Сексуальная кошка Крематорий

A long time ago the boat of your dream
was crushed to pieces by the ice.
And things once significant and nice
became inessential and dim.
And now in the starry splendor of night
your only wish is for the wind
to blow down on you from up above.
The wind of bliss and ethereal love.
A sexy cat with her head in the clouds.
A peri full of kindness and charm.
I see you in heaven caressing the stars.

Refreshing your listless body with
the bitter salts of the dead seas,
You have a soul – a museum of art.
And I would like to stay where thou art.
But your home is cursed despite all its wealth.
The Devil already chose it for himself.
A sexy cat with her head in the clouds.
A delightful peri full of charm.
I see you in heaven caressing the stars.
