9 11 и Бин Ладен, странности, размышления, мысли

26.04.2018.  Великобритания, Ноттингемшире

9/11  и Бин Ладен, странности, размышления, мысли

Заповедь Иисуса Христа:
Не суди

Заповедь Иисуса Христа
Прости врага своего, как и мы прощаем должников наших

Заповедь Иисуса Христа
Молитесь о врагах своих

Заповедь Иисуса Христа
Не убий

Заповедь Иисуса Христа
Не кради добра ближнего своего


Христиане в Америке и христианин Буш

9.11 в Нью-Йорке. Буш перепугался.
Буш говорил, он сильно верующий христианин, прославился тем, что каждый день (!) ходил молится в христианскую церковь, слушать проповеди христианского священика.

Как это ему помогло как именно христианину-мужчине?

1. Стал судить, не дал вести полицейское расследование. Не дождался Суда. Называющего виновных.
Назначил виноватого, не дожидаясь Решения Американского Суда.

2. Не дал
полиции Нью-Йорк с федеральными резервами
полное полицейское расследование
по факту ..... числа убитых
это .... количество открытых уголовных дел
по убийству каждого кто был убит,
- кто мог бы хотеть убить? причина?
- кому могло бы быть выгодно?

Не дал открыть полицейское расследование
по каждому разрушению здания
- кому выгодно?
- было ли застраховано?
- страховку кто хотел получить?

3. Грубо говоря,
среди массы погибших, кто был убит 9.11,
мог быть всего 1 человек
(мужчина, женщина, ребёнок),
кого и хотели убить,
унеся остальных "за компанию"
"затруднить полицеское расследование
найти кому выгодно и кто был убийца?"

4. Оттого поспешность Буша странна. Он назвал причину и преступника сразу.

5. Назвав Бин Ладана, банковские счета и имущество семьи Бин Ладанов в Великобритании, Европе, США, не было заморожено и отчуждено в пользу потерпеших?

6. Сестра Бин Ладана погибла намного позднее в Шотландии, катастрофа самолёта, летевшего с Италии в Шотландию, семья Бин Ладенов имели и имеют собственность в Великобритании (собственность, банковские счета, стало быть, и британское гражданство, британцы) и по всему миру.

7. Вместо того, чтобы искать Бин Ладана в Великобритании и в Шотландии и в Англии, или в Европе, где у его семьи и родни собственность и имущество, банковские счета, стало быть, США напали на Афганистан под предлогом поиска там Бин Ладана.

8. Но потом Бин Ладана нашли и убили (безоружного!!!) при задержании в Пакистане.

9. США на Пакистан не нападал, и не собирался нападать и искать там Бин Ладана. Не напал. Это про-британская территория влияния. (где ж ещё британскому гражданину быть?)

10. Американский спецназ SEALS  (Морские Котики)  убил безоружного человека в доме с его женщинами и семьёй при задержании.

11.  Безоружного . убили.

12. Американский спецназ это военные, выполняющие приказы их начальства так, как они им были поставлены их начальством, а тем их боссами.

13. Приказали бы взять живым, взяли бы живым.
14. приказали убить при задержании, убили бы при задержании
15. захватили бы живым и пытали бы, и убили бы, тоже могли сказать, что убили при задержании, сильно покалечили труп и выкинули где-то.

16. Бин Ладан был американский агент ЦРУ. работавший за деньги.
17. Вдруг США говорит нам сказку, что их агент ЦРУ уже "бывший", что он уже что???  разлюбил деньги от ЦРУ вдруг брать и иметь их?
ЦРУ финансово на мели? вдруг стала?

18. Бин Ладен работал за деньги. (А как ещё британец бы стал работать на ЦРУ США? Только за деньги??)

19. Бин Ладан имел информацию
о банковских счетах и шифрах и суммах (огромные потоки денег по сути, если верить американской прессе, СМИ, огромные суммы денег международной террористической организации, суммы, использующие на терракты? в США?

20. и что?  Боссы США приказали Бин Ладана убить при задержании? закрыть доступ к этой финансовой базе????  Т.е. эта финансовая база таки принадлежит государству США и американская? Коды и шифры и суммы и что и где, они знают?

21. Вряд ли бы американцы приказали убить Бин Ладана закрыть доступ к сети финасовых банковских распределений, если то были бы российские деньги?  да?  иранские? афганистанские? пакистанские? французкие?   Стало быть деньги те принадлежали какой стране мира?   Кто защищал следы?  Америке? США?

22. ЦРУ прославилось тем, что финансирует 2 потока, столкнуть их по странам мира?  Привычка и традиция?

23. могла 1 рука потом поддерживать одно? другая вредить, чему поддерживали?

24. При нападении на Афганистан, статистика показала увеличение наркотрафика поставки наркотика с Афганистана в США. С момента вторжения туда американских войск (те когда стали летать в США с Афганистана военные самолёты и военные и самолёты ЦРУ?)

25. гражданские самолёты проверяют таможники
26. Самолёты ЦРУ? военные?   люди идут на войну за деньги, наёмники. Мысль подработать деньги и на наркотарфике очевидна неким порой, как это же больше денег.

27. Наркотрафик, это огромные деньги. а деньги это и власть.

28. а потом к власти приходят с деньгами кто? уголовные преступники? воры? убийцы?

29. И приказывают тогда что?  (см Украина с 2014? под эгидой США).  Убивать местное гражданское насление?

30. война это слезы и разруха и смети одним
31. и война это когда мародёры наживаются. Убивают и берут с убитых всё.


Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

* у меня есть пересечение с 6 древними ДНК деревни Hinxton что в 14 км от Кэмриджа в Англии. С людьми, кто жили там 2,300 - 1,500 лет назад, семь и родственники. Неподалёку оттуда есть деревня  Balsham, что выглядит искажением моего фамилии Бальзина по линии моего отца Бальзин, от иностранной женщины с Европы, поселившейся в Российской Империи, оставившей своё потомство и детей, раз в России в Сибири, то русские.

* но я нашла и генетическое пересечение с женщиной по фамилии Thelma Balsham, по результатам генетических тестов, мы обе пересекаемся с некто под псевдонимом "Barking Palace"

* Thelma Balsham и я (Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, maiden name Inna Balzina/Balzin shared
largest segment 6сМ and
Total 343.4cM for my one DNA test result and
we shared
Largest 4.6 cM and in 19 chromosome
Total >=1cM  580.6 cM   
for my another DNA test result,
* We both (Thelma Balsham and me, maiden name Inna Balzina/Balzin , or Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin) are still connected geneticly
"Barking Palace" nickname DNA
on Gedmatch.com   

* I am connected with
6 ancient DNA from Hinxton,
a village located in 14 km from Cambridge in England.

* A village Balsham not near from Hinxton, village Balsham is too near Cambridge in England

* By a local history, their local man from Balsham village was a famous scholar student in The University in Paris, France.

* My genetic test (Gedmatch) had put me to find my genetic connection to 6 local people, all one big family, relatives, living in Hinxton near Cambridge 2,300 years back at time - 1,500 years back at time

* Nathan John Ball is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 5.4 cousin
* Byron is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* Campbell is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 4.0 cousin
* Sinclair is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* D. Blair is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic cousin
* Owen is "Barking Palace" (*nickname)'es genetic 4.8 cousin
* Bronde

* Baldozier
* La Beda

Blair -- Bliar - B! a lie!

* So, I find to see ancient roots as genetic connections for my maiden name, was really touched, thanks for all people, doing genetic tests.

* I was touched, really interesting was to find to see this all, and still much much more interesting.

*****  Bin Ladan
Ladan , my father said me, his parents chat between them, his mother (my grandmother) asked his father (my grandfather) Nikolai Petrovich Balzin, the oldest son of Petr Kirillovich Balzin,

- May you say me to remain me, please, what was this maiden name surname of this girl, your sister, adapted to live in a family of your father? whom had been saved to give to your father family to keep as their daughter?

- She was Ladyzhenskaya originally, on her maiden real name, -
my grandfather replayed to his wife, my grandmother, in a presence of his small 7th youngest son, Aleksandr Balzin.

There was a cruel Stalin's regime time in USSR, making the feelings to keep a silence not ask parents any details from their conversation.

My father said me a story, as our family legend, about a small girl, some people saved her life, taking through all Russian Impair land far away, that they had changed her documents, plenty times,  making new names and new surnames each time till a final stop to give her as a small child to adapt to a family of my great grandfather Petr Kirillovich Balzin  as his daughter, to grow together with his others kids.

There were two girls from another families form their childhood.

My grandmother Vera (Belief), living here from her 8 yo age as a future wife and a fianc;e of their oldest son Nikolai, they grew up and married, had 7 children.

And another girl, name Dolya (Destiny), later as wife of Mr Urusov.

My father thought, this chat was about his auntie Dolya.

Mr Urusov, Professor V.M.Urusov, said me this was a wrong interpretation by my father's childish family and memory, probably, about this chat of his parents, as he had not asked them any details.

He said it was still some another girl, but a native daughter Stefania, whom married and was a wife of Denis Ladyzhenski, and she died in 1916.

My uncle Professor V.M.Urusov said me,  his mother Dolya and my grandfather Nikolay Petrovich Balzin had the some one woman as their ancestor, they were related genetically, so.

Ladyzhenskiy (Ladyzhenski) looked so closed near to Lada and Laden/

I think about a possibility for Bin Laden to be as some my genetic cousin. I looked his face, and my 1st thought was "we both may be relatives genetically, by his face look".

I was upset he was killed.

He might lied on himself too, we had some bravery to lie to talk our fantasy and fantasies.

I did this sometimes, as a teenager and after, going to a place nobody knew me so they never would met me after just "to open myself" to lie my fantasies, this doing me better, and i returned back to my family to be as a honest person.

This was something as a flight, coming inside to fly, and you never know what you will say the next, surprising yourself always too.

So, it was a chance, Bin Laden might said his fantasies, especially, as this event was so shocked and a shock, a bright spark of emotions and thoughts.

If so, someone else might did this all, and it was a mistake o kill him.

Plenty people said their fantasies, some named themselves Napoleon Bonapart, so, prior to judge someone, the investigators give a chance for a medical examination of Psychologist and Psychiatric examination.

Plenty British people, living in UK, had their mental problems, of a disorders of illusion, their fantasies.

Bin Laden might said his fantasies on the emotional base of a shocking stressful reaction, as we all are individuals on a shock and a stress reactions.

I saw and met some man whom looked closely to Bin Laden face in USA time, he said me he tried to hide himself from Soviet KGB as a political dissident Anarchist Syndicalist.

He said me he filmed something in Soviet Creamia, as a proof of a corruption of their biggest Soviet Officials power here, but KGB started to run to try to cach him on their black car Volga and he run away from them taking all his films to save them.

I helped him, providing our welcome hospitality, and a room in our home, and a food on our table, and a bath and a clean tower and a bed.

I remember he ate all, but he had not said Thank you, instead he started to teach us to know his thoughts about The Love.

He started to blame us and our family that we helped him but we had not a feeling of our love to him to love him.

I was surprized shocked.  I spend my money, my strength to make all nice, i provided my hospitality and i saved him from KGB  (we shared and a bed as  a lover too, me and him and my 1st husband Mr Sergei P., as my husband S. cried in tears, asking me to do this, as he was soft to pity another strange man, staying and sitting in a snow public garden area under my windows, declaring he was in a great love with me, leaving me a red coronation bucket near my door.)

(I was a pregnant after this, not knowing from whom of them two.
But as
Aleksandr Serebryakov (Lithuanian man from Lithuania, moved to Russia after)was not just 1st, he used his fingers for some reasons, making me really sore, i beated him by my leg, away from me, and all my biological female love had stopped and finished straight at once, - he did me a sore and stressed shocked too.

My pregnancy had been stopped, as was not right, by emergency medical advice.
I never had any more wish to see him as my lover after, while he returned back to me plenty times, always asking me to marry on him.

We could not stop this, just the change of our location to another place stopped this.

He was able to play with emotions of other people,

He was a talented man, educated in Bauman Institute for air - technical (planes, rockets, engines, space technology)and still in Literature Institute making him a good talented Poet, a Master of Poetry,
he played in chess, was a Master and a Champion of Lithuania in chess.

He had not looked on a desk, my husband and me used our desk to look at, he played with us two both at one time, not looking, we just said this as E4.

But I had 9 people in FF FTDNA, connected with Gray surname from Irish Gray family, some of them.

But much more,

Silver color is a name for Grey or Gray or Grai colour on English.

British people named their gray color dustbin as silver colored dust bins.

Silver = Grey = Gray = (White)

Grey color, gray color of hairs for white color of hair, too.

I saw my genetic cousins

Gray  (9 people, men and women)
with surname
Belov  (= White, if to translate)

I saw someone as

Whitehouse surname


Lady Grey was a historical person in English history, as "The Queen of 9 days", executed in her 17 yo, some for her 20 yo husband,

Lady Grey had been married on her 15 yo age, she could be a pregnant 17 y/o married woman, having her 20 y.o. young husband, on her execution day.

Her father had been executed too.

Her mother, British Princess, a widow of French King, and sisters survived.

Grey and Gray and Grai could be some surname but not all of them would be genetically connected to British Royalty British Princess Lady Grey, some just have shared similar soundings surnames or as co-surnames.

Serebryakov surname is translated as Silver or Gray or Grey or White for Serebryakov surname from Russian language.


This all means that Bin Ladan might be genetically connected to Grey (Silver) family  or White family.

Another famous "Silver" was a pirate. Silvester, may be connected and to Rodger or and Cortes. 

But I am not sure here, this just optional hypothesis.

Nobody knows if  Bin Laden was some genetic cousin and a hidden relative of British Royalty.

But if to think about the fact as British Government  had not put any sanctions to frozen bank accounts and properties of family Bin Laden in Great Britain (some for USA and all European countries too),

it was a some huge biggest reason for this as a protection of financial properties of Bin Laden family in Great Britain land.

So, I would said^  - Yes,  it is a possible to find Bin Laden as a hidden British Royalty relative, so, nobody used sanctions on properties and back accounts of Bin Laden family.

British people knew this just when a native sister of Bin Laden died in a helicopter crash in Scotland.

So, probably, Bin Laden was an innocent man,   he just said his personnel fantasies, on the emotional base of the shock from 9/11 event.

Plenty people do somethings strange unpredictable in a stressful shocked situation. This is the individual personnel reaction of each of us.

***  I surprise myself with the curiosity more, genetic tests and their results are touching to find plenty hidden real links of a biological genetic real history, always hidden as secrets to know from us.

*** I saw my genetic cousin
(I am not say her name open here)
as my 3rd cousin - 3rd cousin once removed,
American woman,
we shared 0.7% 
47.7 cM,
3 shared segments,
Largest shared segment 25.6 cM 
in My Heritage matches by DNA.

Her ancestors were
Carl Farmer (1874 - 1956, USA),
Minnie Farmer (born Wede) (1898, USA - 1973, USA),
Ernest King (1912, USA - 1998), 
Euna King (born Forsethe) (1916, USA - 1987)

I saw this surnames as 
King, Knight on my genetic tests for some of my genetic cousins.

This surname King is if to see belong for plenty never related people of different race and color of skins.

I was interesting in particular this surname King   as  when i saw historical photos of WWII, 

I noticed as face and a figure of  American Admiral Fleet Ernest Joseph King here,  whom looked as my grandfather, a father of my mother, by his face, and by his habit to sit on a side.

My grandfather had been killed in a summer 1941, we always missed him.

I was thinking a lot how this would be possible?

My grandfather had another his personnel biography and lived in another country too.

Or this was his twin?  or a play of the nature?

I am not able to explain things, but when I thought about this,
i decided, this was a play of nature as a cross with some deep ancestors in the past.

People have faces of their ancestors, we all are decedents from Adam and Eve.
So, some looking similar.


Another my genetic cousin
(I do not say his name here openly)
as my 3rd cousin - 3rd cousin once removed
we shared 0.7% DNA
shared 47.7 cM
3 segments
Largest shared segment 32.8 cM

He is American, by his genealogy,
from his ancestors, coming from Italy, Sicily and Palermo in Sicily.

His ancestors surnames here in Sicily were
Gaspare Criello (1776-1836)
his wife Giuseppa Crivello (born LaNasa) (1777 - 1831)

I put this for LaNasa as as NASA and connected 18 century living people in Sicily, Italy, in Palermo   and  American NASA  in USA, really interesting and touching to find this all.

Their son was
Micheal Guiseppe Crivello (1812-1903), whom married twice,
1st wife from 1st marrige in 1830 y. was
Marie Antonina Crivello (born Dovi) (1814 - 1854, Sicily)
2nd wife from Mar, 20, 1873 was
Guiseppa Providenza Crivelle  (born Calderronce) (1829 - 1898)m in Sicily

Dovi as Dove (Голубь)

His deep ancestors in Sicily is stil

Josephine Russo (born Crivello) (1845 - 1935)
Frank Russo (? - 1906)

Giovanni Palmisana (1876-1902)
Ignazia Rosa Palmisana (born Russo) (1879-1966)

James Palmesana (1904-1987)
Mary Theresa Palmesana (born LaBella) (1909,USA - 1976, Kanzas, USA)

Anthony La Bella (?-1915, Italy)
Elizabeth La Bella

Francesca Crivella, Sicily (b 1839)
Gaspare Crivello, Sicilly (b.1844)
Antonino Crivello (b/1845)


I took this example, from plenty huge results,
for two points.

By Genebase, I did 91 STR markers tests here for my father
Aleksandr Balzin,

By Genebase,
my father's  YDNA  (paternal side)
connected to Sicily, Italy
genetic distance 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 - Sicily, Italy with a compare 20 markers STR, as a strongest genetic test

and still,
to island Smirna

Sicily was the old Greek colony from people moving from island Smirna to Sicily, this was a famous Mathematician Intentional School, taking plenty foreign students and locals, and we all know a name of Archimed, a talented Old Greek man, living in Sicily as Sicilian Old Greek man.

I saw some my genetic Italian cousin Cifiri,
laughed, as Цифирри - Цифра-числа.

Cifiri  - Cirifir' = a Number on Slavonic, on Russian too.

The calculation numbers o, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 -to calculate cifiri cifri (numbers)

We had a family legend that my ancestor build some town by his surname and he was a strongest Mathematician, so, 

I had 2nd place on a Mathematical Olympiad in Chita Province in Olovyannay District in Russia as a  child about 9 yo age, (for all boys and girls)

I had 3rd place  Physical Olympiad in Riga in Latvia as a schoolgirl of 8th form (this was for school boys and schoolgirls as a competition).

Olovo = Tin (English), Stannum (Latin), chemical element Sn)

Olovyannyj = tin, pewter, stannic, pewter,

The color of tin is a grey   

So, we remember this surname Grey, Gray, Grai
and Lady Grey, The Queen of 9 days in England.

But as I am a Russian Ethnic,
I remember the name of England and the island England
and Great Britain on Russian as the old name as:

Оловянные Острова

Tin Islands  + Great Britian, British islands on Russian would be "Tin Islands" as the oldest historical name, another additional name to the official name.

Tin Islands

Stannic Islands

Pewter Islands

Tin Islands = Olovyannye Ostrova - Оловянные Острова.

You may see names of villages in Chita District in Russia as
Olovyannaya-1 (Tin-1)
Olovyannaya-2 (Tin-2)
Olovyannaya-3 (Tin-3)
Olovyannaya-4 (Tin-4)

SubDistrict Olovyannaya (Tin)

Plenty locals here whom lived as locals of white race had a typical faces of Great Britain, not all, but some.

Local libraries had a huge range of book as translated from English on Russia, making all locals as a fan of Great Britain, England, British history and culture and to English language, as a loyal to UK Soviet Russian inhabitants.

The training of speaking on English was such in Soviet school, making a terrible Russian ancient, when I come on 12th February 1998 to live in England, over 20 years back in time, nobody was able to understand My "Innish"  English.

I pronounced  all letters  know, knight, island, knife.

I was not able to understand  why people say "now" and i realized this was "know"

I now  = "I know" in a writing on English

night = night or knight in a writing on English, two words, some sounds.

I do not know reasons and facts how my deep ancestors from Sicily, Italy, for example, came to Russian Impair to stay to live here to be Russian Ethnic.

I know my great grandmother talked on some foreign language with her husband, especially, on a bad mood, for kids not knew somethings, inside their family house, but she used Russian language outside of their property.

Her children thought she was Romanian from Romania, asked, and she said she was as an Italian Gypsy from Rome, The Actress, performing on the stage in Paris, meeting here their Dad, falling in love, he talked a lot, making her to loss a head, in love, she was moving with him to his land to Poland and to Siberia after in Russia too.

But really, they all were Old Russian Orthodox Church believes, really religious people, as Christian fanatics, never forget to pray to live by a rules.

There were not plenty visitors from Sicily, Italy, to Russian Impair.

One of a famous visitors was

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro

Alessandro di Cagliostro 
(Giuseppe Balsamo)
(Prince Felix),
born in Sicily,
from his Jewish mother (and unknown father).

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro  (Giuseppe Balsamo)

From Wikipedia:

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro
(2 June 1743 – 26 August 1795) (18 century)
was the alias of the occultist
Giuseppe Balsamo;
in French usually referred to as
Joseph Balsamo.

was an Italian adventurer
and self-styled magician.

He became a glamorous figure
associated with the royal courts of Europe
where he pursued various occult arts,
including psychic healing, alchemy and scrying.

His reputation lingered for many decades after his death, but continued to deteriorate, as he came to be regarded as a charlatan and impostor, this view fortified by the savage attack of Thomas Carlyle (1795–1881) in 1833, who pronounced him the "Prince of Quacks".

Later works—such as that of W.R.H. Trowbridge (1866-1938) in his Cagliostro: the Splendour and Misery of a Master of Magic (1910)—attempted a rehabilitation.

The history of Cagliostro is shrouded in rumour, propaganda, and mysticism. Some effort was expended to ascertain his true identity when he was arrested because of possible participation in the Affair of the Diamond Necklace.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe relates in his Italian Journey that the identification of Cagliostro with Giuseppe Balsamo was ascertained by a lawyer from Palermo who, upon official request, had sent a dossier with copies of the pertinent documents to France.

Goethe met the lawyer in April 1787 and saw the documents and Balsamo's pedigree:
Balsamo's great-grandfather
Matteo Martello
had two daughters:
Maria, who married
Giuseppe Bracconeri;
Vincenza, who married
Giuseppe Cagliostro.

Maria and Giuseppe Bracconeri
had three children:
Antonia; and
who married
Pietro Balsamo
(the son of a bookseller,
Antonino Balsamo,
who had declared bankruptcy before dying at age 44).

The son of
Felicita and Pietro Balsamo was
who was christened with the name of his great-uncle and eventually adopted his surname, too.

Felicit; Balsamo was still alive in Palermo at the time of Goethe's travels in Italy, and he visited her and her daughter.

Cagliostro himself stated during the trial following
the Affair of the Diamond Necklace
that he had been born of Christians of noble birth but abandoned as an orphan upon the island of Malta.

He claimed to have travelled as a child to Medina, Mecca, and Cairo and upon return to Malta to have been admitted to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, with whom he studied alchemy, the Kabbalah, and magic.

Early life

Giuseppe Balsamo
was born to a poor family in
which was once
the old Jewish Quarter of
Palermo, Sicily.

Despite his family's precarious financial situation, his grandfather and uncles made sure the young Giuseppe received a solid education:

he was taught by a tutor and later became a novice in
the Catholic Order of St. John of God,
from which he was eventually expelled.

During his period as a novice in the order,
Balsamo learned chemistry as well as a series of spiritual rites.

In 1764, when he was twenty one,
he convinced
Vincenzo Marano
—a wealthy goldsmith—
of the existence of a hidden treasure
buried several hundred years
previously at Mount Pellegrino.

The young man's knowledge of the occult, Marano reasoned, would be valuable in preventing the duo from being attacked by magical creatures guarding the treasure.

In preparation for the expedition to Mount Pellegrino, however,
Balsamo requested
seventy pieces of silver
from Marano.

When the time came for the two to dig up the supposed treasure, Balsamo attacked Marano, who was left bleeding and wondering what had happened to the boy—in his mind, the beating he had been subjected to had been the work of djinns.

The next day, Marano paid a visit to
Balsamo's house in
via Perciata
(since then renamed via
Conte di Cagliostro),
where he learned the young man had left the city.

Balsamo (accompanied by two accomplices) had fled to the city of Messina.

By 1765–66,
Balsamo found himself on the island of
where he became an auxiliary (donato)
the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
a skilled pharmacist.


In early 1768
left for Rome,
where he managed to land himself a job
a secretary to
Cardinal Orsini.

The job proved boring to Balsamo and he soon started leading a double life, selling magical "Egyptian" amulets and engravings pasted on boards and painted over to look like paintings.

Of the many Sicilian expatriates and ex-convicts
he met during this period, one introduced him to

a seventeen-year-old girl named
Lorenza Seraphina Feliciani
(ca. 8 April 1751 – 1794),
known as Serafina,
whom he married 1768.

The couple moved in with
Lorenza's parents and her brother
in the vicolo delle Cripte,
adjacent to the strada dei Pellegrini.

Balsamo's coarse language and the way he incited Lorenza to display her body contrasted deeply with her parents' deep-rooted religious beliefs. After a heated discussion, the young couple left.

At this point Balsamo befriended
a forger and swindler,
who proposed to teach Balsamo
how to forge letters, diplomas and myriad other official documents.

In return, though, Agliata sought sexual intercourse with Balsamo's young wife, a request to which Balsamo acquiesced.

The couple
traveled together to

where Balsamo, now styling himself with one of several pseudonyms and self-conferred titles before settling on
"Count Alessandro di Cagliostro",
allegedly met
the Comte de Saint-Germain.

Cagliostro traveled throughout Europe,

especially to Courland, Russia, Poland, Germany, and later France.

(Курланд (сейчас в Латвии), Россия, Польша, Германия, Франция)

His fame grew to the point that
he was even recommended as a physician to
Benjamin Franklin
during a stay in Paris.

On April 12, 1776
"Joseph Cagliostro"
was admitted as
a Freemason
of the Esperance Lodge No. 289 in Gerrard Street, Soho, London.

(Масон Английской Ложи в Лондоне)

In December 1777
Cagliostro and Serafina
left London (Лондон)
for the mainland,
after which
they travelled through various German states,
visiting lodges of
the Rite of Strict Observance
looking for converts to Cagliostro's
"Egyptian Freemasonry".

In February 1779
Cagliostro traveled to

he met
the poetess
Elisa von der Recke.

In September 1780,
after failing
in Saint Petersburg
to win the patronage of Russian Tsaritsa Catherine the Great,

(Пытался завладеть патронажем и покровительством Екатерины Великой в Российской Империи, в Сант-Петебурге, но эта затея провалилась, и Калиостро уехали во Францию).

the Cagliostros
made their way to
at that time in France.

In October 1784,
the Cagliostros
travelled to

On December 24, 1784 they founded
the co-Masonic mother lodge
La Sagesse Triomphante
of his rite of Egyptian Freemasonry at Lyon.

In January 1785,
Cagliostro and his wife
went to
in response to the entreaties of
Cardinal Rohan.

Affair of the diamond necklace

Satire on Cagliostro at a Masonic meeting in London in 1786, by James Gillray

Cagliostro was prosecuted in
the Affair of the Diamond Necklace
which involved
Marie Antoinette and Prince Louis de Rohan,
and was held
in the Bastille
for nine months
but finally acquitted,
when no evidence could be found connecting him
to the affair.

he was banished
from France
by order of Louis XVI,
and departed for England.

There he was accused by French expatriate
Theveneau de Morande
of being Giuseppe Balsamo,
which he denied
in his published Open Letter
to the English People,
forcing a retraction
and apology from Morande.

Betrayal, imprisonment, and death

left England
to visit Rome,

where he
met two people
who proved to be
spies of the Inquisition.

Some accounts hold that
his wife was the one
who initially betrayed him to
the Inquisition.

On 27 December 1789,
he was arrested and imprisoned in
the Castel Sant'Angelo.

Soon afterwards
he was sentenced to death
on the charge of being a Freemason.

The Pope
changed his sentence,
to life imprisonment
in the Castel Sant'Angelo.

After attempting to escape
he was relocated to
the Fortress of San Leo
where he died not long after.


Portuguese author Camilo Castelo Branco credits to Balsamo the creation of the Egyptian Rite of the Freemasons and intensive work in the diffusion of Freemasonry, by opening lodges all over Europe and by introducing the acceptance of women into the community.

Cagliostro was an extraordinary forger.

Giacomo Casanova,
in his autobiography,
narrated an encounter
in which
Cagliostro was able
to forge a letter by Casanova,
despite being unable to understand it.

Occult historian Lewis Spence comments in his entry on Cagliostro that the swindler put his finagled wealth to good use by starting and funding a chain of maternity hospitals and orphanages around the continent.

He carried an alchemistic manuscript The Most Holy Trinosophia amongst others with him on his ill-fated journey to Rome and it is alleged that he wrote it.

Occultist Aleister Crowley believed Cagliostro was one of his previous incarnations.

Cultural references


Catherine the Great wrote two skits lampooning Cagliostro in the guise of characters loosely based upon him.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe wrote a comedy based on Cagliostro's life, also in reference to the Affair of the Diamond Necklace, The Great Cophta (Der Gro;-Coptha) which was published in 1791.

Alexandre Dumas, p;re used Cagliostro in several of his novels (especially in Joseph Balsamo and in Le Collier de la Reine where he claims to be over 3,000 years old and to have known Helen of Troy).

George Sand includes Cagliostro as a minor character in her historical novel, The Countess of Rudolstadt (1843).

Aleksey Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote the supernatural love story Count Cagliostro where the Count brings to life a long dead Russian princess, materializing her from her portrait. The story was made into a 1984 Soviet TV movie Formula of Love.

Cagliostro is prominently figured in three stories by
Rafael Sabatini:
"The Lord of Time", "The Death Mask" and "The Alchemical Egg",
all of which are included in
Sabatini's collection
Turbulent Tales.

He is mentioned in the story The Sandman by ETA Hoffmann where Spalanzani is said to look like a painting of Cagliostro by Chodowiecki.

He is mentioned in the story
The Book and the Beast
by Robert Arthur, Jr.
A conjuring book attributed to him causes the gruesome death of any man foolish enough to examine it, until a fire destroys the book.

He is mentioned in the novel
It Happened in Boston?
by Russell H. Greenan.
The narrator is reading the life of Cagliostro when he has his first reverie.

He is mentioned in the novel
Kun Lun
by Kilburn Hall (2014)
where it is revealed that
Alessandro Cagliostro, Joseph and
Giuseppe Balsamo
are just a few of the names that
time traveler
Count St. Germain
has used throughout history.

He is mentioned in the book
The Red Lion—The Elixir of Eternal Life
by Maria Szepes

Friedrich Schiller
wrote an unfinished novel
Der Geisterseher (The Ghost-Seer)
between 1786 and 1789 about Cagliostro.

The Phantom comic book
featured Cagliostro as a character in the story
The Cagliostro Mystery
from 1988, written
by Norman Worker
and drawn
by Carlos Cruz.

The Kid Eternity comic book featured Cagliostro's risen spirit in issue 3 (1946).

In the DC Comics universe, Cagliostro is described as an immortal (JLA Annual 2), a descendant of Leonardo da Vinci as well as an ancestor of Zatara and Zatanna (Secret Origins 27).

Cagliostro is a character in
Robert Anton Wilson's
The Historical Illuminatus Chronicles.

Cagliostro is frequently alluded to in
Umberto Eco's novel
Foucault's Pendulum.

Mikhail Kuzmin
wrote a novella called
The Marvelous Life of Giuseppe Balsamo, Count Cagliostro (1916).

Cagliostro is a character in
a novel by Alfred Bester and Roger Zelazny.

Josephine Balsamo, a descendant of Joseph Balsamo who calls herself Countess Cagliostro, appears in
Maurice Leblanc's
Arsene Lupin novels.

Cagliostro makes several cameo appearances as a vampire in
Kim Newman's
Anno Dracula novels.

The manga
Rozen Maiden
reveals Count Cagliostro to be merely one of many different aliases adopted by the legendary dollmaker Rozen. He was shown to be in prison whittling wood.

There are numerous references to Cagliostro in
the detective novel
He Who Whispers
by John Dickson Carr
(aka Carter Dickson),
one of his Dr. Gideon Fell mysteries,
published by Hamish Hamilton (UK) & Harper (USA) in 1946.

In this book, a French professor, Georges Antoine Rigaud, has written a history: Life of Cagliostro. Also an attempted murder committed in He Who Whispers is similar in technique to part of an initiation ceremony undergone by Cagliostro into the lodge of a secret society.

There is a passing and utterly inconsequential reference to Cagliostro in
Hilary Mantel's
1992 novel
A Place of Greater Safety.

Cagliostro is a character in the 1997 novel,
by David Ambrose;
Cagliostro is an acquaintance of the fictional character, Adam Wyatt.

Cagliostro is a Playable character in
the Japanese Mobile game
Granblue Fantasy.

Cogliostro is a character in
Todd McFarlanes's comic saga
introduced to the series
by Neil Gaiman
to give greater depth to the curse of spawn.

Cagliostro was once a spawn of Hell bound to his duty to the daemon Malebolgia, and manages to free himself of the curse through alchemy and sorcery, teaching Spawn to do the same throughout the series.

He is often mentioned in the book
Napoleon's Pyramids
by William Dietrich
in connection with Freemasons and ancient Egyptian artifacts.

In Glory Road, Star uses
as an alias, and refers to Giuseppe as her uncle.


He appears as a principal character in the
Le congres des rois,
a collaborative work of 12 composers.

The French composer Victor Dourlen (1780–1864) composed the first act to Cagliostro, ou Les illumines which premiered on 27 November 1810.
The second and third act were composed by Anton Reicha (1770–1836).

The Irish composer William Michael Rooke (1794–1847) wrote an unperformed work Cagliostro.

Adolphe Adam
wrote the opera
comique Cagliostro
which premiered on 10 February 1844.

Albert Lortzing
wrote in 1850
the libretto for a comic opera in three acts,
but did not compose any music for it.

Johann Strauz (Sohn) wrote the operetta Cagliostro in Wien (Cagliostro in Vienna) in 1875.

The French composer Claude Terrasse (1867–1923) wrote Le Cagliostro which premiered in 1904.

The Polish composer Jan Maklakiewicz (1899–1954) wrote the ballet in three scenes Cagliostro w Warszawie which premiered in 1938.

The Romanian composer Iancu Dumitrescu (1944–) wrote the 1975 work Le miroir de Cagliostro for choir, flute and percussion.

The American composer John Zorn (1953–) composed Cagliostro for solo viola in 2015. The performer uses two bows in the right hand to play on all four strings at once throughout the work.

The opera Cagliostro by the Italian composer Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880–1968) was performed on Italian radio in 1952 and at La Scala on 24 January 1953.

The comic opera
Graf Cagliostro
was written by Mikael Tariverdiev
in 1983.


Cagliostro has been played in film by:
Fryderyk Jarossy (Kaliostro, 1918)
Reinhold Sch;nzel (The Count of Cagliostro, 1920)
Hans St;we (Cagliostro, 1929)
Orson Welles (Black Magic, 1949)
Howard Vernon (Erotic Rites of Frankenstein, 1972)
Jean Marais (Joseph Balsamo, 1973, TV miniseries)
Bekim Fehmiu (Cagliostro, 1975)
Nodar Mgaloblishvili (Formula of Love, 1984, TV film)
Nicol Williamson (Spawn, 1997)
Christopher Walken (The Affair of the Necklace, 2001)
Robert Englund (The Return of Cagliostro, 2003)

In the 1943 German epic M;nchhausen, Cagliostro appears as a powerful, morally ambiguous magician portrayed by Ferdinand Marian.

The French film director Georges M;li;s (1861–1938) directed the 1899 film Le Miroir de Cagliostro.

The Japanese animated movie The Castle of Cagliostro draws on Maurice Leblanc's Arsene Lupin novels. Cagliostro appears as the main antagonist of the film, a ruler of a fictional country who influences the world's economy through counterfeiting.

The Mummy (1932), starring Boris Karloff, was adapted from an original story treatment by Nina Wilcox Putnam titled "Cagliostro". Based on Cagliostro and set in San Francisco, the story was about a 3000-year-old magician who survives by injecting nitrates.

Cagliostro and his wife, Lorenza, appear as antagonists in the 2006 anime
Le Chevalier d'Eon. While Cagliostro is mostly portrayed as a bumbling money-grubber, Lorenza is shown to have arcane magic powers.

Cagliostro is mentioned frequently in the successful Marvel movie
Doctor Strange. The 'Book of Cagliostro' is an ancient artifact containing several dark spells of magic and is used as an item of power.


Cagliostro appears as a villainous magician in an episode of
the 1960s series Thriller, entitled
"The Prisoner in the Mirror";
he is played by Henry Daniell and Lloyd Bochner.

In a 1978 episode of
the Wonder Woman TV series,
a descendant of the Count, still attempting alchemy (and succeeding to the extent of turning lead into gold for a time, after which it turns back into its original form) is the villain, and Wonder Woman, in her Diana Prince identity, indicates that she faced his ancestor, the original Count Cagliostro, in the past.

Cagliostro is mentioned in
the Twilight Zone (new) series,
in an episode called
"The Pharaoh's Curse"
when a magician performing the trick says that this act was passed down from a lineage of famous magicians.

Cagliostro is a character in
Todd McFarlane's Spawn. An animated television series which aired on HBO from 1997 through 1999. The Character Cagliostro had lived as many identities in his over 800 year life. He was a Hell-Spawn who managed to free himself of the curse though the practice of Alchemy and Sorcery. He accompanies Spawn and teaches him to do the same throughout the series.

In Samurai Jack episode 7 of season 3, Samurai Jack follows a quest for the crystal of Cagliostro.

From Wikipedia

Plus, in Soviet film on Russian for TV,
"The Formula of Love".

On Russian

From this,  a little bit

Алессандро Калиостро
(итал. Alessandro Cagliostro),
настоящее имя —
Джузеппе Бальсамо
(итал. Giuseppe Balsamo;
2 июня 1743, Палермо — 26 августа 1795, замок Сан-Лео)
— известный мистик и авантюрист, называвший себя разными именами.
Во Франции также был известен как
Жозе;ф Бальзамо; (фр. Joseph Balsamo).

С Википедии.

Т.е. Бин Ладен может как то пересекаться с этой всей историей, быть потомком (запрятанным от публики) некоего мужчины британских королевских кровей (масонами могли быть тогда только дворяне, по происхождению,  а первое посвящение в масоны было в Лондоне. уж конечно, его родословную проверили и знали что-то, скрытое от глаз публики по сей день.

Но он может пересекаться и с Сицилей и с Графом Калиостро, а, если бы это было так, авантюристичных взрывной характр мог просто подвести, заставя Бин Ладана нечто неожиданно сказать, реагируя.  Даже и оговорить себя.

Пока суда нет, то нет.

США и Англия в наше время 21 века начисто забывают основы юридического права, что только Суд после проведённого расследования имеет право давать определения юридического характера. что тот человек что-то совершил противоправное.

А вот преступники. которые мешают следствию провести расследование полиции, до Суда, выглядят как преступники,  уводящие следствие и препятствующие следствию.

Громче всех "Кричи вора!" кричит вор.

Я считаю возмутительным изменения. когда политики  дают определения юридического храктера. закрывая полицеские расследоанивая и решения Суда.

Это напоминает времена Сталина, тройки, дающие приговоры без суда и следствия.

Но происходит то в юридической правовой среде англоязычных юристов.

Английский закон запрещает обзывать другого человека,  в той манере. какая проиходит в англоговорящей политической элиты (Буш, Тереза Мей, Обама).

Господа! Дайте провести полиции ваших стран расследование и дождитесь суда и решения суда.

Политик или и Премьер-Министр Англии или Президент США, это не Судья в Суде и не полиция. расследующая уголовное дело.

Как можно так неуважать профессионалов своей страны?

Дождитесь решения профессионалов и суда?

Если в Англии британец сказал бы такое другому. его привлекли бы за клевету: Докажите! Вы оскорбили меня морально!

И вверх элиты ведут себя ниже правил и традиции обязатльным остальным в их государстве?

Я не спорю тут кто и что Бин Ладан.

Я говорю, что Суда не было.

Господа убили безоружного человека до суда.

Простите, а если ЦРУ ему заплатили деньги сыграть роль? Чтобы успокоить американцев? Вот-нашли кто сделал это! он!

И потом убили, отобрав шанс рассказать правду:

ну откуда я мог знать систему охрану американских аэропортов. коль я представлен житель страны Афганистан?

"9/11  и Бин Ладен, странности, размышления, мысли",  рассказ, статья, гипотезы
