Of evilness of vengeance

There's no vengeance for the hand,
There's no vengeance for the heart,
And the burden of vengeance
Is not a burden for the soul - for the eternity.
Who with the truth's fire
Is not warmed - looks for the hard times for mentality.
A soul is sick, when place for vengeance is looked for
And a goblet of days is not spilled down the hatch.
It's better to look for the place of honour in the soul -
It doesn't burdens a soul, it to the fire matches.
And bitterness of days, under mark of vengeance longed,
Gives birth for a destiny a bane unseen,
Vengeance, driven away with movement of honour prolonges
Decision of day - there never nigth had been,
Where fire of love burns, knowing no extinction
And purity of soul - is honour's guarantee,
Look for goodness, where everything is beloved without distinction,
Avoid vengeance, where love is not seen.
