39. introduction in a groove. a sample with кудрин
Figure " Жар - птица - King Bird " -я I stretch(drag out) up to the Size of a sheet - width of a board 180 mm. It is better to apply more dense wood such as a birch, alder, and on an aspen will not be so are cut precisely out закругления and thin details of a groove. Impose figure on a transfer paper or pin by its(her) button, or pencil mark corners of a page - figure is transferred and is cut IN PARTS! Differently by palm you will erase figure. Draw Elements, кудри- element list- not on figure, and proceeding from presence of chisels on a diameter of an edge. Оперение –wool on a bird- on a breast фигурки –bird- it is possible to execute –Сколышками -element. I used these кудри-list- on perimeter, and in middle I cut figures: animals, hunters.. A background - at me in лунках – cuting- from a round chisel - in figure flat. Pay attention - кончики кудрей - листев 2 mm do not reach up to осевой –axial-of a line орнамента -perimetr 1. I advise ПОТЕНИРОВАТЬСЯ – paint- and листья – list- draw by hand. The foreman В. неКрылович.
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