The Great Flood issues

09.04.2018-10.04.2018    Great  Britian, Nottinghsmshire, Sutton-in-Ashfield
[not edited versa]

The Great Flood issues

There are plenty photos, videos, maps, stories, archeological evedences from the conspiracy theory regarding the past and the real history of this past which had been changed to a false fantazy fiction official history of the vision of the official or real political or religious real or a financial real power,  as some storiers from some storytellers.

Plenty people in plenty countries tried and try to fill gaps to dig the real history of real past and real events to know the real events of the real past in their own country and other countries and on the planet The Earth.

The small experiences to look for a water in a water cup or container
as part of the undertsanding The Great Flood, i stared my article from this, but I wrote so many that this is on the end of this article.

The latest more improving open fact had opened a real fact, for example, that the huge digging work to move deeply underground suddenly had oppenned first floors on a lever 1-2-3 first floors inside of the land in soil which covered buildings of 19th century by the soil, so.

We saw photos and videos from Russia, for example, where Russian towns  Omsk, Saratov, Saint Peterburg, Moscow, and plenty others, and villages' church have  their 19th century'es buildings (as Palaces, as highest buildings ith plenty floors, churches), which openned more hidden underground floors inside of the soil land, which had been seen and opened just by the huge work of a moving this soil near building out, by digging.

The analises of the soil which covered first floors of 19 century buildings in Russia (Omsk, Saratov, Sain Peterburg, Moscow, other towns and villages in Russia) put the fact as this soil was some water river soil type. 

And, so, as the fact of the reality that some huge water or river soil from rivers or bith had covered buildings of 19 century in Russian Impair land on the huge height of solic lay cover, covering old first floors, ground floor, 1st floor, and near to covered 2nd floor and may be near 3rd flood level of building by a huge river soil. 

So, when we see now buildings of 19 century in Russia, and when we see the strange Russian architecture as underground flour windows in such buildings, we see the look of old 1st floor or old 2nd or old 3rd floor look of buildings of 19 century as they had been built in 19 century at 1st.

This put the knowledge of the real hidden history as the real fact of the some Great Flood event as just the one logical explanation here.

We knoa about a cultural lay as a fact that trees and plants leave their leaves, flowers, themselves on the ground, as a wind put some soil and sand by a wind, as a dust dop, as people drop their things or dit or duspin or items on the ground too,

But people and trees and plants  had not dropped a huge lay of a river soil and soil  on the ground in their towns, had they?

So, here just 3 possible versa as the explanation

1. The huge Great Flood was, so huge that moved, mixed all, and rivers soil, covered all land, towns, villages for a while, and so high level of a flood, that all ground floor, 1st floor level of vuildings of 19 century had been covered to stay into a water so covered by a river soil, and this water had dissapired after, opening buildings with covered ground and first floor levels of buildings as a new opening look of the land, towns, villages, churches.

Regarding this versa, people used to investigate this, and they noticed as there was the change of the old location North-Sounth, East-West on the planet The Earth in the past.

People openened for themself the real fact of hidden history of the planet The Earth,
as the existing of my high level technology in the past which had been after or losted or forgetting in full for a while for some time.

For example,
 - evedances of more better quality of building join surface connections in 1-2 mm,
as a high quality of building work in buildings, walls, surfaces
- evedances of a technology as a mixed materials to do a solid nice looking materials,
as similar to ideas ot a mix modern beton with something, making plenty different colors.
- evedances of a 3D Printing technology (which is staying not only on a computerised special programms osimilar to SAPR and other to make a new look by the automatic robotic work on a wood or a stone or a composite matherials by the suing of modern comturetised programs
- evedances of using more solid and a realy quality materials, working on materials of the high level of hardness of materials
- evedances of some sculptures of humans, so realistic, as 3D full copy of humans from them themselves or their 3D photographs, making sculptures with sports, birthmarks, all details or ornaments of garments of clothes, you may see eyeballs.
This is the highest level of a masterstone work, making the first expression as the alive people started to be such their sculpures suddenly. (Which so near to Bible story about ancient towns Soddoma and Homorr, where all inhabitans and people started to be suddenly "a white salt stone statues" just in one moment suddenly, and a hige Great Flood after).

So, this put to think, as Bible story was the truth.

Just people tried to say their own vision from their own impression of all.

I saw some stone scultures on the back of the stone Church of Saint John with Saint Mary in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, Enland, Great Britain, UK.

I did photos, and when i saw this, i was shoked to see sculptures coming from 19 century by the explanation that this The Church had been built in 19 Century, the whole.

The face of a female (as Saint Mary) was so realisitc, as the real face or a real human face, her eyeballs were more darker, and her face had a huge emotional impression of the huge saddness, as some strong cry about somethings o someone, as her loss.

This impression of a cry and inners tears insideof a female face was assosiated as "salt" "tears", as humans tears were salty on the taste before, people used words "salty tears", "a salty life".

The stone had been covered by a smog from plenty chimneys, but the stone was a white.

The salt is a white, some as a mramor stone is a white too, and some other composite matherials.
So, there are evedences of some sculptures of humans, women, girls, females, men all from some white color stones as a white mramor or some composite stone materials.

To make such highest quality of stonework is the really high level of ability of using a special high level cutters for the stone, a specialized computer programms, 3D Printing technology, the technology to stamp the composite stone materials to a solid final look as a stone.

When you such so highest level of a stonework as these old ancient sculptures, youur first thoughts and expressions that they are real humans, women, men, children, started to be as a white salt color stones all suddenly for them.

I looked and I had such feelngs of the strong emotions as i saw a real humans bodies, started to be  sculptures of a white and pure white color of a white salt.

You see all automic details, heares, eyeballs, all, sports, details of faces, bodies, and details of clothes, buttons, and each sewing work details too.

They are al so realistic.

And if to compare such ancient sculpures or this from 19 Centuries from England and Russian Impair land and Italy land  and some modern sculpures of 20-21 centuries and the quality of a building work of modern builders, - you see a huge gap in skills and the technology as a huge loss of skills and a technology knowledge.

To make the excellent quality work in join connections in building,  for them to be a perfect with 0-1 mm gap in a join connetions lines and point, you need to use a measures standards having this 0-1mm as a measure units to check the quality of a building stadards of a work.

All right.  I have a modern measure from UK.
1 inch = ? sm = ?mm

a measuring type in mm is more excellent quality of a measure as having more smallest measuring unit as 1mm.

If to make a meausring unit as the wideness of 1 male finger as this was in the past on the start and moved to British meauring tapes, - you have not the unit here as so small as 1 mm to order the quality standart of the building quality for join connection points in 1mm, or 0-1 mm, as you have not this to order the quality of building work, having a gap in connection which would be 0-1 mm and not more.

So, some building work in Great Britain in England had been done by someone here, wom had their technology with their measuring tapes and their smallest measuring unit in 1mm.

British people moved to a metric sistem "just", and they used their old traditional tapes still now.

I saw a British quality wood inner door for a house by a true born in UK British woodmaker.  He did a wooden door, having not the equal lines, one wider another, making his door in a poor quality, as this door was not able to be closed, one side more wide another , as he used British meauring tape where it is not 1 mm unit.

Peole, workings with a wood and stone and a metall on facric, Designers, cutters, they used the metric system with mm and with more smallest measuring units in microns, as 1 mm is already not enough for the more excellent quality of details, items, good in the technology.

And after this, you see British modern traditional meausring tapes in inches, and your see some British ancient sculpures from a stone or a composite materials with details of less that 1 mm meausuring units as the quality, and you see the evendace of the existing more high level of the technology in the past and in 19 century in England, which was staying not on the traditional British measuring stradards, but used somethings similar to metric system with mm and micrones meausuring units.

So, some things as a stonework, ascuptires and churches and buildings and walls or bridges or stone surfaces, making by 19 century dates from England officially by Officials had been done not by British builders with British measuring tapes in inches but by someone having their technology with mm, microns, 3D Printing compurerising programs.

I saw some stone work, as bridhes or a road surfaces from a gardest solid stone (similar to which on Red Square in Moscow and in Voroncov Palace and Voroncov Park in Crimea), and if to read the time spending to make this, - really rapid work, really, to do this, you need to have the technology and standards too.

I leaved in USSR area, Russian builders making their new stone buildings for a longest time, some for 25-25 years, some more quick, using stapmed comsposite stamps standards as stadrad barak block and a composite glue technology for such blocks to join them quick in one building.

You see the quality of work to see a loss of the quality standarts and skills.

Some details of ornament of stone work in The Chuch of Saint John with Saint Mary in Mansfield in England in Great Britian in UK looked as a smallest details of 3D computering software technology to composite and to cut stones and rotate or some 3D printing, the technology which had not been by the official history of England here and on the planet The Earth too, as first computers as IMB came from 20 Century from England and America by official history of science,
but you see as this is not the truth, as level of a work as cutters and buildres and sculpures of 19 century in England and Russian Impair defenetly had a level technolohy more highest rigther we have not as just started to have this.

Look, you do not need to travel to the future, as enough to travel back in time to see the technology from the future, which we just started to develop.

And, as the fact and a real fact, 
still fact of evedances of the Great Flood in the past,
coverings buildings (Palaces, highest building with plenty floors level, The Churches) 
in towns, villages
by the thickest lay of soil,
mainly as a river type soil
all buildings from 19 century
in Russian towns
Omsk, Saratov, Moscow, Saint Peterburg in Russian Impear,
and the excavation and the digging job of old building of 19 century
had oppened
this hidden ground and
1st floor level
in the underground, covered hidden by soil.

So, this small windows from undeground floor in buildings of 19 century in ex-Russian Impair land are the look of ancient old 1st floor level or 2nd floor level or ground floor level of the original buildings of 19 century in Russian Impair.

People finded the old photo from Siberia with the desert look here, no Sibirain woods forest and just rare small trees, a sjust planted or started to grow.

The fact of a hidden real history had been openned on this new facts and evedances.

We have the real hidden history of our planet.

We had the official history of our planet.

They both are not the some.

The fact of The Great Flood coming suddenly as a Huge Wave, overed a huge areas with a high height, leaving a thickest river water mix type with soils as a fact of our real history of our planet in the past, hidden by the official history for us all to know to learn.

Yes,   Bible text said the truth.

Yes, The Great Flood was here on our planet in the past. This is the truth.

If you would like to know more more, just find your time to find to see this photos and videos from Russia from Russian towns  Omsk,  Saratov, Moscow, Saint Peterburg, other, villages,
as Russians did a lot of digging work and filmed this all to share to show to others to see the real history.

Do you like these ancient legend about the Antantida land, started to be underwater ina full just in one moment of one night?

Old Greeks Historians, Geradot, wrote this legends and stories, saving them for as to know.

If to take the Old Testamonies Bible text, to ask youself about the Year of The Great Flood was by Bible text? 

As it was The Great Flood on planet, stopped the time measures, we may use Bible and to name
Year O for the Year when Adam had been created as 1st man.

After his, the Bible text gave us the time measure in years in the some chronology type, saying name of each new born son and the age of his father on the time when his son had been born, and in age he died.

If to use this information from Bible
to make
more modern style
for The Chronology From Adam,
Year O - Adam as 1st man had been created
and etc till Noe and
Year 1656 will be The Great Flood was.

The Great Flood was in Year  1656  from Adam's Creation Year,
by  Bible text of old Testimony.

we saw evedances and facts
the some this Great Flood
 or similar but another The Great Flood was
just "now" in time, near us,
as this The Great Flood covered areas
of Saint Peterburg, Moscow, Omsk, Saratov,
buildings, Places, The Churches
which had been build by offical history
in 19 Century,
in 15-16-19 centuries.

The traditional orientation
of religious buildings
and graves in cemeteries
including methids of funeral tradions
on the strongest
religous believs
of importance of orientation the Sun, so The East-West, The North-South
in the organization
of buildings of The Churches, the front door to The Churches,
and graves orientation in cemeteries
and the traditions of funerals, including the orientation of died bodies in graves
(the head to a right side to the East where The Sun came from
and the legs to a right side to The West, for mostly funeral old traditions).

So, the graves, cemeteries, orientaion od died bodies in graves,
the look of orientaion of the front door in the churches, -
this all give the information about the orientation
The East - The West, The North-The South, "The Cross" as "The Orientation".

Just, probably,
the first move from The top of head to a stomatch was as "The Sun from The SKy" (The Good or Ra as The Sun) come in to my life and a soul (a stoumatch was a symbol of a life and the place the soul might lived)

Russian used to say this still now, after a passing water urine from a kidness (stomatch)

"Eh!  My soul started to be easy! ligher!", making clear sounding thoughts that the stomacch area is the life area for a soul to me to live.

people, wounded in their stomatch area, died mostly always.

We see as Japonese Samurai ( and more ancient tribes, living in Japan before), used to do a harakiry to cut their stomatch area for a killing themselves, as a clear understand of the connection words "the stomatch" and "the life", "the soul" and "my soul" and "my stomatch" and "my life".

The ancient old people thought The Sun (Ra) was this The God, to pray for a giving The Life, the soul to live, the food for their stomatch.

So, this move from a top down till the stomach area was the oldest ancient sign language of the pray:

"You, as My God, whom are Highest, give me, my soul, my life, my food".

This some move from the top-down, as the body language to make the move by  ahuman body for Muslim people, they show the some by their body language, having no permit to touch publicly their bodies in religious ceremony, talking praying with The God, whom they named on their language as Allah.

New more modern style of prayers are not doing any move of their fingers or body,
as Jesus Christs had not said to do this in his words and they prefer to follow by Jesus Christs words as words of The Son of Our God how right to pray to save themselves and not by words of other humans as children whom are sons and daugthers of men and not from The God.

Muslim people follow tradition coming from the words of
Angel Jabriel (Jebrael)
(Angel Gavriel for Jews on their language and Western Christians too
and Angel or Gavriil (Habriil, HGabriel, HGabriil, HGabreel  sounding) on Old Russian Slavonic language),
by a true religious belief, Angel Jabriel, was a personality, giving words of Quran,
as the knowledge to human,
via  Muhhamed
whom had been the receiver
and the choosed trusted valueted respected
man to contact to listen words of Angel,
and as
Muhhamed was
not able to write to read
his Personnel Secretary (Zeid?)
a huge paperwork work
to collect all words of Muhhamed
and all words of people
whom listened and remembered
words of Muhhamed
to write them in texts of Sura (Charts) in
The Quran,
which had been censored after
to the last
final official text of The Quran
in 6th Century,
The Censor of The Quran started to one of First Official Muslim man,
and died shorly in a terrible bloody death,
as his sernats as other official Muslim men
killed him in his bedroom,
where The Censor of The Quran had slept,
putting a book of The Quran, the fist book of fist The Quran,
on his breast.
So, the first book of 1st censured text of The Quran
was marked by a blood of First Official Muslim,
The Censor Of The Quran,
whom died from hands of first official Muslim men
in his Palace, where he was as The King, as The Khan.

This man saved The Quran, as all work to collect all words of Muhhamed
to write all to one book The Quran, all this huge work of the collection words and the information and a work to preserve to save texts and words, had been done by orders and wishes of this King o Khan, as Fisrt Collector and The One and First Censor of The Quran text.

This text of
The Quran from 6 centory
about events in 6th Century
as words of Angel to Muhhamed
the communication Angel with Muhhamed,
a man,
had been preserved in a book text and keeping
the some without no any following changes after
from 6th century
till present days time,
we may find the some text of
The Quran
in 6th Century
still now.

It was the evedance of witness of some man, coming to Muhhamed,
and words of Muhhamed about this man that this was Angel himself,
and that
this Angel may come as a visual as  a man or unseen put listened by Muhhamed.

Muslim people (as a religion coming from 6th century with their tradition) had their traditions, coming with the orientation on The Sun (The East, ...), too.

Some about religion old traditions of Jews, they had the orientaion The Eath-The West in their religion, too.

But the building or organazing sometiming on the orientation, as the orientation of front doors, windows, graves, cemeteries, etc, gave the information where The Sun had came from, as where was The East.

Russian investigators did a great huge work to check old chuches and the front doors of the churches as Russian Orthodox Churches on the orientation and traditions to build, to tray, to come, to funeral to burry.

Yes,  they, Russian investigator had oppened evedances of changes of the location of  The Earth in the past,  making some re-building work of some old front doors area to be re-located in another place, as The Eath started to be in another place.

We saw facts as Old Russian Orthodox Churches
had been build with the another orientation North-South, West-East,
rigther we had now.

Some the orientation North-South, West-East was another in the past, as the fact.
And so, the fact of the change of this in the past.

And evedances of The Great Flood are giving more additional information how this was in the past, as the change of the location The North-The South, The Easter - The West:
this could be connected with The Greatest Great Flood had came.

Let's try to understand ways and what how this might be as this may be as the hope, to give some ideas of savings lives.

We will do experiences with a water in a glass cup at first to undestand all, as different simulation of The Great Flood on the planet The Earth.

I would like to add this this,
as we had find facts of hidden real history and the lie or a silince of the official history to us,
it would be a good practic to doubt and to start to doubt any official words,
including official science.

If they hided the real history from us - and they do -
they might hide and the real science and real science facts or evedances too
for us to know this.

Whom hide one, always may hide more and another and other facts or a knowledge.

as we will talk about the planet The Earth, or planet,
how is our planet The Earth is looking?  what is this shapes? sizes? the look? facts?

1.  The official science, the astrology, the georaphy, the physics,
said officially for us to know this

That our planet The Earth look
as a some shape of a ball, or something similar to this shapes,
which always moving around The Sun, as 3rd planet from The Sun,
which moved still always around itself-herself-himself,
as around the some The Center od the planet (which directed
as The North-The South and The East-The West
orientaion geographicaly,
where the orientation The North-The South | marked
this unseen visual line
of the Center of inner planet area
which is the Center Lines of point
for this circle round round around move of our planet
around itself.

British kids nursery ritm song,
the childing song about the bus
with words around round.

The Wheel on The Bus.

The Video

"The Wheels On The Bus" with lyrics | Nursery Rhymes

The Wheels On The Bus Lyrics:

The Wheels On The Bus

The wheels on the bus go round and round (x3)
The wheels on the bus goes round and round all through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish (x3)
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish all through the town

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep (x3)
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep all through the town

The babies on the bus go wah wah wah (x3)
The babies on the bus go wah wah wah, all through the town

The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh (x3)
The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh, all through the town

The people on the bus go up and down (x3)
The people on the bus go up and down, all through the town

The bell on the bus goes ding ding ding (x3)
The bell on the bus goes ding ding ding, all through the town

The doors on the bus go open and shut (x3)
The doors on the bus go open and shut, all through the town

The driver on the bus says tickets please (x3)
The driver on the bus says tickets please, all through the town

The wheels on the bus go round and round (x3)
The wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town

* Click this link to watch ‘The Wheels on the bus go round and round 'all day long’

If to think, this is the great Cosmogonac song, giving the understanding of orientation
Up - down, round and round.
The wheels, round and round, - this is the Cosmogonic orientation ideas,
as a cyclic changes on a rounding move round around and again.

Really, some investigator wrote they thought and the old story about Jesus Christ was a hidden Cosmogonic text tale, as 12 Months (12 or 13 months was before on the planet) had came to celebrate the birth of someone new.   By Cosmogony theory, this was the birth of New Year and 1st Month and 1st 1/4 of Year and first 1/2 of year.

After this, 1st months finished (died),  1/4 of year finished (died), 1/2 of year finished (died),
and the Year finished (died), making The Cross line.  +  The Cross. "The Son of The Cross".

But as the time if not finished, the time is contunied for the next years,
The Start of New Year as the return back to be alive again,
as each "finished" "died" as they in the "last year time" "died here as connected to a time of another year", each alive with Jesus - The New Year Coming Again to us, afain,
making a symboy as Jesus Christ whom died, returned back again, alive.

The white winter snow as a symbol of a white Angels' wings, and so, the Angel, coming with the white wings "to wake up" "died" Jesus Christ on The Cross (which a visualatin of a move of The Time as One year).

Not all people were Christians in the past before the offical Christian religion started be the main Christian religoius and people started to be and to name themselves Christians.

There are were plenty religios before, really a huge amount.

One of them was as Agnostic  (in Spain area, for example, Cambria, baski, etc).

They tried to find the scientific explanation for alll what they som, to explain,
but as they are were a real humans, living in a Christian country, some going to a Christian Churches, having a mix of religois believes of two religoins, so, belives in Angels for them too,
their some explanations had a mix of a mystic and the science and a romantic and some Christian ideas with Angel and some mystic Eastern ideas of reacarnation, returning died people back in a life, and still a jokes, as  alife jocks and smiles of the ordinary life speeches chats and jokes.

So, they created their own vision of a mix of Cosmology (The science, the astrology) and their believes or hopes or jokes or dreams).

By a miracle, if a person would said he does not belive in this old religius things, as they lies and nothings here practical, -

and The Wide Openning Fact suddenly to open to the attention about all "this unpractical old lie text" with a hidden smile on lips:

The some story as a religious strated to look as a ballet or a music, a mic of a ballet, an opera, a concert:

and you see the some religous text by some another point of you, which does not argue with you, but tender sounding and moving to see this!

The open stage. The muzic.

The Angel with white wing came to say to Saint Maria, she will give a birth of her son soon, and she gave a birth to her new born baby son Jesus Christ  (Emmanuel).

12th Months-as 12 men had came,
they will congratulate a new baby son.

They celebrate his Birth, - He is The New Year, The King of a time. which just born

Each month of 12 (12-13 monthes)
had their presents to put to a new baby (as a Symbol of Newborn New Year, The King of this time).

Angel with white wing (The winter with a white soft snow) had said to all to come.

And we see a symbols of meanings finished-died-th death, born - again alive -back to life, returned be alive,  a reacarnation ideas.

The year as time and a cycle of a time had finished. 

Jesus died on The Cross of a Time (as His 1st month died-a time passed, his 1/4 of Year time "died" -finished,  his 1/2 of Year time "died",  finished, His this 1 year "died" finished,
- He died on the Cross, as a Symbol of a Time 1 round ended "finished".

So, as the time finished as this 1 years time space, passed over, finished "died", not exist any more, "died".

And, as a miracle!  Not!  The time had not died!

Jesus back to be alive again! "taking hands of each" from the last passed died year to stay alive in another new coming year.

The Appocalipsis here as The Symbol of a Frost Cold Snow Winter coming as The Judge to make The Court for each to award or punish.

Had you work hard to make a good harvest and saving as your food and drinks and wood or coal for  a long winter time?   
And, as a result, The Frost of Cold Snow Winter as The Apocalipses Judge will sort each to stay alive "for a new life" or not, to died in a hard punishment ( no food and  a cold and a snow).

This all as a symbolic, a really practical and realistic, no one word about the existing of The God, just as The Cosmogony Theaory of symbolic explanation of a real life, real thing (changes of time of year, monthes, a time), as so hard to survive in a cold frosty winter time "coming to judge people".

After this, see nobody scold or argue with you or someone, saying the old religius story is a dull unpractical lies on people mind.

No, dear, they are not a lie.

Just you was needed to grow up enough to open your mind, your soul to be able to read to understand them and about what they tried to say and said.

And see.   You said what you think before.

And be honest with you now, be honest,
if you had oppened your eyes to see The Cosmology Theory in this religius Christian old text about Jesus Christ , The Cross, all, 
which you had not saw here in this text before,
and jokes about a real life and a surviving and a smile,
this way to show
to say to you
the some and much much more
may be hidden here from your understanding
which you will open to realize more here on day,
to feel this that
this is  a strongest
Miracle and Chart
with you
and from the past
and now
and the future
and from the Sky
and Angels
and humans, whom lived
and whom are alive.

And you will have the strongest feelings to feel this as a chat of someone and their The Love and Hello to you.
and they said this all to you from the past
as their Hello! Smile! Be happy! 
We love you!
There are no more such this as the Love.

Whom had this, suddenly coming, this is the strongest feelings and the experience to know to remember.

There are plenty thoughts and ideas about The Earth.

0.A This may be a shape of a ball, rounded as a wheel and round around The Sun.

This is the official knowledge of
the official georaphy and official astronomy and the official physics

To fight with this, people asked their usual quetions:

-  if so would be the truth,
why do people not felld down when they are upsaid down on the move of planet which as a rounding ball in a foorball game, round, moving?

The Official scince, physics, explained:

- The effect of gravitation is that if smallest weight object tied to move to stay closed (to feld down) to a much more massive biggest object.   People had much smallest weight, and the volum, so, each person or apples, stones, all, feld down on the surface of our planet as they have less weight.

Sir Newton  realized this all straight when he slept in a garden under the apple tree asn one apple feld down from the tree straight to his head.

He practices after, talking plenty items to throw them down to measure the time for them, having different weight to feld down on the surface of planet, and oppened the gravitation.

I may ask questions

- All right, the gravitation if the great explanation as more solid massive object had  a power under smallest as unseen field (had you see this unseen field as the gravitation field power o object by eyes?  on photos?)

- But The Sun is the much more massive solid weited object rigther our planet weight and massa?
so,  Why does The Earth planet and The Venera planet and The Merkury planets, as 3 (three) nearest planets to The Sun did not  feld down all on The Sun?   similar as the apple to the Earth?

The gravity explains why all feld down on the Earth and we do not fly away from here to a Cosmos,
But this not the official astronomy said each planet round arounf The Sun with some speed, over and over, with the some distance from the Sun always.

But if the Gravity Theory would right and a true,  this would be just impossible??

Each planet, small or big, would feld down on The Sun as to a more massive object?

So, The gravity Theory is a lie for us? this is not the explanation?
This work just in area near The Earth? and not for a more massive The Sun?

We see a power of magnits, we saw unsseen powerful this, dealing  on distance
- magnits
- radiaction
- waves and vibrations
- the gravitation ??

we had not saw the connections or field making this gravitation rules to work for each items and bodies.

This is as a Miracle in The Cirkus when a Magigian takes a white rabbit from his hat.

- The Rabbit is not Here!   ..  The Rabbit is here in This Hat!

- Pardon? from here? orinialy? how?

- A Magic!  A Secret!

Another question common to fight with the official theory that The Earth is somethings similar to an apple or a ball, rounding itself and round The Sun.

- if so, the water and the air would moved?

Take somethings with a water to move to see the responce of the water on a move?

But I saw as a calm calmest water surface, which did not moved.
But I saw days when no one wind was at all in a fresh air.

People asked that how planes would moved in a moving air moving with The Earth, rounding itself and still around The Sun?

The imitaion of this move to see a work of a centerfuga, medicals used this to put samples of blood or urine to a special machine, started to move this fast and fater "round roud round arond itself".

Chemical technology used this move "round round round around" to divide partucules and structures, they moved on their places by their weight, more near or far

So, if our planet The Earth round round round itself and The Sun as a type of a huge working container inside a huge centerfuga,  each item here moved to take another way, but we had not this?

See a carusel?  to sit down to have this rond round around experience?

The inerton, inrecia work.

We come to The Circus to see this. Men on his bycycle round speedle inside a ball, and he drives his bycycle on a ceeling of this huge ball, empty inside.  He had not feld down whyle he speed hus bycycle as we see a miracle of a speed and a miracle of the inertion, inercia, which are more powerful power streignths rigther the gravity, but to use this, need to spend the energy.

No pertol, no light, no energy, - no any ability to speed a bycycle and no not enough speed to make the power of energy for the inercia would start to work.

Just these things
are more powerful here
righter the gravitation:
- clouds on the sky,
- the air , The Athosphere
- the wind
- a leaves, dropped from a tree, flying
- a rainbow on a sky, not feld down too
- a light
- a sun rays
- light rays
- radio waves
- telemetric waves
- a darkness
- a radiation
- neitrino
- the smell (which waves and parts)
- thoughts
- fantasies
- dreams
- sounds (as they waves)


So, The Official Astronomy put us to think that here are
the gravity rules
between The Sun and planets
as all planets moved on the some distance rules (the oval)
near the Sun and not stopped to feld down in The Sun.

This look as a fixed canales, as for train,
as a place fixed inside of The Wheel,
this looked as static fixed location.

But this example with the man on his bicycle with a speed,
whom used the inner surface of the huge ball in a circus, round this inside,
gave ideas of a power of enercia, the inercia.

or ideas about the borders as unseen walls, keeping the move and the location.

This is a Miracle. no one planet feld down on The Earth.

By the Theory of Gravity, The Sun must "catch" this nearest planets as more lighter and nearest?

But The Venera and The Mercury and The Earth are not.
They all are good boys and good girls.

I sure we do nt yet all here.

This geliocentric Cosmogonia we may imagine by another look and the way.

Look on the forest and plenty trees here? somethings undeground (roots of trees) sometings outside.

If people cut trees on the forest, the cutted tree if to look on this from the sky, will be the round, circle.

This circle from a cutted tree on a distance from the sky will be a round, a circle, and some shape of the circle  as the look of The Sun, or The Earth from the distance from the sky.


Another explanation of our Word and The Cosmogony that we live the The Wood Univercity type in The Forest small field University area,
which had been attacked or not attacked before in the past
by someone, cutting all The Universty Space Wood Forest
(as people cut trees in the forest for a wood).
but deeply roots had been still left.
And this The One Ancient Tree Universe was a huge.

as a size of The Ancient Tree was as a diameter of The Sun on a place where The Sun was The Tree.
and as a diameter of The Earth for The Tree where The Earth was as The Tree.

So, when we talk about the diameter of planet or The Sun,  - we must imagine The Tree of such diameter.

So, imagine the forest grown back as was in a past:

The plan map of the Our Universe. The Sun - The Huge Tree of a diameter of The Sun had been on that place before.   The Tree Of Life.

When we see our forest, of The Huge Tree - near will be an empty place as the roots fight with roots of other trees for the space and water.

We look our Universe.  The diameter of plants on a distance woulld me more taler as They had more empty space to grow (similar to  forest tree).

So, we see that sizes of diameters of planets The Merkury ad The Venera and The Earth
as from smaller to a more bigger  would be easy explained on the Forest Treed theory for Our Universe.

The Biggest Sun - smallest near, some as should be in a tree.

But what's happen?  why do we do not see leaves, flowers, or roots from The Sun or The Earth?

The explanation, for example, as  our The Tree Forest Universe was attacked or not attacked,
but a result as all The Huge Ancient Trees had been cutted.

The Sun is in the fire? a plasma burn fire?

So, this what they did, used to exlosives of a plazma bombs to destroy out The Tree Universe,
they used to attack the Main Taller Center The Tree Sun by bombs of plazma to burn it.

They did this, so, we see now the result.

Einshtien said as when is up or a top depending from apoint of a vision of a Witness to be to saty to look at.

there are not such top=down n the huge space as a name of the location top down for the poitn of the orientation, to mal locations, to do plans.

If we talk about the Word with plenty Dimensions,
we may be on the position of someone living undegroud in a soil
and looking the result of the huge war in the past.
and not seeing hat if on the surface as if we are in area which as underhou point of a vision.

if we on opposite size and flying as a bird on a sky on a place where our The Tree grew up before,
we had not see undergound as roots of trees, worms and incects and animals in a soil.

If we imagine the static forest. The the change of a time of day and years, - shades moved around each tree, changes of a weather, as more cold-more hot or rainy.

And now we return back to idea The Tree Universe Tree with plenty Dimenstion.

May be,  what we think as one would another?

May be we see the move of shape from what left as a tree?

May be this would be the explonation for changes of year?

I try to say as the damaged The Univerce Tree in The Universe Forest
plenty had beend cut, damaged, burned, with the use of plasma fire.

But this still alive. in some more biggest World, and we see just small proejction.

0.C   The theory Our planet if not any ball,
but some place in a porthole net of the similar planets, some as
in The Sun Flower, plenty similar some space where similar some world as planet The Earth.
Similar what we see as homes of bees, HONEYCOMB UNIVESE,
where the Earth is inside as a honey in comb, inside a honeycombspace with borders,
similar to The Sunflower Seed with plenty other Sunflower Seeds as planets incidey on honeycomb/

People of this theory had drew their maps of such world, saying they had some secrets maps from 15 centures and now from peple or from some whom came though wall borders from our Word in such system outside and returned back, and from some came from outside to here too,
what was in the nearest places to The Earth.
They drew a map, with their words what they or someone said as returned back,
as some spaces in hobeycomb dimension had been not occupaited by inhabitants,
as each died or empty, some in wars similar as here or worse, etc.

the resourse to cross the borders wall between Honeycomb net system was a hug,
they said this started to be harder and worse not, some routes and exits had been closed down.

they said here was two main exits from whole our Honeycomb system, one of them was in Antractida, another in some place in a sea, opening for having sea boats only.

But the changes of technology and technology closed down some open routes and abilities.
So, really, if someone would decided to go outside, this may be the one side way and not return back  while some spaces of Honeycomb are not so good for leaving as here, some had not any water at all, some feeled with water only.

Some dangerouse here, as the existing of more modern technology making people under a full control as robots or biorobots with the loss of their individuality, which all would be not comfortable or suitable for most of modern free mind thinking acting people.

And that as this route is hard, as a physical hard, to cross a coldest temperature with no food or heating or food, to move here it needs to be a professional physical training alpinist with extra surviving skill, so, the way is not open for each.

Some vibration put additional limits too.

So, they advised to sit where you are to make your life better where you are.




Some people look for this
Honeycomb Universe Net as
the Labolatory industry equipment,
similar people have in their chemical biological bakteriological labolatories or the Nurse Graden nets or Summer House Farming industry which grow plants, veg, fruits, harvest, etc, animals as a food supply/ similar to small cup of Perry to make a bulion for bakterias to grow up.

In such theory, when the purpose of this had gained, changed, ending, finished, changing mind,
the sterialization process comes fowards in a duty to clean the whole one Honeycomb cell or whole system of all Honeycomb cells, all taking out, clean by a water, dry by air, sterialized by a hot temperature, chemicals, dried, staying as a sterile dry empty for a wait, waiting the task to fill again on needs of investigators or science or farmers or a busness.

Similar people do, all, just were we all as a smallest bacterias or food product items in harvesting or bussness industry or science search.



Some people put Honeycomb Cells Net system Universe
with our planet, The Earth,
 inside 1 cell into a Honeycomb

in idea that this all The Farm, farmiring something,
including taking energy producing our thoughts and bodies
as their food supply

This theory gives ideas as someone
produce one or another types
of energy as different vobration of feeling, emotions, thoughts,
using manipulated methods
including as unssen by eyes.

So, if some harverst had a change from a stadart which needed
for farmer to pick,
as people use a water pouring system, feeding system,
picking system in farming,
they use all this similar just unseen for as another dimention.

If a farmer grows a chily red pepeper, or black pepr,
he unwanted sweet strawberries
if a farmer grows red strawberries, he unwanted flowers, or cabbage,

To make one or enother, farmer used to manipulate by different pressure of energy, similar to watring, picking, lightng, feeding, changing the energcy of vibration of energy.

Each emotion of feeling or throught had their level of energy,
all this a food in more Thin World and Thinnest Word,

the accumulation ideas and emotions here is giving the growth somethings as from roots
in another Thin Word.

We all are energy, a vibration of energy of some amount and size and shape and level.

In Thin word,  all shape form size and the look of something depending just "from a soul and energy level of a vibration", spreading in a visual changing form.

You think feel by one way - they work had something own.
by another - another.

So, if a person look not nice here, but a good person and a kind person,
- he or she may look as the beautiful flower, a rose, a grape, or a person,  aman, a woman, a child,
or an animal, a dog,

he or she may be a peron, an animal, a bird, any and anything, a book, a table, a frog, a crawn, a worm, a spoon, a knife, a fish hook, a car, aplane, a tram, a train, a car, a water, a fire, an air,
a flower, a tree, a fish, an insect.

The shape of what he or she will look depending from something, as they stayed on Thnnest enegry vibrations. We all know about atoms and moleculas and smallest partucules with a huge level of packed energy for each, we had much more bigger size of atoms and moleculas, so we all  carers  of a packed The Universe as the enrgy inside us.

We see this as any Sunflower Seed if to pit in a right place, soil, the location, win a right time too, will grow to a new Sunflower with plenty Sunflower Seeds inside.

We all care a some part of enrgy of our Creator whom create us.

We see ourselves having a freedom to be different, an evil or a kind, any.

This all because we care a huge amount of The Universe where all,
all the past and present and possible and the future too in one pack,
in our body.

Each person, a man or a woman, or a child = The Universe carer.

We know about 7 bodies for each individual as a system of connected Dimentions of different Physical Laws, different shapes, solidness, level of energy, level of vibration, different "phisiology".

Our own roots of connections of each of our 7 bodies in own system, feeding our body too,
having the connecting roots.

as a scafander of cosmonauvt where plenty honnectors, doing things here in reality, we feed and grow up musles or nervous or skills of our other bodies.

When we died, we had not our physical body to train our muscles of other bodies already,
to make them to grow up.

But in another Word we may need to use what we trining now.  The strong attention to do something what you do decided.  as the move in some Thin Word just  on a wish to do something and not to forget this.

Another way, you decided to see something, really important, and fully forget not doing this as not able to keep the strength of a wish and the attention, this may grow up, as a loss of skills more and more and more, and this way to give a wind to make up or down in an air, so, as to sleep.

So, when you decided to go to do something here, you do this, you train your muscles of another body be stronger and this help after

when the energy leaned to move, to have any look or change

here the imitation of our word still, where no a real work on a real factory or real people or street or buses or planes, where all is the imitation of this, making by changes of look of energy.

In Thinnest this World,  you go to a shop to buy a milk and a bread from a Shop Assistant,
but you have not your real physical body, as this one, some them too, have not.

So, qall just the imitation of the reality, making from all new bodies as from energy.

All alive , each item is an alive item in such word.

A bread. each, - all as a present and present.

This imitation helps to develop some new skills, to have that you earned before in your life, too, sometimes.

In this Imitation World of reality, each is not what you would think. They imitated someone.

You have all whhat you remember and know
and after a while you will start to notice as this is not the some,
that you live now insome another space or Dimention or The Word,
where you as a died or kidnapped or sleep in 3D-4D similator of reality.

After a while, you will notice changes in a poss of traditional physical Laws,
they stopped to work as worked.

Yes, as you in another word and the reality.
yes, as you may be died already in yours.

In this last stages of which I wrote this,
all things around will open to come to you suddenly
to say to know plenty hidden knowledge,
including here as about The Catastrophe
in 19 century where was a Great Flood and plenty so died.
The Nuclear Wars, when plenty died

You may started to see as some people come in the empty place suddenly
to talk or to ask you something

or animals or birds

you may start see plenty miracle, shocking in a stress  alot or wounderful
makig you smile happy.

Just one.

If you had been died and each around you will be not whom you loved and knew,
you will ask yourself whom are they all? why? what do they wants?

You will understand the border, closed you the door to return back to your relatives and friends.

You may know plenty things, which had not knew bedore, but you will be not able to pass no one bit of the information from this world ourside to whom you loved or remember or wish.

They teach you to keep a silince as you relize this all.

They put you to read, as plenty Catastrophes were in the past already, when whole Honeycomb had been clean.

They put to read that genetic engenering technology may do the copy of any person, from him-his DNA, or bones, or from  a died body from a grave, or from DNA sample of an alive person,
and to mix genes if they wish too,

you will be not know already if you youself had been a product of their genetic engenering technology, recreating you from some bones from a grave, or this for someone else.

You may meet people looking as whom you knew but others as do not having a memory and the individuality and characters of whom they imitate.
They will show to use as small light white soem moving substance takes different shapes,
transferring herself himself or to a birds or any form, so, looking as a lightest white foggy moving shapes, which changed their shapes and forms.

You look yourself - you can not do this as a Homo Sapience while they can.

You see they had not a blood, a fact, they imitated the shape look to see this or another.

But they show you they may do any shapes or form.

So, just one such light foggy moving substance may change shapes form rapidly.

You will put a hottest boiling water to see they are all right comfortable with this.
They like a hot boiling water, so, from somehot boiling  thermal water life form.

And you will touch your body, you skin, to be sure you are not sleeping.
Not, you do not, Just this a near real, what was closed or hidden covered coming on a surface for the communication.

Aliens or not aliens, or forms of ancient life of our planet.

You decided to be friendly with them, to say Hello! friendly
But when to put our plam on a distance as to pass the energy not touching them -
they will died, all them, suddely.

The human body light friendly gladness vibration of energy without cotacts, from fingers and palms, was not suitable for this hot boiing thermal water life.

They leave you and you have you a calm life, sitting in your cup, making from a metallic alluninim foil.

And nothing in any book which you read before abou this all.

But you will opened Interent, youtube, and people say about their personnel similar experiences.

As the science had not the exlanation, you start to read just all theories about The Earth, The Universe, all.

But whom saw this, - this was the show as our World had more dimantion and all what the science does not explain or say to mention or give the information.

But as I had, I understand: Our World has more Dimentions and so more rigther we usually know and see.

Sometimes, borders dividing Dimention space which lie down as space dimensional lays, mixing the past and now, had so closed thinnest borders (but still borders), that you may see the past of billion years back in time, as alive, shaded, but wish details, probably, our deep ancestors whom were are not yet Homo Sapiences or some monkey.

If now we imagine such Honeycomb huge dimenational space with our planet The Earth, where all time, in a next cell , so, you may sit in your time cell dimensional space and to look for other and they for you, but thinnest borders kept from visits, so,  a huge snale or some huge Dinosuar, elephant, a gigantic snales, gigantic people, gigantic wolves, gigantic moving sea mammals  will be seen, but they will not damage you, and if to touch, they as shades, or colored moving alive shades

and you see yourself as in some Museum, probbaly, about the history of planet The Earth, with Zoo cell or Museum cells, as reacreation of life and a time and details.

See-your planet as was before here whom lived, - each alive here in our Cosmic Universe planet The Earth Museum-Zoo parks.

Their technology cut a time, with all natural conditions, details, as was, and keeps this.

And their visitors some came making their selfi in your garden area, sometimes they tried to do their selfi and with you her to bee seen near them too.

You look whom are they and see as they are some aliens, or someone whom you do not know as any form of life of your planet which was and is.

You may sit down in your home and to see some visitors shades on a walls, as they look at you, moved. But if to try to touch this shades, - nothing, just wall and shades.

But this all so look like as a some musuem or Zoo cell, just a space and sizes of this Zoo cell is more bigger rigther in Zoo.



Some people put Honeycomb Cells Net system Universe
with our planet, The Earth,
 inside 1 cell into a Honeycomb
But not more any additional hipoteses.
Just as a new georaphy map.

with the image our Honeycomb space cell surface
as  The Flat Earth Land The Earth

This theory as a new geography with
The Flat Surface Earth
similar to the some ancient old theory that The Earth land
is some land on a for people to live here
and that this land on the top of a back
of a Gigantic Biggest  Whale
in some The Ocean.

Her(here still another versa had put the land The Earth surface
on a top of Tortilla, and this all on a back of The Whale smiming in The Ocean).

Plenty people smiled, leaning at their schools on the science lessons,
that The Erah is a planet,
a bal, round itself and round near The Sun in the Open Space,
to read this ancient old texts of old believes and knowledge looked
 as a funny stupid fool jokes for them,
- some Gigantic Whales, smiming in The Ocaean, and all life just on a back of this?
as our The Earth land life?
- And some still add some Tortilla or Tortillas additionally? on the back of Whales Swimming in Oceans? and we all live, with all our houses on the top of this?
on the top back or Thw Swiming Whale? On the top of back or Tortillas?

Ancient people and their old ancient believes looked as a funny jokes.

Please, see as someone more right whom smiled the last now!

If you will open a Bible, The Old Testiminy text,
about Adam, Eve, their sons, sons of their sons, till Noe and The Great Flood,
and if you will take a pancient and a curiosity and the trust
as you hard believe to ancient people, as their ancestors,
you may check yourself
if they were so stupid and fool to say somethings what they said.

Let's try to find a hidden picture, a drawing, hidding
inside of a text of Bible.

Can you this ? Not?

Not yet.

I will show you what to do to find this to see this.

When you go to your school, you lean the history lessons here with date of Chronology
in a system. Year this - was this. Years this - was this.

If you open the biography texts in Wikipedia, in Enceclopedia, etc, about the personality, historical, legend, each person, a man or a woman (or a child) had here the begining introduction
as Name and dates of birth and death for each historical real person. amd dates of their biography too.

So, any historical real texts if the information about real historical events, with names and dates.

Do you believe in The God? Bible? in Christianity?

If so, make now the Chronology from Adam with dates for Adam and his sons and sons of their sons by using the information from Bible.

Oh, no, you say this.  They had not yet any Calindar with dates. There are not any dates or years in Bible.

Yes, there are not any Calendars with years and dates, so, to do the Chronolofy, we need to make to name some event or something as The Start Year 0 (zero, nule).

When we named some year as the start point to start to account years from this, we may write The Chronology, to make the historical looking signs, with dates, names, years.

We read as our ancestor of all, the 1st man on the planet The Earth
had been created and named Adam.

So, all right, we will pick this event and year to start to wtite our

The Chronology From Adam.

Year 0  -  The Adam had been created.

After this, we need to read Bible text of The Old Testimony,
to exract the information
ro calculate this information
to be able to calculate the year of year named event.

Let's go!

I did this all in 1989. I checked and calculated this results.
I will copy the final result from my old work

My article
 "The Chronology from Adam, Bible Study", the story, the study, the article

The Chronology from Adam,  shortly, result

We will name the Year of The Creation of Adam as The Start Year 0 (nule, zero), and we will start to write to create The Chronology from Adam

Adam had been created, we will name this year O, The Start Year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis,
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 930 - Adam died
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1042 - Seth died
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1140 - Enos died
Year 1235 -Kenan died
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died
Year 1422 - Jared died
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years
Year 1656 - The Great Flood was coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents

The Great Flood By Bible

Year 1656 -- The Great Flood coming, Noach survived,  The Great Flood came after 1656 years from the Year when Adam man had been created, in year 1656 if to start to account years from the year of creation Adam.

The Chronology from Adam,  shorly, result

We will name the Year of The Creation of Adam as The Start Year 0 (nule, zero), and we will start to write to create The Chronology from Adam


Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam

Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis,
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 930 - Adam died

Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 1042 - Seth died

Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 1140 - Enos died

Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 1235 -Kenan died

Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died

Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1422 - Jared died

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)

(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)

Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years

Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years

Noach (Noe)
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1656 - The Great Flood coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents

The Great Flood By Bible

Year 1656 -- The Great Flood coming, Noach survived,  The Great Flood came after 1656 years from the Year when Adam man had been created, in year 1656 if to start to account years from the year of creation Adam.

The Chronology from Adam, in details, with the explanation

We will name the Year of The Creation of Adam as The Start Year 0 (nule, zero), and we will start to write to create The Chronology from Adam

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam

Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis, (may be more).
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees, (may be more).

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 930 - Adam died

* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian
* Adam = АДАМ Адам on Russian
* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian = Eva on Latvian Lettish
* Ev, shortage from the word "evening", sounding as the saving the name Eve (?)
* on Russian, the name of a willow-tree is ИВА (ИВА or Ива or ива), sounding near to Eve or to this ev[ening]+are = ev are , but different from Russian word for Eve, but plenty Russian words had a play of sounds, changing sounds to other sounds during a talk, o-a, e-i, и-е, ... Russian people would say she (the willow-tree) is always a sad young girl, having her longest beautiful green hairs (twigs with green leaves)down till the water. But I do not know if the name of a willow-tree on Russian was a sacrificed secret saved name of Eve, as a sad girl as always sad for somethings).

Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis, (may be more).
  Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees, (may be more).

"When Adam was 130 yo man, his son Seth had been born, by Genesis.
  Adam lived 930 years after he had been created, by Genesis."

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 930 - Adam died

(0 - 930), Adam lived 930 years
 (birth in year 0 - died in year 930, in age 930 years)
Adam's wife had been Eve, created from Adam's bone.
Adam and Eve had their sons Abel, Cain and Seth
Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis.
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees.

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 930 - Adam died

* Adam   (Адам on Russian)


"When Seth was 105 y.o. man, his son Enos had been born.
Seth lived during 912 years, by Genesis."

Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam

130 + 105 = 235
130 + 912 = 1042

Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 1042 - Seth died

(235 - 1042),  Seth lived during 912 years
(birth 235 year - died in 1041 year, in age 912 years)

Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 1042 - Seth died

* Seth = СИФ or Сиф on Russian


"When Enos was 90 y.o. man, his son Kenan had been born.
  Enos lived during 905 years."

Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born

235 + 90 = 325
235 + 905 = 1140

Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 1140 - Enos died

(325 - 1140),  Enos lived during 905 years
(b. 325 year - died in 1140 year, in age 905 years)
  * Enos (Enosh)  (Енос on Russian)


Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born

"Kenan was 70 y.o. man, when his son Mahalalel had been born.
  Kenan lived for 910 years."

325 + 70 = 395
325 + 910 = 1235
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 1235 -Kenan died

(325 - 1235), Kenan lived for 910 years.
(birth in 325 year - died in 1235 year, in age 910 years)

Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 1235 -Kenan died
* Kenan (Kenan, Qenan, Kainan, Cainan) = КАИНАН Каинан on Russian
* Kenan sounding near to Connon, O'Connon, may be some changes and links (?)


Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born

"Mahalalel was 65 y.o. man, when his son Jared had been born.
  Mahalalel lived for 895 years."

395 + 65 = 460 year
395 + 895 = 1290 year

Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died

(395 - 1290), Mahalalel lived for 895 years
(birth in 395 - died in 1290, in age 895 years)

Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died
* Mahalalel (Mahalalel, Mahalaleel, Mihlaiel, Maleleel; Mahlayil (Islamic); Mualeth (in Book of Jubelees) = МАЛЕЛЕИЛ or Малелеил on Russian.
* On Russian,  мал [mal] name a small, a little, [mal] мал, [malenjkii] маленький.
* Russian word мальчик [malichik]  (a boy.)
* Russian word малина [malina]  (raspberry)
* Russian word [mahati] махать (wave, brandish, wag, flap, go, travel, rush, leap, jump)
* Russian word [mah] мах  (wing, stroke)
* Russian дать маху [dati mahu] (let a chance slip, make a blunder)
* Russian с маху [s mahu] (rashly, without thinking)
* Russian одним махом [odnim mahom] (at one stroke, in a trice)
* Russian word  махонький [mahon'kii] (very small, litle, tiny)
* Russian word маховик [mahovik] (fly-wheel)
* Russian word маховое колесо [mahovoe koleso] (fly-wheel)

* Could be Russian words мал, маленький, мальчик, малина (a little, small, a boy, a raspberry) to be saved form of the Bible name Mahalalel?
* Mualeth sounds near to Russian word or nicknames as Муля , or as "Муха"
(Russians named men whom had a small height and weight as "муха" for a small height or a light weight and while this word "муха" means "a fly", a name of insect "a fly",
and all Russian people and men used to say this nickname  always with their love by more soft tender manner of male tember voice with a love to whom they named by such way.
* Could be Russian word as a nickname "Муля" or Russian word as a nickname as "Муха" (Muha, Mucha) to be a saved form of Bible name Mahalalel?
* Could be a name Muchacha (a friend) to be a saved form of Bible name Mahalalel?
* Could be English words "may" "must" came from a Bible name "Mahalalel" or Mualeth?


Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
"Jared was 162 y.o. man, when his son Enoch had been born.
 Jared lived for 962 years."

460 + 162 = 622 year
460 + 962 = 1422 year

(""Jared was 165 y.o. man, when his son Enoch had been born." (another versa of Bible))
(460 + 165 = 625 year (another versa of Bible) )

Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1422 - Jared died

(460 - 1422), Jared lived for 962 years.
(birth in 460 year - died in 1422 year, in age 962 y.o. age) 

Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1422 - Jared died
* Jared (Jared, Jered; Jarad (Arabic) = ИАРЕД or Иаред on Russian
* May be this that an English word "red", "a red" a saved form or word from a Bible name Jared, a name of a son of Mahalalel?
* May be words "Ya" "Ja" "Я" "я" ("I" "I am") to be a saved short forms as a word connected to the Bible name "Jared"?
* May be a name Gerard to be a saved form of links to a Bible name "Jared"?
* May be a flower, a word "geranium" to be a saved form of links to a Bible name "Jared"?

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) ( by another vesra of Bible)

"Enoch was 65 yo man, when his son Methuselah had his birth", by Genesis, Bible.
 "Enoch died when he was 365 yo age"
(by Genesis, another versa that
Enoch had been taken alive on the Sky from here).

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)

622 + 65 = 687 year
(625 + 65 = 690 year) (by another versa of Bible)

622 + 365 = 987 year
(625 + 365 = 990 year) (by another versa of Bible)

(* I will follow by one of versa of Bible, which I used in 1989 calculating the years to make The Chronology from Adam Creation Year, printed in London, on Russian,
but i show here that there are two main saved versa of old text of Bible, having some small differences in calculating years for events, as a result of a misprint  in handwriting from handwriting work or coming from different resources from a memory of different people/
You may do you own additional  search for versa of Bible to find differences in numbers here and to calculate The Chronology from Adam additionally to another saved versa of Bible too,
of couse, if you would like to do this and this would be interesting for you).

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born

"Enoch was 65 yo man, when his son Methuselah had his birth", by Genesis, Bible.
 "Enoch died when he was 365 yo age"

622 + 65 = 687 year
622 + 365 = 987 year

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)

(622 year - 987 year),
(birth in 622 year - died in 987 year, in age 356 year old)   (1 year = 356 days (??))

By another versa of Bible
(Enoch (birth 625 year - died 990 year, in age 356 years old)

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)

(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)

* Enoch = ЕНОХ or Енох on Russian
* Enoch'es wife was Edna by The Book of Jubilees
* By another versa, Enoch had not died, he had been taken alive
* 2nd Book of Enoch or "2 Enoch" or "The Secrets of Enoch" or "Slavonic Enoch" in "The lost Books of the Bible and Forgotten Books of Eden"
" "1st Book of Enoch"
* Jewish "3rd Book of Enoch"
* Enoch had been taken to be Angel Methatron
* By legends, Enoch could be a personality of ancient King or Kings.
*  Enoch, if to short this as Noch, this will be a Russian word ночь [noch, noach, nach] (night)
* Russian word ночь НОЧЬ [noch, noach]  (night)
* English word Night  would be  Noch (Ночь)  on Russian
* English work  Knight pronanced some as Night which would be Noch (Ночь) on Russian (Slavonic)
* Old Egyptian Kings of 4th Dinasty had their name Khaft, Knuf, ... near to  shotage Enoch to Noch
* Enoch shortage to Eno Enna Inna , Rome ancient name "The quick mountant water stream river" (waterfall)
* Scottish old island named Inna , one was  Inna (sounding Eno Enna Inna)
* German topography had  a stream river sounding near as Inna Enna Enno Ena Ina
* There are plenty legends and fantasies, as about a man
* 356 years of official life of Enoch and 356 days in year looking reallly symbolic
* Jesus Christ, a son of Saint Mary, is another known man, whom had bbeen taken alive to The Sky
* Jesus Christ name on his birth was Emmanuel by some texts of Bible.
* So, Enoch and Emmanuel (Jesus Christ) were two known men by Bible text, whom had been taken alive to the Sky
* The birth of Jesus had oppened The New Year account
* Enoch official life for 356 years,  and 1 year = 356 days
* I see some symbolic strange links here between destinies and lives Enoch and Emmanuel (Jesus Christ), probably, for keeping a memory about somethings and about them.
* People used the water to come to be baptised here or to baptise their children, and here some hidden or losted knowledge about something too.
* There a difference between Enoch and Jesus Christ (Emmanuel), they had been taked to the Sky both, just Enoch had been a son of Jared, who was a son of Mahalalel, whom was a son of Kenan, whom was a son of Enos, whom was a son of Seth, whom was a son of Adam.
* By old religious Christian belief, Jesus Christ (Emmanuel) was a son Of The God and a woman , a virgin Saint Mary, Jewish girl.  By old Jewish World of mouth stories, Jesus Christ was a son of some man, one of Rome Legioner, as there are plenty of them were here, rapped younf Jewish girl, which was a common here, just another really kind Jewish man gave his full support and married, as better to have rigther never to have.  By other World of Mouth legend, Jesus was a son from one of King of that time, having  Ancient Royal Blood from his father, but by old belief, all this ancient Kings had been decendent from The God or Gogginess, making rights to say the words of Royal blood King coming from The God, as son of The God by geneology coming from geneology.
*  But as Bible, we may read in Bible, in The Old Testimony,  that Adam had been created by The God as a some "shape and form of The God", and all people used word  father and The Father for The Priest, for the More High Rank for More Older Age man,  "The Father, Father" had been used in "Pray somethings "Pater Noster" ("Father MineI!)"  ("Отче Наш!"),  people used to say "Father!"  in their religious pray to The God.  This did not meaning "my biological father", but as more optional.

Some this pray loudly publicly as to The Go, might put some misundertsanding that a man, whom talked this, praying, named The God , The Creator, as His Father, as his biological father.

If do not know this famous Christian pray of each Christian as a man, woman, chidlren, on each languages, it can be a misunderstanding that people ask something from their biological father, their father, as so they, highly likely, probbaly, may be children of The God himsef as their biological father, highly likely, as Teresa May would like to prounance to think.

After as words coming, it might be a confusion. Plenty Christians named themselves We are Children of God" meaning "we are serving to our The God, as his childen"? "we are ready to listen to do all, ready to serve, ready to follow, ready to listen, we love as children love their parents, folowing what parents said to do for children".

But if this was a some misunderstanding or not, would be hard to say this. Especially, as this story may be the truth. Such Miracles and events are not common and not for each day and each, so, this what confused people.  But as we live more and more we all see as Yes! There are plenty Miracles and you never know all.

I will put here the Christian famous popular pray of Christians On Russian "Отче наш" and On English "Pater Noster" here, because to talk about Bible, The Old Testimony and The New Testimony, people lived in the past as our ancestors,  this is a good chance to start to want to pray, making a small break, because all this old stories of the our history, and about ancestors for some, and all this still touching our memory and mind and hearts and feelings.

On Russian "Отче наш" - "Pater Noster" on English

Pater Noster
Our Father,
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.


On Russian

Отче наш,
Иже еси на небесех!
Да святится имя Твое,
да приидет Царствие Твое,
да будет воля Твоя,
яко на небеси и на земли.
Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь;
и остави нам долги наша,
якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим;
и не введи нас во искушение,
но избави нас от лукаваго.

Отче наш, сущий на небесах!
да святится имя Твое;
да приидет Царствие Твое;
да будет воля Твоя и на земле, как на небе;
хлеб наш насущный дай нам на сей день;
и прости нам долги наши,
как и мы прощаем должникам нашим;
и не введи нас в искушение,
но избавь нас от лукавого.
Ибо Твое есть Царство и сила и слава во веки.
Аминь. (Матф.6:9-13)
* "Pater Noster" and "Отче Наш" texts
had been taken from
saapin,  Date Nov. 7th, 2010 at 12:50 PM
"Отче наш" по-английски"


Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch

"Methuselah was 187 y.o. man, when his son Lamech had been born"
"Methuselah died, living for 969 years."

687 + 187 = 874 year
687 + 969 = 1656 year

Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years

(687 - 1656)
(birth in 687 year - died in 1656 year, in age 969 years old age)

Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years

* Methuselah = МАФУСАИЛ or Мафусаил on Russian


Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah

"Lamech was 182 yo man, when his son Noach had been born."
 "Lamech lived his life for 777 years."
874 + 182 = 1056 year
874 + 777 = 1651 year

Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years

(some another versa ""Lamech was 82 yo man, when his son Noach had been born."
By this, 874 + 82 = 956 year when Noach had been born))

(874 - 1651)
(Birth in 874 - Died in 1651, in age 777 y.o. age)

Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years

* Lamech (Lamech, Lemek; Lamk (Arabic) = ЛАМЕХ or Ламех on Russian
* May be a word "Lama" (Tibetian Lama) was from a saved form - a word from a Bible name Lamech?
* Indian word "LAMA" / "Lama" is sounding so near to the Bible name Lamech, whom was a father of Bible man Noach. Can be some connection here between Indian word "Lama" and a Bible name Lamech?
* Russian word лама [lama] 1. Lama (Tibetian high priest, guru, a title for a teacher of the Dhamma in Tibetan Buddhism, similar to the Sanskrit term guru) 2. Lama (genus), llama (Lat. Lama, Lama guanicoe (wild), Lat. Lama glama)
* Lama
* Lama (genus), Lama, llama
*  Russian word  ЛОМАТЬ sounding as ЛАМАТЬ [Lamati]   (to to break, to break through, to rush)
* Russian word ЛАМПА лампа [lampa] (a lamp, a valve, a tube)  LAMP
* May be some words on Russian (LAMPA лампа (lamp), ЛОМАТЬ [LAMATI] (break, breah through, rush)  and English (Lamp), other language had came connecting with name of Bible man Lama, son of Methuselah, whom was a son of Enoch, whom was a son of Jared, whom was a son of Mahalalel, whom was a son of Kanan, whom was a son of Enos, whom was a son of Seth, whom was a son of Adam, 1st man, created By The God ??

Noach  (Noe)

Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
"Noach had sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.

When Noach was 600 y.o. man,
The Greatest Great Flood was, plenty people had died during The Flood on the planet The Earth.

Noach survived, giving the birth of his decedents.
Noach lived for 950 years."

Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech

1056 + 600 = 1656 year - The Great Flood coming
1056 + 950 = 2006 year  - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age

Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1656 - The Great Flood coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents

Noach   (Noe)
(1056 - 2006)
(Birth in 1056 - died in 2006, in age 950 y.o. age)

Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1656 - The Great Flood coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents

* Noach = Ной on Russian

Now we extracted the information for more short look and after this we will sort the look to a sorted look by years.

The Chronology from Adam,  shorly, result

We will name the Year of The Creation of Adam as The Start Year 0 (nule, zero), and we will start to write to create The Chronology from Adam


Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam

Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis,
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 930 - Adam died

Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 1042 - Seth died

Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 1140 - Enos died

Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 1235 -Kenan died

Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died

Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1422 - Jared died

Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)

(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)

Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years

Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years

Noach (Noe)
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1656 - The Great Flood coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents

The Great Flood By Bible

Year 1656 -- The Great Flood coming, Noach survived,  The Great Flood came after 1656 years from the Year when Adam man had been created, in year 1656 if to start to account years from the year of creation Adam.

Will short and sort by years in a nice The Chronology Look:

The Chronology from Adam,  shortly, result

We will name the Year of The Creation of Adam as The Start Year 0 (nule, zero), and we will start to write to create The Chronology from Adam

Adam had been created, we will name this year O, The Start Year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis,
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubelees

Year 0 - Adam had been created, taking as the Start year 0 of The Chronology from Adam
Year 130  - birth of Seth, son of Adam
Year 235 - Enos, son of Seth, had been born
Year 325 - Kenan, son of Enos, had been born
Year 395 - Mahalalel, son of Kenan, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 460 - Jared, son of Mahalel, had been born
Year 622 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born
(Year 625 - Enoch, son of Jared, had been born) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 687 - the bith of Methuselah, son of Enoch
Year 874 - the birth of Lamech, son of Methuselah
Year 930 - Adam died
Year 987 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age   (or Enoch had been taked to a Sky)
(Year 990 - Enoch died, age 365 yo age) (by another versa of Bible)
Year 1042 - Seth died
Year 1056 - the birth of Noach (Noe), son of Lamech
Year 1140 - Enos died
Year 1235 -Kenan died
Year 1290 - Mahalalel died
Year 1422 - Jared died
Year 1651 - Lamech died, in age 777 years
Year 1656 - Methuselah died, in age 969 years
Year 1656 - The Great Flood was coming, Noach survived
Year 2006 - Noach (Noe) died, in his 950 y.o. age, leaving his decendents


The Great Flood By Bible

Year 1656 -- The Great Flood coming, Noach survived,  The Great Flood came after 1656 years from the Year when Adam man had been created, in year 1656 if to start to account years from the year of creation Adam.

  So, if The Greatest Great Flood on the planet The Earth was after 1656 years from the Year of The Creation of Adam.

  If to take the Year 0 (Zero 0 Year) as The Year of Creation of Adam, the Greatest Flood, The Great Flood was in Year 1656, in 1656 year from The Creation of Adam and to calculate the Chronology from Adam, what I did and show this how,

we may now put this information as this numbers and years  on the System OXY.

OX - a time, in year, just to use the useful meausring units to be able to put years from 0 till 2006 here, to be able to fit all in one page.

OY - we will take names of Bible man, as they come in Bible

0. Adam (Created)  (we but this to a point O as he had been created) Adam (0.0) - Adam (0,930)
1st his son Seth the next, as 1s man having a birth from a man, 1st born man on a planet from a man was Seth
after Enos, a son of Seth, as 2nd
3rd would be Kenan, son of Enos
4th would be Mahalalel, son of Kenan
5th would be Jared, son of Enoch
6th would be Enoch, som of Jared
7th would be Methuselah, son from Enoch
8th would be Lamech, son of Methuselah
9th would be Noach, Noe

1st line Adam (0 -  930)
2nd Seth   (130 - 1042)
3rd Enos (235 - 1140)
4th Kenan (352 - 1235)
5th Mahalalel (395 - 1290)
6th Jared (460 - 1422)
7th Enoch (622 - 987)
8th Methuselan (687 - 1656)
9th Lamech (874 - 1651)
10th Noach (Noe) (1056 - 2006)

or, as there are 10 men,
we may prefer to names man by another was,
started as

1st Adam
2nd Seth
3rd Enos
4th Kenan
5th Mahalalel
6th Jared
7th Enoch
8th Methuselan
9th Lamech
10th Noach (Noe)

1st line Adam (0 -  930)
2nd Seth   (130 - 1042)
3rd Enos (235 - 1140)
4th Kenan (352 - 1235)
5th Mahalalel (395 - 1290)
6th Jared (460 - 1422)
7th Enoch (622 - 987)
8th Methuselan (687 - 1656)
9th Lamech (874 - 1651)
10th Noach (Noe) (1056 - 2006)


0st line Adam (0 -  930)
1nd Seth   (130 - 1042)
2rd Enos (235 - 1140)
3th Kenan (352 - 1235)
4th Mahalalel (395 - 1290)
5th Jared (460 - 1422)
6th Enoch (622 - 987)
7th Methuselan (687 - 1656)
8th Lamech (874 - 1651)
9th Noach (Noe) (1056 - 2006)

We need to put years from The Chronology from Adam in year from 0 year till 2006 year
and datas in years from Year 0 till Year 2006  for 10 men
in a visual look 
in a system OXY

OX - a time in years, we will use years which we calculated,
OY - names of men from Bible, our ancestors from some and mostly for all
(and really, this would be similar to number 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, just writting in another way - by names, to see the names to whom belongs dates clearly visual

If to do this as I did in 1987, using 1 page A4 format for all work of calcualtion The Chronology from Adam,  and to put data as date in years in a system OXY, and to use lines to connect each data by lines, by connected spline line, similar as children used to draw drawings, picture by connections points 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,,10... to make the final result as the picture of somethigs.

I do not know what you will receive as a final result here on your own as this would be dependion from the choosing sizes of measure units for years and for how to put 10 names from Adan till Noach on OY line,

but when I did this,  and connected the points of datas, the finanal result was for me such here:

I had received  The Smiled Whale picture as a drawing.

This was as a new object of life and a new form of life, which unit each life time and men from Adam till Noach inside this, making a new form of life, existing on a space of time dimention and connecting each man, all bodies, all so, feelings amd thoughts.

And this Smiled Whale was The Life, a form of life, as making from all lives of men from Adam till Noach. This divided the space OXY picture for two parts
one was The Smiled Whale, a new from of life, exisiting in a time of lives of men from Adam till Noach, so, when someone died, this man contunie to stay alive as a part of this form of life (just unseen from a lay of another time by others). and all huge another area "as The Ocean" if we see a drawing of The Whale, was not the area of life.

+ and  -

The Area of Life (The Smiled Whale) and the Ocean as no one is here as a life here for us and our human race.

The area of Life (The Smiled Whale) had been created from lives of each man, from created Adam till Noach.

To see this to have as "the open eyes", to be able to recognise pictures by your heath and by your soul, as this all is really toucbig, whe you started suddenly to see this and to feel this, as coming and from the past and from now and this.

This was as a talk.  Hello!

To receive such drawings is a chance, for 1st time, as depending on a choice of an investogator to take the right size of measuring units.

This similar as there were old TV, and before to use them, The TV Engineer, Master, came to put right sizes for dimentions to see the right pictures after.

You may see  my rezults and calculations here:

or in my pages

Russian scientist Vernandskiy had wrote the some his ideas about Noosphera, connecting each alive person, through the time and as a type of a library with the information on the individual access rights.

The Smiled Whale received from a text of Bible is somethings which woud be really closed to a meaning Noosphera, a term by Vernandskiy


We may go more deeply, trying to check the cross-stiches to The Cosmology or somethings else, as we see 10 men , 10 names of 10 men from Adam till Noach.

I am leaving the search and the investigation if this all still some hidden information of the Cosmology, planets, which named hidden coded by such way, just a light first connection, to show and to see.

But a number 10, a really symbolic here. We all have 10 fingers together on our two arms.

How many planets in our Solar System?

The Sun.
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune — and Planet Nine

Seth, Enos, Kenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noach (Noe)

Enoch lived 356 years  (from year 622 till year 987) (or by another text and numbers, from year 625 till year 990), he was 65 when he gave  a birth a son Methuselah (whom born in 687 year)

1 year of the planet The Earth - 356 days.

Enoch --- - Earth, looked as probably linked by The Cosmology link
The Earth if 3rd planet from The Sun.

We will look names of planet, to check, if some information of Bible will be linked to this.

"Ever since the discovery of Pluto in 1930,
kids grew up learning about
the nine planets of our solar system.

That all changed starting in the late 1990s,
when astronomers began to argue about
whether Pluto was a planet.
In a highly controversial decision,
the International Astronomical Union
ultimately decided in 2006 to call
Pluto a "dwarf planet,"
reducing the list of "real planets" in our solar system to eight. "
"However, astronomers are now hunting for another planet in our solar system, a true ninth planet, after evidence of its existence was unveiled on Jan. 20, 2016. The so-called "Planet Nine," as scientists are calling it, is about 10 times the mass of Earth and 5,000 times the mass of Pluto."

By Robert Roy Britt | November 14, 2017 12:00pm ET
"Solar System Planets: Order of the 8 (or 9) Planets"
and continue, from this$

"Here's the order of the planets, starting nearest the sun and working outward through
the solar system:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto— and Planet Nine"
"If you insist on including Pluto, then that world would come after Neptune on the list; "

The Solar System

The Sun,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto— and Planet Nine (or ten if prefer to account Pluto too)

By Robert Roy Britt | November 14, 2017 12:00pm ET
"Solar System Planets: Order of the 8 (or 9) Planets"

I did not find the links or connection to The Solar System on 1st look on this all,
as just 365 days in 1 year on Earth and 365 years was a life of Enoch on the earth.

So, I can say if this connected to The Cosmology or not straight.

But a number 10 as 10 first men names in Bible and 10 fingesr on both palms together looking as some hidden links and connections.

Just I am not able to say all stright, some knowledge has communing just in their right time.

"The Flat Earth" theories, including which including in Honeycomb

The life in a planet and  a planet as  a prison and people as prisoners ideas


The theory putting the structure of space and dimantions and time
in dimantions into another dimentions,
one theory in 2 twisted curvy surfaces similar to DNA


The theory that
we live into Matrix,
a computer similation programm, making the reality.

Or sleep and see dreams

The combination of previous ideas
"flat Earth", the connecting surfaces, closed to each another and twisted as a space and a time

But here the planet the Earth is not exist at all how we see it.

By this theory, when we travel to someone, we stay on the some place, just some created the difference by making this visua as different.


Really complicated theory, a combination, of look as a system of award and punishment as the prison with the Court and Judge on the end of life to sent you in one worse place (The Sun) or a good comfortable place.


A really complicated theory in Internet, where you is you and inside and outside
and so all what you have your choice as you wanted this to have.

These type of theory tried to push to use some technique to stop the uncomfortable situation to start to be a comforble through
- meditation
- the pray
- Magic tricks
- changing your valuetion and technique of communication with others
regressive and reacarnation methodics
- Black magic tricks for good luck
- the alternative medicina, reiki, with with aura, chakras, music, colortherapia, etc


People stopped to produce items and things by their own hads to see to feel to know.
People go to a ho to buy each goods.
And some theory may be on a base of this, as broken connection will a reality
as nobody may see the production or faremring or harvesting activities.

The end of this:    I do not know.

But as this questions and this articles where started from this:

The small experiences to look at a water into a water cup or container
as part of the undertsanding The Great Flood event.

1. If to pour a water  ~~~~ 
into a glass cup   |_|
and to make
some experiences
with the look of this water
into a glass cup:

If to pour a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to make experiences with the look of this water into a glass cup:

If to put a water = into a glass cup   |_|  and
to move it with some of the angle
the water
inside of the glass cup
will move their border (left - or right + , as optional),
making to be
more high level on one edge +
and more low level   -
on another edge of the inner side of a cup.  (1A)

|-|  --> \-\
|-| --> /-/

ii -- (/_/) -->  iI
Ii --(/_/) -->  iI
iI -- (\_\) --> Ii

|-|  --> \-\
|-| --> /-/

If to pour a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to make experiences with the look of this water into a glass cup:
If to put a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to shake it  ~~~ for a while,
this move all water inside of this glass cup to move be shaked too  (1B)
and on the end this would return back to the some level of a water as was at the start of the experience
i--->   iIiIiIiIiIiii ---> i   (1B)
i--->  ~~~ ---> i   (1B)

If to pour a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to make experiences with the look of this water into a glass cup:
to pour plenty water H2O ~~~
to this glass coup |_|,
the whole level of height of a water contents
inside of such water cup  |_|
will be more high level rigther before
makining a visual assotiation of change
as from a small letter  i
to a Capital letter I
as the assoaction write of event of more high level of water.
i ---> I    (1C)

If to pour a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to make experiences with the look of this water into a glass cup,
as to drink a water or and to imagine
drank this water from this glass cup,   
making so,
the water amount inside the cup
less and less and put the glass cup back on a table, leaving, resting,
so, on the end,
we would see
events 1A, 1B
and the ending as
1D end result
that the amount of a water inside of the cup would be
less and so the height of water lay less too,
making it by assotiation look as event of change
from a Capital letter  I to a a small letter i more low less.
I --> i   (1D)

If to pour a water = into a glass cup   |_|
and to make experiences with the look of this into a glass cup,

(1A) situation would be associated to The Great Flood coming from 1 side only, as some Gigantic Huge High Wave of a water.

(1A) situation may be on the case of the changes of location North-South, East-West, the angle of planet The Earth oriantaions, so if the planet The Earth look likes similar to some ball,

If to put a water = into a glass cup   |_| and to pour plenty water additionaly to this glass coup |_|,
the whole level of height of a water contents inside of such water cup will be more high level rigther before

If to put a water = into a glass cup   |_| and to shake it  ~~~ or

This hufe digging work had oppened the truth that and now plenty people trying to find to ick the information to make some vision what was or may be or could be or will be.

People try to investigate to know the truth about plantes, The Solar System, The Earth, how this working all here, hiw to live to survave.

My article if not profesional still plenty mispritings, I have not a chnce to edit.

Please take my apology for misprinting.

The reality, as whom is not interesting, not interestin, and whom if intrestig, has something own.

So, such articles as this my, really just unnessary spend of my time and a time of a reader to read this, if someone will read.

I wish you all the best, be happy.

I do not nothings here and all just fantasies, really.

But we people we like to talk about what we do not know .


Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2018
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2018

"The Great Flood issues", the story, the article, not edited
