
"I'm a singer."
"You are single!
Let's be married."
"I dont care it."

"I'm a singer."
"You're a sinner!
So our sex
Will be the best."

"I'm a singer."
"You're a thinner?
I like fat,
But you're not bad."

"Im a singer."
"You are silver?
Surely, yes,
I'll pay for sex."

30.03.2018, Иву

Hi Эльрида
:")it's cute situation
this misunderstanding...
:")it's drives insane "xL")
two subjective perceptions of the objective :")
“Only the united beat of sex and the heart can create ecstasy.”

Good Luck!

Чёрный Самурай   30.03.2018 20:43     Заявить о нарушении