fat man of live живаго сср-03-04

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'Definitions containing fat man of 'live'
We've found 213 definitions:

fat, adj. plump, fleshy: fruitful, esp. profitable: gross: thick, full-bodied, esp. of printing-types.—n. an oily substance under the skin: solid animal oil: the richest part of anything.—v.t. to make fat.—v.i. to grow fat:—pr.p. fat;ting; pa.p. fat;ted.—adj. Fat;brained (Shak.), dull of apprehension.—ns. Fat;-hen (prov.), any one of various plants of thick succulent foliage, esp. pigweed, orach, and ground-ivy; Fat;ling, a young animal fattened for slaughter.—adj. small and fat.—n. Fat;-lute, a mixture of pipe-clay and linseed-oil, for filling joints, &c.—adv. Fat;ly, grossly: in a lumbering manner.—n. Fat;ness, quality or state of being fat: fullness of flesh: richness: fertility: that which makes fertile.—v.t. Fat;ten, to make fat or fleshy: to make fertile.—v.i. to grow fat.—ns. Fat;tener, he who, or that which, fattens; Fat;tening, the process of making fat: state of growing fat; Fat;tiness.—adjs. Fat;tish, somewhat fat; Fat;-witted, dull, stupid; Fat;ty, containing fat or having the qualities of fat.—Fat images, those in relief.—The fat is in the fire, things have gone to confusion. [A.S. f;t; Ger. fett.]
— Chambers 20th Century Dictionary'
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