A song without melody, a poem without rhyme

Well, again and, maybe, forever
I don t know, how to live...
Again and forever i don t know, how to act...
Again and forever  i don t know,
How to survive and not to be guilty in the same time.
If i act in such way -
Then i will be in trouble,
And i will be guilty...
If i act in some other way,
I will be even in a more big trouble,
And i will be guilty also...

And there is nobody, who could help me,
Or give me an advice...
So i will never have an opportunity
To know for sure, what to do
To avoid trouble and to avoid sin...
I have noone to be sure in.
And i have to decide everything by myself...
But in any case there will be some trouble
And a lot of sins...
Or, maybe, on the contrary -
Some sins and a lot of trouble!

And so i have no base ubder my feet
And no light at the end of this tunnel -
And it seems, that there is no way out from this hell...

But i suddenly forget about everything,
When i start cooking cabbage ))))

Конец неожиданный) я хорошо понимаю английский)

Нина Шуркина   04.12.2022 21:03     Заявить о нарушении

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