:09
Рецензия на «Найти ключ» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Each epoch has its own special her style,
And faces of past epochs are so awesome.
And we’d like to get into her for a while –
We are sure that with her we’ll have not to boredom.
Yes, how folks lived and thought long time ago,
What was dear to them – we’re asking these questions.
The pictures, the music, the books – they, sure, know
About the past life of different lands, nations.
And touch of romance leads us to the deep tynes,
Because our story is a former riddle.
Need to read this code and right key needs to find –
It is the hard work. And it is not to twiddle.
Кирилл Ивницкий 02.11.2018 21:07
Рецензия на «Осенний эдем» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
In Eden autumn so shines,
By pure gold she painted trees,
She didn’t touch the firs and pines –
And on the ground she put leaves.
And fine waterfalls are awesome.
The water’s gauzy and so clean.
As if award for us gold autumn.
The fall’s a twin-sis of the spring.
The lovers whistle in the silence.
Leaves rustle. River murmurs smooth.
The harmony. There’s not violence.
Such landscape soul will be soothed.
It’s the end of another year,
But sweetie dreams in our minds.
All’s so fine – no place for tears.
All is so nicely – what a time!
The lovers’ ally’s golden autumn –
Her gentle hand in his sure hand.
The lovers have no time for boredom,
And sadness never will touch them.
Light of Big Love is so divine,
We hear gentle magic song.
Two are together – all will fine!
Let life continue! Goes on!
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.10.2018 16:36
Рецензия на «Жизнь без проблем» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Yes, I just love to be alone.
And I like my silence and rest.
I live as well as I want in my home,
And I’ve got no troubles and mess.
I am self-sufficient and I am strong,
And I make the comfort for self.
And I keep my Freedom, because I don’t
Want to feel as if in the cell.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.10.2018 11:43
Рецензия на «Прости» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I live in the white room,
Like rose with the thorns.
And sans you I will bloom,
‘Cause be free I was born.
We are so different, yes –
Like blue sky and grey ground.
I’ll not give you the gentle,
And your blood will cool down.
I’ll not stay you alone –
And it is not my blame.
North is my native home,
You are the southern flame.
Do not me hold tight,
I’m the rose from snow.
I’ll not fly to bright light
To the hot fondness. No.
I fright of fire of the love:
‘Cause snow – he will melt.
I’m sorry! Maybe it sounds rough.
Forget me! Nothing tell!
Кирилл Ивницкий 16.10.2018 15:46
Рецензия на «В свете звёзд» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Like cosmos the Love – she is endless,
Space – he’s for new couple of world.
Stars protect them from hidden menace,
Bright smiles of guy and of girl.
«Good luck!» – we will wish to the lovers.
We’ll say it to new couple thrice.
We’ll decorate way with nice flowers,
To help to find them paradise.
«Save each other and love» – we’re blessing,
And it will be so – no doubt!
In order to guests on the Golden wedding
«Hurray! Bitter!» could shout loud.
Stars protect them from hidden menace,
Bright smiles of guy and of girl.
Like cosmos the Love – she is endless,
Space – he’s for new couple of world.
Кирилл Ивницкий 14.10.2018 11:51
Рецензия на «Уеду» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I will move from north to south, yes.
Far from winters. Warm sea, meet the guest!
I’ll come in heat summer through green spring,
‘Cause for health cold is an evil thing.
Here grey skies – it is day by day,
From this boredom I will run away,
I will go in land of big love –
Kindness in cold North is not enough.
Кирилл Ивницкий 03.10.2018 20:25
Рецензия на «Поздравляю» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Great Internet became
The magic book of knowledge
For people. And he came
In every flat and college.
He’s full of information,
In him gods serve (I’m sure it!).
Yes, he unites all nations
There are no borders for it.
News, mails come to people,
We can see films, play games.
In rights He made all equal
Regardless of the names.
On this day of the autumn
I’ll say: «Сongratulations!
I’ll wish that all will awesome
In our creations!»
Кирилл Ивницкий 30.09.2018 14:26
Рецензия на «Накануне встречи» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I wait for news all the time,
My dear will recall me.
He’ll warm my heart – all will fine!
He’ll come – and I can see him.
He’ll become the gently summer,
He’ll be the sun of July.
My friend, where are you? – I wonder.
Sans you so cold my life.
You will melt ice of the sadness
By gaze of your burning eyes.
You’ll came – it will be great gladness,
And so blue will the skies.
Кирилл Ивницкий 22.08.2018 19:57
Рецензия на «Гладиолус» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Folks Gladiolus named –
«Divine love». It’s rightly.
He is like a bright flame,
His stem is tall and sightly.
This beauty is divine:
His blossom are two-color,
His wavy bends are fine,
And ajour crowns flowers.
These colors: white, Aurora’s –
They were united gently.
And fantasy of Flora
Is boundless and endless.
It’s like he is from Eden.
His image is perfection.
There is a smooth of rhythm.
He’s quiet and he’s passion.
Named after Aphrodite,
«Divine love» was named.
It sounds fresh and brightly –
It sounds great and plain.
Among the autumn flowers
He’s proud of the grandeur.
Love goddess – she’s his lover,
She’s pretty like an angel.
Кирилл Ивницкий 21.07.2018 08:56
Рецензия на «Телефонный роман» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
It’s a phone affair,
It is from bell to bell,
Sometimes life is unfair,
Sometimes life as if hell.
And love is so far,
Only sighs, only dreams.
Wanna be where you are –
Where’s the endless spring.
But I can’t see your eyes.
What’s inside in your soul?
But I know – all will nice.
For me you’re the whole world.
It’s a phone affair,
No place for the lie.
I don’t trust in a fake,
I trust in the love’s light.
Phone rang in my home.
Yes, I know – it’s you!
I’m again not alone!
And I’m not feeling blue.
You are talking about
The Big Love. How you miss.
You’ll return – it’s no doubt,
And you’ll give me the kiss.
It’s a phone affair –
Our joy, our sad.
I am here, you’re there.
Until so. And let…
In separation, my friend,
Our feelings became
Stronger sans the touches hands,
Gentler, and it is main!
Love – she will never fade.
Awaits us native shore.
Gazes sans the words say:
«You are mine, I am yours!»
Кирилл Ивницкий 29.06.2018 10:09
Рецензия на «Месяц долгих дней» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Just a moment from dusk to bright dawn.
Jumps of sparrow. Midnight. Moonlight. Silence.
Fairy-tale time ‘til summer morn.
Night in June – she is like awesome diamond.
The first month of summer, he’s so young,
He’s the last month of the first half year.
He’s the lightest, he lit by bright sun.
Day in June is long and green, and clear.
Paint of summer’s funning our souls.
In blue water clean sky’s reflecting.
Flowers – they are adorning knolls ,
Clouds – they are looking like perfectly.
Кирилл Ивницкий 15.06.2018 21:14
Рецензия на «Наш парк» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
We were so happy, so close.
Park met us, sparkling like a diamond,
We met a tulip and a rose.
By gentle light Big Love was shining.
It was a golden autumn day,
And leaves were falling on the roads,
Love’s tune was with us on the way,
We didn’t know grief and sorrow.
My gentle hand in your strong hand –
Girl is a heart, guy is a mind.
Love story written by us. And
Our fates – they were combined.
And all is good, it can’t be wrong,
We are among the trees and flowers.
Nice bird was singing pretty song
‘Bout the wedding and the lovers.
Past year gave for us Big Love,
The summer in the world again.
Together we go through the life –
To keep love – it’s the lovers’ aim.
For happiness was made this park,
He is like fairy-tale kingdom.
And in it these young blazing hearts
Are feeling lightness, rest and Freedom!
Кирилл Ивницкий 13.06.2018 20:47
Рецензия на «А у нас...» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Rain came to us tonight
And clenched town so tight.
We heard sounds of first drops,
They are falling – they don’t stop.
Street is sparkling by the light.
In the town – magic night.
Barnaul’s listening rainy hum,
It’s weird and it is fun.
Barnaul’s seeing splendor night,
Water’s falling from dark height.
There’re puddles in the lanes,
With the splash of the spring rain.
Town’s luster is so nice.
April has got own spice:
He’s the envoy of the spring,
He’s a keeper of the dreams.
Rain will until the dawn –
And then will be sunny morn.
Кирилл Ивницкий 14.04.2018 08:10
Рецензия на «Добрым словом...» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
To light verse by a good word,
To oppose against the war.
To reflect the dreams in rhymes,
To sing nice at any times.
Good beginning he must bless,
To give hope, faith in best,
On lies not to close eyes,
To praise truth – and twice, and trice.
To behold the dreaming world
And to show his to all,
To make think, to make to seek,
And to hear, and to speak.
It is the true poet’s aims –
Or his work will be in vain.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.03.2018 14:19
Рецензия на «Аура любви» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Aura of love, flowers and spring...
There are no clouds in blue skies.
Days of early youth are so clean.
Bright bouquet of feelings – he is nice.
And clean angel’ – he is so light.
Near the beloved is faithful friend.
He’s the only one. He holds you tight.
Magic of the Love will never end.
And in life they will be hand in hand,
Newly couple’s starting their way.
They will come in their wonderland,
They will be together every day!
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.03.2018 05:35
Рецензия на «В весеннем ключе» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I love. I’m happy at all season.
The love by magic wing at dawn –
She touched me gentle – it’s a reason
Why I am feeling pleasant warmth.
Bright fete in heart and in whole town,
Spring’s blooming in my joyful soul.
I’m gifting smiles all around!
I’m blessing everyone in world!
Nice buds are breathing so lightly.
Bouquet of love is fresh and sweet.
Spring, summer – they are sparkling brightly!
It endless fete in our street!
Кирилл Ивницкий 06.03.2018 05:29
Рецензия на «Марина» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Huge sea, our ship with the sails,
And seagulls – they are flying high.
Big waves and grey dolphins entail,
Nice blue vault of the clear sky.
White foam of sea’s so fleeting,
And clouds – they are so white.
Blue water is pure and pretty.
Bright sun gives to all gentle light.
And sails – afar they are pinking.
They are look like the mighty wings.
By wetness and strength sea is breathing –
It is the blue sea. It’s fresh wind.
Romantic mood of azure picture –
It’s beautiful and it is high.
Motif of the sea space – he is rich,
He is so airy and light!
Кирилл Ивницкий 23.02.2018 11:13
Рецензия на «Обручальные кольца» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Two wedding rings – they are nice,
They interlaced our world.
Planet of love – it’s for us,
It is for guy and for girl.
Gold is a metal of dawn,
A sign of yellow sun.
Aura’s a color of warm.
We will be forever young.
We warmed by happiness, joy.
We don’t recall northern cold.
We are in love – girl and boy,
We are protected by gold.
Brilliance of the wedding rings
Is in a gentle light ray.
In the hearts is endless spring –
Love more and more day by day.
Кирилл Ивницкий 31.01.2018 22:23
Рецензия на «Как алмаз» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Fateful was my stormy love.
She abruptly so came,
At the winter’s frozen night –
Not with songs of nightingale.
Like the diamond outside
The bright stars and the moon shone.
And my dream was silver-white
With it I was not alone.
But the morning broke the dream,
And the moon, the stars are faded.
And white snow in the spring –
He was washed away by rain.
And my love, my snowflake –
With pure silver she was melting.
Alas, she was just a fake,
No one can here helping.
Fateful was my stormy love.
She abruptly so came,
At the winter’s frozen night –
Not with songs of nightingale.
Кирилл Ивницкий 04.01.2018 10:17
Рецензия на «После оттепели» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Again, again the snowy winter –
She is returning like white Queen.
She’s everywhere – out, in.
She reigns! Yes, she is a winner!
And snowfall – he’s fluffy, gentle,
He’s falling from height as white rhymes.
I like much this pre-Christmas time,
So freshly, cool in nature’s temple.
We have fun the new year’s eve,
And world – he dressed in tinsel’s shine,
In garlands. All around’s fine!
We are so happy ‘cause we live!
Кирилл Ивницкий 29.12.2017 10:07
Рецензия на «В семье» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
If you feel loved – it’s so fine!
You’re not afraid the hard life’s path.
In difficult and restless time –
My plea about quiet hearth.
If have warm house in cold night –
So happy family will be.
And in all hearts is a good light.
I love my loved ones, they love me.
The home’s strong when is in it
Good friendship which protects from rain.
Respect and tolerance will be –
‘Cause otherwise all will in vain.
Кирилл Ивницкий 17.12.2017 09:25
Рецензия на «Роняет небо чистый снег» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Sky’s dropping snow – he’s so clear.
And so quietly you’re me calling.
I hear words like in the dream.
The snow storm calmed in the morning.
I’m listening closely your words –
They sound like in fairy tale.
I am the happiest in whole world.
Your words lurk tenderness and gentle.
The snow shine’s in my soul
He’s like the light stars – far and distant.
The happiness has fireworks.
I see the way to land of Big Love.
Sky’s dropping snow – he’s so clear.
The snow storm calmed in the morning.
And laughter of the playful wind –
He’s far away, and day is going.
Кирилл Ивницкий 10.12.2017 07:57
Рецензия на «О молчаливом» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
The Sky’s not singing for me more.
The strings of trees are silent.
I do not hear pure notes
Of rain that laughed and cried.
Song doesn’t give fun anymore
To blue and clear rivers.
The nightingales do not pour
Out with love the feelings.
To hear music of the heights,
Not destined to me, alas.
To see the radiant ice of eyes
I cannot – youth in the past.
The silence is in heart and soul.
The world became silent.
The depth of life – she covers all,
She penetrates my mind.
Кирилл Ивницкий 25.11.2017 08:39
Рецензия на «Конкуренции нет» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I look in clear sky in this night –
Each of planets has got own orbit.
And the planets do not any fight –
All the roads of life – they are open.
The supreme law – he is above all.
In the Space before him all are equal:
«Do not spit into another soul!»
Oh, if only it could learn the people.
For the space bodies was made the route.
He’s unchanging, no one break him dare.
Planets never hate, never kick out.
World was created honest and fair.
Кирилл Ивницкий 21.11.2017 06:00
Рецензия на «Как два крыла» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Only you and me in our home.
Just for two of us the home’s bliss.
You say ‘bout feelings of your own.
I am waiting when you’ll give me kiss.
Mirrors are reflecting the bright sun.
Songs of nightingale outside.
We will be together as the one.
I am your fate and you are my pride.
We are storing a warmth of the love.
Sign of love – a rose in the skies!
We together – and it is enough,
The joy and the rapture in the eyes.
You’re my king! You’re always on the throne.
You are strong, you will protect, guard me!
I’m your Queen! With me you’ll not alone!
All of troubles we’ll together win!
The spring’s smile lit up the whole world.
Spring’s love is a blooming paradise.
Happy feast of two – for guy and girl.
For beloveds it will be so nice!
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.11.2017 08:25
Рецензия на «Стихи» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
By the nice trisection line
Flowers of feelings grow!
And the dreams – they are so fine!
Like a river deep they flow!
And the keynotes of the fancy –
They are so bright like a blaze!
Real life – she is not a fake –
She surprises the stern gaze.
Secret hides in every line,
We have got the space for art.
The cool texts creates your mind,
Lack of logic – from your heart!
This fight in the soul frequent –
Poems are born like the stars.
They about the life’s secrets,
Those which are close and far.
Poem is clean like the tears,
He was make by soul of girl –
He’ll depart from your high pier,
He will fly to our world.
Кирилл Ивницкий 15.11.2017 18:57
Рецензия на «О вечном и мимолётном» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
The spring is in the nature so fleeting,
We waited her so long – our spring.
But time is running carelessly quickly.
She came, made all happy at the split.
Let it be so, but young spring will remain
In our hearts; she lives all days and nights.
Good earthly love – she will win any pain,
‘Cause in my soul her eternal light.
Кирилл Ивницкий 12.11.2017 15:05
Рецензия на «Ещё о любви» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Love’s indifferent to our bloodline.
She is not looking at our age.
You’ll not forget love that was first time –
Love’s like first lines on the clean page.
Not to live in this life sans the bright sun.
Sans the tenderness we cannot live too.
‘Cause this feeling is sublime, subtle,
In a strong whirlwind it can swirl you.
Day’s dark if my beloved is not here –
And the moon won’t look out at night.
We are happy when together we are,
‘Cause the solitude’s the land sans light.
Sweet will give gaze – heart will blaze abruptly.
His gaze is more than the whole world.
I will not get used to the enchantment,
He is my guy and I am his girl.
Кирилл Ивницкий 11.11.2017 05:52
Рецензия на «Заря» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Over Russia – the dawn,
(There’s gladness in sky)
She’s a sister of morn,
She is knitting lace scarf.
Rubin’s filaments thin
Are adorning horizon.
And the plume – you can see –
He is shining like diamond.
Keeper-dawn’s in the May –
She is pink in the heaven.
On the eve of the day
She’s so brightly, young maiden.
She is in the nice veil –
Veil is like the rowan.
Sun is rising. The day
Starts with a perfect morning.
Dawn is melting so fast.
The new day – he is coming,
He is giving to us
The joy and the big loving.
Кирилл Ивницкий 08.11.2017 13:15
Рецензия на «В лабиринте строк» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
In the maze of lines,
By the usual words –
I’m like in my shrine:
I create my world.
This world – he’s the best,
This is world of dreams,
Soul will has rest,
When I’ll get in him.
And the songs of dream
Have the gentle light.
And the marvel sleep
Have the precious dye.
Poems sing and fly
Like the nightingale,
They are high and light;
Songs are like the tales.
They are bright – these words,
Words about love.
They are my award –
It for me enough.
Кирилл Ивницкий 05.11.2017 19:20
Рецензия на «Маски» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
The mask is a tool to hide your face,
Is a tool to make in life new role,
To unlock the cruel ring of fate,
To give freedom senses in your soul.
Mask in the society – the pall –
She protects you from the slander, envy,
She is closing secret from the all.
She protects you from the dark and evil.
Maybe, suddenly under a mask you’ll find
The big lie, the false, the smelly rottenness.
This inside will take revenge mankind
For success; these people will be always.
What’s a hide behind mask? Who’s know?
Life’s the masquerade – you’re like the blind.
Who’s a demon? Who’s an angel? Oh,
In the colors of sea hard to find.
Кирилл Ивницкий 04.11.2017 09:36
Рецензия на «Это было во сне» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Under the white sad moon
The dance kept and whirled us.
We heard gentle flute’s tune –
The flute’s voice was so nice!
In glow of the stars
(In the midst of the spring)
The rest of gentle night –
He’s full mysterious dreams.
Fairy of our love
She sang her simple songs –
But that was been enough.
She sang them all night long.
All was simple and plain,
And kept silence the bird.
Only one Fairy sang,
The flute played in the world.
In the moonlight danced we –
You’re the King, I’m the Queen.
The flute’s voice was so sweet!
It was like in a dream.
Кирилл Ивницкий 04.11.2017 08:43
Рецензия на «Осторожно опустилась ночь» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Night descended gently on the town,
The old garden’s sleeping in the dark.
Worries flew away. Not hear the sounds.
Little child’s sleeping in the night.
Sleep, my babe... In the street the storm,
The cold will not blow in the home!
Sleep, my baby! Let the good sweet dream
Will with you at all night long, my son!
Let he will soft and light – your calm sleep,
I’m with you, you know – you not one.
Clear moon – she’s looking from the sky,
She is smiling to you in the night.
Sleep, my baby! You are not alone,
This hard day – he stayed in the past.
House keeps you, you safe in the home.
Pure angel outside the glass.
Sleep, my son... The star dance in dark sky –
They are spinning. Around is the night.
Кирилл Ивницкий 02.11.2017 06:01
Рецензия на «Новый день» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
A new day comes to our planet
Out the dark, out nowhere,
He’s forcing his way through the ages,
For a brief moment that to smile,
To see our appreciation
And to be happy for a while
From our joy and from the sun,
And after he’ll become a legend –
He’ll recall us with love forever.
Кирилл Ивницкий 01.11.2017 18:21
Рецензия на «Иду наугад» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I am going through all
Sans the paths and the trails,
To the nice night starfall,
Sans the roads, the ways...
Bright stars are pouring. Light
Is a foreign and strange.
The shine’s spreading at night
By the colorful wave.
From the faraway star
Sparks are melting in haze.
They are melting in sky
At the good-bye bright blazed.
I am going through all
Sans the paths and the trails,
To the nice night starfall,
Sans the roads, the ways...
My heart’s flying behind
The clean star, the pure dream.
Clear thought in my mind,
Feeling calmness within.
And the star doesn’t heed –
Free from any control.
Voices of Earth – they sleep.
So majestic this world!
Dream forever – no doubt!
I continue my flight!
The star will not go out!
The sky is so high!
Кирилл Ивницкий 30.10.2017 06:05
Рецензия на «Ваза и цветы» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Oh, this crystal vase – she has seen happy hours,
Has seen happy moments in the people’s life.
Sometimes she’s remembering beautiful flowers,
Which were in the bouquets. Spring was full of love.
The bright summer blazed and the yellow fall shined,
The winter – she silvered whole world outside.
The bouquets in the vase – they blushed so shyly,
The fan gave them hostess; he named her – my bride.
The flowers was helping him speak the need words –
About deep feeling of the tender love.
They were so desired, nice for his beloved-girl,
They were so vivid, the best in her life.
The girl’s eyes lit happily. Young man was happy,
And he just was looking at her pretty face.
The flowers gave the great pleasure to Lady,
The flowers gave happy lovers the grace.
Good time was blooming, was jingling so loud.
And the fresh good youth – she sang nice joyful song.
The vase was so happy – she burned by the flowers,
Her young soul’s shining – the life goes on!
Кирилл Ивницкий 29.10.2017 15:28
Рецензия на «Зазеркалье» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Tender romantic – he sings.
White piano echoes him lightly.
Red rose blooms by joy bliss.
The golden sun burns so brightly.
In glasses, in hall of love,
Wonderland through rays is looking.
Tale came into our life –
Marvel world of magic music.
Flowers whirl in the waltz.
Wonderland – it’s our Freedom!
This fete – he so joys soul,
No doubt – it is an Eden!
Garden is sunny in spring,
He’s blooming, he is so gentle.
A ghostly voice in a dream
He gives me peace of the mental.
Lyric romantic – he sings.
White piano echoes him lightly.
Red rose blooms by joy bliss.
The golden sun burns so brightly.
Кирилл Ивницкий 28.10.2017 11:04
Рецензия на «Случайная встреча» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Was accidental our meeting.
It just a meeting – nothing else.
I soon forgotten that warm evening,
But poet did not it forget.
I read in almanac the poems
About meeting, about me.
I found myself on the «portrait»,
That which appeared in the spring.
My countryman – he was this poet,
But he has long made his breath last.
His soul warmed his timeless poems –
They like the window to the past...
Кирилл Ивницкий 28.10.2017 11:05
Рецензия на «Очарована, околдована» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Siberia enchanted me,
So it was – so it will be!
In winter with the silver snow
Siberia will itself show!
She’s beautiful in the white lace,
And so nice her young fresh face.
But here spring is so rich,
She’s bustling because she is free.
The green landscape blows your mind –
He’s blooming in the summer-time.
The flowers burn so brightly.
And yellow fields are sightly.
Ah, our golden autumn,
You’re beautiful, flamboyant,
You’re pretty and you’re cuddly,
By rowan you are ruddy.
You are serene and you are grand,
Siberia – my endless land!
Кирилл Ивницкий 24.10.2017 06:03
Рецензия на «Космический роман» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I live on a planet of spring,
I live on a planet of wise.
The fountains loudly sing,
The rainbow blooms in the skies.
But your planet is not like mine:
There’s silver moon in black night –
Majestic sight’s bursting my mind.
Your planet flies in starry light.
But we will not meet in the space.
The moon will not meet with the sun.
You’ll not gift me your warm embrace.
I’ll stay with my spring – I’ll stay one.
The white moon will light up your path.
For me the bright sun will be shine.
The eternal sad in the hearts,
The eternal sad in the minds.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.10.2017 22:55
Рецензия на «Не вернуть» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I passed my way through loneliness –
Apparently, it destined so.
Sad prophecy: it came true, grievous,
Why did this happen? I don’t know...
All in the past – the pain went away,
And I don’t blame anyone.
Not recall time when I hoped every day,
When I smiled friendly to the Sun.
Illusions were lost – it was happened long ago,
Dreams of bliss vanished like the smoke.
And grey weekdays are my life’s road.
I do not love you anymore.
Good-bye! We are not on one road,
Good-bye! I ask you: do not call.
In vain other of your hopes.
The cold winter’s in my soul.
Now it’s all clear and lucid –
My garden sleep – he sees a dream.
Don’t knock to window – it is useless,
Alas, we can’t return green spring.
The gentle May stayed in past-time,
I said to you: «Don’t knock at door»,
I threw you out of my mind.
The former love – she is no more.
Кирилл Ивницкий 18.10.2017 21:25
Рецензия на «В этот вечер» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I will not talk to you about love,
But I feel so sad for the some reason.
I’ll keep causeless tears that drops from eyes,
They will be forgotten – these sad minutes.
Hope will give bright light to my heart –
This light is more generous than sunshine.
Parasol by sadness and by harm –
Faith is something that sweeps away grime.
Tenderness awakened maiden’s soul.
Rose’s blossoming by fragrant freshness.
She is young and she enjoys it all.
Glitz of dew on the petals; the necklace.
Lines of simple poems – they did not
Open to the world the hidden tynes.
And bouquet of the explicit words –
Just for you tonight, my valentine.
Кирилл Ивницкий 16.10.2017 20:52
Рецензия на «Без тепла» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
And they were cooling hot love of the burning heart.
From the cold heart they demand the petting.
What burned out – again it will not flare up,
Alas, faded away happy paints.
And in this tribulation the fall doesn’t blame,
The indifference is cause of the pain.
And the soul is hurt sans the love, sans the flame,
In the heart are sorrow and rain.
Кирилл Ивницкий 10.10.2017 21:02
Рецензия на «Соперница» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Well, Venus is my competitor.
I’m jealous to her – it is truth.
She’s beautiful without measure,
She is a goddess of the youth.
Diva inspires artists, poets,
And singers – makes it easily.
She’s sensitive, she is not haughty,
Big pure love’s her destiny.
Кирилл Ивницкий 09.10.2017 06:34
Рецензия на «Картина с парусом» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Scarlet sail’s so bright,
It all like in fairy.
For the hearts he’s like the star –
He’s the star Antares.
Sail is a bright red sign,
Symbol of the hope.
He moves proudly, he shines
He’s a placid ghost!
Blue expanse of endless sea,
Motive of the angels –
Paradise for her and him,
Nice place for the gentle!
The faith with Assol and Gray,
She escorts them both.
Because they are lovers, they
Trust in life and troth.
Кирилл Ивницкий 08.10.2017 09:42
Рецензия на «Это я» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Summer. River. Heat and sun,
Above head blue sky – it’s fun!
I am easy like a cloud,
I will fly away – no doubt!
My thoughts hover like a sail,
It is seems a fairy-tale!
My land – it is green and nice!
I’ll not leave this paradise,
Where the azure and the light,
Where I feel warm from the Love.
Summer. River. Sun. And heat.
Native land’s dear to me.
In white hat – I am the best!
Like white snow my chic dress.
Кирилл Ивницкий 08.10.2017 08:17
Рецензия на «Изумрудный парк» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
The Emerald park
Became the gold.
Sad in the soul
Of Emerald park.
Now he’s cold,
And now he’s dark,
The Emerald park
Became the gold.
Кирилл Ивницкий 03.10.2017 19:44
Рецензия на «Дизайн» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Fall’s a decorator:
She makes a design
By the scarlet tynes –
It’s so complicated.
By the rustling swarms
On the needles pines
She makes a design –
Our golden fall!
Кирилл Ивницкий 03.10.2017 19:43
Рецензия на «У озера» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
So handsome the green plants headpiece,
And light umbrage of the nice air.
And mood of the summer – it is
Enchanting. I’ll say: «As good there!»
The azure of the heavens height
With the beauty pearly of clouds,
And lake’s water pure and light –
She is so majestic and proud.
And meeting of lovers is warm
On the sunny instant at lake.
And Love is so light in this morn,
Love’s a real feeling, not fake.
And summertime’s fete of the grace.
The gladness for Earth and for sun.
The whole world wanna embrace!
The magic is fresh. We are young.
Кирилл Ивницкий 26.09.2017 08:01
Рецензия на «Тёплый колорит» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
We are together through the life.
I know you’re always near.
And this September – he is nice!
Songs of the leaves we hear.
We are in love. We’ve got the bliss,
And escort us so sadly
The rustle and the flight of leaves –
Like coins fall on alley.
They like the carpet lie to feet –
On the gold we are going.
The autumn gives us special greet –
So brightly plants are burning.
My hand is in your hand. It is nice!
And I feel warmly, calmly.
In the September love warms us.
Love – she is so sultry.
Кирилл Ивницкий 25.09.2017 10:23
Рецензия на «Было суждено» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
In theatre crossed our ways –
This was supposed to be.
Together our roles we play,
Together – you and me.
We perform on the earthly stage –
Sky’s a strict referee.
To gladness by the secret ways
We go – you and me.
And path is one, and path is far,
We are tied by this way.
Life is an act in theatre,
Director is the fate.
Her Royal Highness: the Big Love –
She is a Queen for hearts.
Sky wanted it – it was enough
That it came true for us.
Кирилл Ивницкий 24.09.2017 11:13
Рецензия на «О позднем» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Memo of beloved – the roses.
And by the yellow paint
Autumn dressed birch in the clothes –
She made that pretty and plain.
Roses are like the fall. They are
The grace of late love. And they
Warm my heart. And I will dare
To dream in this fine day.
I guess that happiness can be,
Roses are the pretty thing.
Late meeting for me more weighty,
Than if she’d was in eve spring.
Autumn’s warm, autumn is silent,
She is a tea rose for me.
But my dreams are so defiant!
About big love these dreams!
Roses by beloved are lovely.
It’s a bright, fragrant bouquet!
He breathes sun, he’s so lively.
And he will adorn the day!
Кирилл Ивницкий 22.09.2017 10:38
Рецензия на «В унисон» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
In the New year night,
We met under the skies.
Happiness was lit bright
From the shine of the eyes.
But it not melted when
Spring ate the dirty snow.
We knew – it never ends,
It will endless – we know.
In the hot summertime
Love became so hot.
I am yours, you are mine –
We said thank to the God.
Autumn. Wedding we’ve got.
We are husband and wife.
Watercolor is hot.
It begins a new life.
Again winter will be,
And will be the green spring.
And I will be your Queen,
And you will be my King.
Кирилл Ивницкий 20.09.2017 08:41
Рецензия на «Гроза в сентябре» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Tonight it was loud, tonight was the storm,
In the autumn time she brought us the warm.
About the summer the storm was remind,
She spilled on the gold leaves – it was so fine!
And the morn was shining like the bright July,
The nature was wakened, gave us the joy smile.
But in the noon rain was begin again,
And hail was fall down like the large grains.
The plants after rain – they tired and sagged,
They drop their leaves, sans protection they sad.
Кирилл Ивницкий 19.09.2017 13:32
Рецензия на «Моя звезда» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
You understood your destination,
You hope all was not in vain.
At last, you read fate’s proclamation,
To you lived years don’t cause pain.
I realized my aim fine,
But I can’t do it, here’s the cause –
When my life will come to the final
I will have no more any force.
Alas, I was not a perfection,
But I can hope that my star –
It will be my continuation,
When body will with soul part.
«On one of nights will light my star!»
Кирилл Ивницкий 27.12.2019 21:16
Рецензия на «Ты, я и танго» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
We met in the life random,
We thought just for a moment.
And we are Eve and Adam –
And in this was an omen.
And tango wills burn souls
By a charm tune, a rhythm.
Hot ardor, cold control –
To stop we’ve got no reason.
We’re dancing in the garden,
We’re two – we are not lone,
From Lord we got the pardon,
And Eden’s our home.
With other fate is playing –
We’re seeing at her proud!
«We’ll keep a dance, - we’re saying,
- We’ll keep a dance – no doubt!»
And I’m the riddle now,
You’re the key to the riddle.
So nice is tango’s sound,
Its taste is piquant little.
Кирилл Ивницкий 27.12.2019 21:15
Рецензия на «Любовь Бога» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
I feel warm from hugs and words.
Tenderness – it’s so nice!
I melt in the warmth like ice.
I feel warm from hugs and words.
I talk not ‘bout the king,
I talk about the Lord.
I feel warm from hugs and words.
I know – it’s the main thing!
Кирилл Ивницкий 26.12.2019 22:22
Рецензия на «После бала» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Night is passed. And fete is gone.
Party was until the morn.
Guys and girls – all were rejoice,
They made footsie, bustle, noise;
Coquetry is a cute game,
Guys were flirting with the dames.
Morning light’s the time has come,
Street is covered under calm.
Street is still in arms of sleep,
Sun is shining in the street.
Sun is joyful, sun is bright
Snow’s flying. All is white.
View is awesome outside.
We can hear home sigh.
Room’s attracting our sight.
Portrait Natalie’s on desk,
Like a past night mask is black.
Mask is hiding woman’s face,
Nice shawl is made of great lace.
On a chair shawl is put,
Curtains, shade of lamp – all’s mute…
Comfort, bookcase, warmth. And us
Route’s leading in the past.
Candlestick. And letter is
Near it. Him it will please.
Gloves are black – it’s the time sign.
With these gloves she will be fine –
High society’s unkind...
Кирилл Ивницкий 26.12.2019 19:21
Рецензия на «Вечернее свидание» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Barnaul evening. Prospect’s full of light.
Lonely guy. He holds bouquet nice flowers.
And she came. He embraced her tight.
Date became fateful for the lovers.
Calm’s around. But in their hearts –
Song of joy. And she is so gently.
They will be together – not apart,
Happy lovers know this exactly.
At night hometown has a rest.
Peace of lovers he will guard ‘til morning.
To young couple he is giving bless,
They will meet together new day’s dawning.
And the weather suddenly died down.
Well, that blizzard not sweeps on the ground.
Кирилл Ивницкий 06.11.2018 08:50
Рецензия на «Без возраста» (Рудская Раиса Терентьевна)
Love was, is, will at all times,
And endless spring’s in my heart.
Love is in soul and mind,
And we will never apart.
Autumn embraced our town,
But in heart are spring and sun,
Leaves fly and fall down ground,
Only the soul is young.
Rains – they cry so sad,
But cleanness is in my heart.
Love’s not a prank, not a fad –
‘Cause the Love is the great art!
Witchcraft of passion enchants.
Love’s magic sing his nice chant.
Кирилл Ивницкий 20.10.2018 19:05
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