Author Vasiliy Andreevich Ptashits The Hierarchy a
The address of the author 224009, Belarus, Brest, Moshenskogo str.92 flat 12
Phone (375 162 56-73-41 )
It is signed by the author
The title of the work : ‘ The Hierarchy and limits of the Universe ’
The establishment date on 11 th November, 1999
Method of creation: Mathematical calculation
Education: an engineer- energetic
The structure of work
1. The Foreword.
2. The initial data.
3. Calculation of systems/subsystems by relative indicators.
4. If you follow the logic.
5. The сalculation of the architecture of the Universe according to the law of distribution of matter (according to actual exponents).
6. Let`s ponder together.
7. The conclusion.
The rights to work are registered in the Library of Congress (the USA) on 12th November, 2004, TXu1--211-814.
1. The foreword
When we go out of our house and we look at the street, on the nature, on the world around us, we do not think about it , because everything is usually for us. When our eyes rise to the sky, we see the clouds, we see the Sun, we see billions of stars , of bright, dim and almost invisible. Who had an interest and was lucky to see eclipses and comets, bolids and meteor rains. If we look at the earthly essence, we do not see, that in sand, in humus, in water, in the air, there is something more, that we contemplate.
Moving from ordinary contemplation to abstract thinking, we begin to wonder , how all this is arranged . What is its structure and essence? The latest achievements of mankind allowed us to see "The Universe" in breadth and depth by means of space telescopes and electron microscopes in real time, from « The Pillars of creation » to foggy balls of atoms.
We came to the fact that we live on a small planet Earth , it closes to the star of " The Sun" called, just a yellow dwarf, almost on the edge of our galaxy. Then we can see millions of galaxies that are formed like plates, « Metagalaxy or Great Wall » the location of which is quasiperiodically repeated.
Next comes the theory - hypotheses: « General Relativity », quantum theory and the theory of many serious scientists who stand at the forefront of science. So ,how is "The Universe" arranged?
I am not the first to pay the attention to the cosmic scales of structure and magnitude of the Universe. Tullio Regge in his book « Studies of the Universe » , 1985. Explains its size- a ten-thousand scale. V.A.Sibirtsev in his book « Levels of the Universe » 2007 . It is approved, that the first particles are the first levels of the Universe. Next it is continued : « The Matter of the whole Universe is interrelated and consisted of consistently arising on the basis of each other levels».
In the work « The hierarchy and limits of the Universe » 1999. I have tried to present the Universe in macro and micro under a completely different angle of view, confirmed by two variants of calculations. The results lead to the conclusion, that the architecture, model or sliding moving frame of " The Universe system, that consist of a common sequence of gravitational, concentrated systems: (Hierarchies of systems), bounded by a minimum
1·10-24m and a maximal of 1·1027m limits of their sizes.
The main point of the work is that according to the approximate diameters of gravitational systems, expressed in terms of degrees and the number of Neper 2,71828, the numbers of the bases of the natural logarithm, it is easily according to a non complex formula, to calculate the approximate diameter of the following system or a subsystem , standing on one or another edge of a segment of a known sequence of systems.
The entire , in micro and macro directions fades in its size in this number and is limited by limits, therefore : we can judge "the limits" of the system "The Universe" floating in the unknown, the missing, hidden discontinuous field substance of « Planck`s length».
Equation 2
n1 = n0 + (n0 – m0)
Where: n0 = 13,079, the given indicator of the diameter of the solar system
m0 = -10 the given indicator of the diameter of the system atom
n1 = 21,569 the Required, resulted exponent of diameter of our galaxy
е = 2,71828
The bases for all indicators by the inversion of the logarithm are led to unity and they are expressed in meters.
Example: Dс.с. = 1,2 x 10 13 m log1,2 x 10 13 = 10 13,079
The general sequence of the diameters of the hierarchy is as follows:
1·10-23,416m; 1·10-23,338m; 1·10-23,183 m; 1·10-22,183 m; 1·10-21,63 m; 1·10-18,49 m; 1·10-10 m; 1·1013,079 m; 1·1021,569 m; 1·1024,6923 m; 1·1025,841 m; 1·1026,2635m; 1·1026,4189m.
Each value of these numbers represents its own particular world in the general hierarchy of the Universe. Each particular world consists of its own sequence. The general sequence is consisted of hierarchy of sequences. The approximate diameters of systems of Atoms, Stars, Galaxies, Great Walls, Metagalaxy are already known, besides one can not judge the diameters of systems based only on their visible sizes.
The plack substance to us in practice hasn`t been available yet . The confirming of the diameters of systems are located on the edges of this sequence, or whether they are systems or not, is a matter of discoveries of the future. I want to tsay , that Mendeleyev's table is nothing more than a sequence of atomic masses ; the one can also speak of families of elementary particles, families of stars and galaxies.
In my work , the system " Atom " is represented by one average size, but imagine, what variety is created with in itself the sequence of nuclear weights, from their different combinations, ionic and molecular communications. Each step in the hierarchy of the general sequence of systems consist of its own sequence and its diversity . In its sequence of the smallest system , diversity tends to infinity, on the other edge of hierarchy of variety all is less and less, down to one "Universe".
So approximately, the frame of the «Cobblestone», system Universe » which is extricably linked with the invisible and it is not conclealed yet , invisible matter where theoretically the last Plack brick today is Plack`s length
2.The initial data
2.1 The diameter of the system is atom: Da=10-10 m = 10m0;
m0 = -10
2.2 The diameter of the solar system: Dс.с.:
Dс.с. = 1,2 x 10 13 m log1,2 x 10 13 = 10 13,079;
Dс.с. = 10 13,079 m = 10n0;
n0 = 13,079
2.3 The diameter of the Milky Way Galaxy : Dг
http: // 973 page
“Galo. The boundaries of our galaxy are defined by the sizes of Galo. The radius of the Galo is much larger than sizes of a disk and according to some data , reaches several hundred thousand light years ”.
The diameter of the galaxy is taken as a spherical form of Galo which diameter is, suppose, in 4 times is more than the disk of a galaxy.
Dг = 4 x 9,258 x 10 20 m: log 4 x 9,258 x 1020 = 1021,569;
Dг = 1021,569 m = 10n1
n1 = 21,569
2.4 The diameter of the 'Great Wall': Dv.s. (. See the magazine 'In the World of Science', 'Scientific American' 12-1990, str.68,69; the article 'The Universal Truths').
Dв.с.=500 x 106 light years
Dв.с.= 500 x 106 x 365,2564 days x 24 hours x 60 minutes. x 60 seconds x 300 x 106 m/s. 0,47337 x 1024 m.
Dв.с. = log 0,47337 x 1024 = 1024,675 m = 10n2
n2 = 24,675
3 Calculation of the system/subsystem by dimensions of relative exponents: N
3.1 The Solar system is larger than the atom in system:
K0 = Dс.с./Da = 10 3,079 m/10-10 m = 1023,079 = 10N0
:N0 = 23,079
3.2 The "Milky Way Galaxy" is larger than the solar system in
K1 = Dг/Dс.с. = 1021,569m/1013,079 m = 108,49 = 10N1
N1 = 8,49
3.3 “ The great Wall ” is larger than The Galaxy in:
K2 = Dв.с./Dг = 1024,675 m/1021,569 m = 10 3,108 = 10N2
N2 = 3,108
Where: K0; K1; K2 - are coefficents of the system`s increase with relation to a subsystem.
N0; N1; N2 – are relative exponents of the degree which noticeably decrease upon a sequential transition to the rations of higher systems.
Obviously, there will be a limit of the increase in the dimension of higher systems in connection with N0> N1> N2>...
This characteristic is noted, that
N0/N1= 23,079/8,49 = 2,7183746 ; e: N1/N2= 8,49/3,108 = 2,7316602 ; e;
Due to the fact, that our "Milky Way Galaxy " belongs to the average weight and size (1011 solar weights) from (1013 ; 106), it is possible to approve, that the given parity of parameters of degrees is for the Universe from atom to The Great Wall by the law of the hierarchy.
4. If to follow logic:
Equation 1
e = N0/N1 ; N1/N2 ; N2/N3 ; N3/N4 ; ...
Let's rename: Dс.с.= D0; Dг= D1; Dв.с.= D2.
the Great Wall ” D3 is a constituent element of the system on D3; N3; K3.
N3 = N2/e = 3,108/2,71828 = 1,143301; K3 = D3/D2 = 101,1433701 = 10N3
D3 = K3 x D2 = 10 1,1433701 x 10 24,675 = 1025,81837 m.
D3 = 1025,81837 inv log = 6,5822 x 1025 m
The question: How many “ Great Walls ” does D2 enter in D3?
1,1433701 inv log 13,91 at 100 % occupancy of space.
Considering, that D3 is a system, its filling the factor is much less <than 100 %
The answer: Not less than two and not more than 12 Great Walls
In a similar way we find N4 ; K4 ; D4.
N4 = N3/e = 1,143301/2,71828 = 0,42062264; K4 = D4/D3 = 10N4
0,42062264 inv log = 2,634
Consequently, D4 can contain only 2 D3.
The Universe according to D4 consists of two subsystems D3.
D4 = 10 25,81837 x 100,4206264 = 1026,238993 m = 1,7338 x 1026 m
In a similar way: K5 = D5/D4 = 10N5:
N5 = N4/e = 0,4206229/2,71828 = 0,15473853
0,15473853 inv log = 1,428 < 2. So D5 can not be a subsystem, but it is the Universe with its aura..
D5 = D4 x K5 = 1026,238993 x 100,15473853 = 1026,393732 m
D5 = 2,4759 x 1026, m
5 .Calculation of the system/subsystem size ratios by the actual exponents
(Hereinafter: n - for the macrocosmos; m - for the microcosmos)
5a ) The macrocosmos
From the initial data: m0 = -10; n0 = 13,079 ; n1 = 21,569; n2 = =24,675. e = 2,71828 is taken as the base Ln of the natural logarithm.
Let`s start with the known : suppose, we need to calculate the exponent of the diameter of galaxy n1
I propose my second universal equation of mathematical calculation of the architecture of our Universe for Маcro and Microcosmos according to actual exponents of degrees:
Equation 2
Let's start with the known: suppose, we must calculate the exponent of the diameter of the galaxy n1;
5.a.1 n1 = 13,079 + ( 13,079 - (-10)) /2,71828 = 21,569
5.a.2 The exponent of the diameter of the Great Wall n2:
n2 = n1 + (n1-n0) /e = 21,569 + (21,569-13,079) /2,71828 = =24,6923
5.a.3 In a similar way for D3.
n3 = n2 + (n2-n1) /e = 24,6923 + (24,6923 -21,569) /2,71828 = =25,841.
5.a.4 For D4: n4 = n3 + (n3-n2) /e = 25,841 + (25,841-24,6923)/ /2,71828 = 26,2635.
5.a.5 For D5: n5 = n4 + (n4-n3) /e = 26,2635 + (26,2635-25,841)/ 2,71828 = 26,4189.
5.a.6 For D6: n6 = n5 + (n5-n4) /e = 26,4189 + (26,4189- 26,2635) /2,71828 = 26,47606.
1. The sequence of degrees of the macrocosmos does not decrease, but grows and is limited above by a limit of a degree n ; 27.
2. The Universe can not be greater than this limit.
5.b Microcosmos
5.b.1 The Exponent for the system D-1 = 10m1 m, equal approximately to the diameter of electron.
m1 =m0 +( m0-n0) /e = -10 +(-10-13,079) /2,71828 = -18,49.
5.b.2 For D-2: m2 = m1 + (m1-m0) /e = -18,49 + ((-18,49-(-10))/ /2,71828 = -21,63
5.b.3 For D-3: m3= m2 +(m2-m1)/e = -21,613 + (-21,613- -(-18,49))/2,71828 = -22,761
5.b.4 For D-4: m4 = m3 + (m3-m2)/e = -22,761+ (-22,761 - (-21,63))/2,71828 = -23,183.
5.b.5 For D-5: m5= m4+ (m4-m3)/e = -23,183 +(-23,183 - (-22,761))/2,71828 = -23,338.
5.b.6 For D-6: m6= m5+ (m5-m4)/e = -23,338 + (-23,338 - (-23,183))/2,71828 = -23,416.
1 .The sequence of degrees of the microcosmos does not increase, but decreases and is limited below by a limit of a degree n ; -24.
2 .In the Universe there can not be a system object less than this limit.
6 . Let's reflect together
The work « The hierarchy and the limits of the Universe », was already ready in November, 1999. Not doing the specific scientific work, it took a lot of time and only in November, 2004 it was registered in the Library of Congress ( the USA ) ,with the help and the money of the lawyer , who is my relative, Tanine Gawryl , for what I again send many thanks to her.
In this work I didn`t intend to build a rope from space-time, but something in favour of this work, on the whole, not concerning the main sense and slightly out of its scope, you can say. What is the Universe , how it looks, whether it is finit or infinite, what are its properties, it has always been interested and excited people`s imagination. Recently,science has made a significant progress in this direction due to the space researches and observations of the space telescopes "Hubble" and "Kepler". There are a lot of cosmic objects: quasars, pulsars, dust fog, black holes, galaxies on the outskirts of the Universe; the decay of supernovas, planets of other stars, are imprinted in real time for us Earthlings.
Scientists don`t manage to explain everything from modern concepts of science , many scientists do not believe in these ideas themselves, or maybe they are not adible , or they are risk floating with the flow of the official point of view. If we want to approach the truth , we must question everything repeatedly. The mathematical tensors («The General Relativity ») assume many models of the Universe. At present the Universe extends, like « an accordion », and then it must shrink. It was isotropic. Exploring the relic radiation more thoroughly, we find the axis of the Universe, ‘the Axis of Evil’ , and it becomes anisotropic. One foundation collapsed.
Therefore , many scientists have strong believes that one should not take " The Big Bang explosion hypothesis» and the quick conclusions from Hubble measurements of 1929: « that any galaxy moves away from us, on the average, at a speed proportional to the distance to it, with the proportionality factor of about, 20 km/s for one million light years ». For example: quasars that are located at distances of the order 10 billion light years away from us at a speed 285000 km/s not too abruptly for mc2 where the velocity of weight approximates the speed of light and conditionally from the formula it grows to infinity?
The light by it`s very nature forced to extend with a speed at 298000 km/s and it can not slow down. Light, it turns out , that loses energy, extending in the material environment, reduces its frequency due to losses and thus extends, the wavelength.
Perhaps this is the apparent 'famous expansion’ of our universe. All wave equations and the Doppler phenomenon do not take into account losses. In the universe all objects of course are in motion, including , let us assume a cosmiс vacuum, which in modern science is meager and highly controversial. The wavelength of light, and its curvature will depend on the direction of motion of the vortices and the ‘whirlpools ‘of invisible hidden matter and the surrounding system and individual masses.
Any wave, of any shape and content, at any level, that doesn`t even move in a certain direction of hidden matter, in our understanding of the "environment", is forced to damp and lengthen due to losses. The farther away the source –the more clearly it is seen to those from the speck of "Earth", that all waves fly to us from all ends of the Universe with a red displacement – but that does not quite mean, that « All galaxies are flying away from us ».
In gravitational funnels the so-called Einstein lenses , not light wave isattracted, but , I admit, that the environment draws ( attracts ), carries away and takes down together with a wave itself, changing its direction. The velocity of the retracting medium is equal to or higher than the speed of light, its medium carries back to the source, compressing the length of a wave. Therefore short-wave cosmic sources, should not be completely established , the black holes of which with compression, but still broke out the wave of light. It seems to me, that the maximum speed of light of 298000 кm/s will be valid only if light is extended due to the minimum field environment. The question of the similarity of the levels of the gravitational and, in particular, the electromagnetic environment (medium) in which light extends, considering unsuccessful attempts to create a unified quantum theory of all physical fields, remains opened.It is worth thinking about.
At present, it has been established experimentally, that the vacuum is not an idealistic emptiness, but it represents the material environment - a quantum field. Therefore for a vacuum ,the name ' field environment ‘ is more suitable. Then, the return of the term ' ether ' instead of ' physical vacuum ' for a number of scientists is undesirable , so that would be a recognition of their past mistakes when they considered vacuum as emptiness and criticized supporters of the ether.
Note, that if both those and others are right, we shall get the intermittent field environment against the background of absolute emptiness, absolute vacuum. If we admit, that the last is not present, "Universe" must be infinite. In our case "The Universe" is finit and its framework is inextricably linked with the missing, so-called « hidden weight » which, in my subjective opinion is represented itself a cosmic vacuum or it is also called a physical vacuum or outer space. Let me use use the word "environment" instead of all this .The fact is that a sheaf of particles is born from emptiness , and it is a limit of our modern knowledge. Let`s return to the laws of dialectics: "What" and "Nothing" is the unity of opposites and if we have wiped "Nothing" in the Universe in Planck's the intermittencyof Planck, then between the Universes it is , probably, absolute infinity where the famous is mc2 = 0.
According to Gegel: "Nothing", is a certain definite of something. In this version "Nothing" is an absolute emptiness that disconnects a set of Universes for which there are nodimensions,that are existed, neither in time, nor in curvature,not in distances. If we penetrate into the segments of the Planck Gaps : the emptiness is "Nothing", dialectically it has the right to its existence in the Universe, as well as "What" is the Matter. The material environment has all the inherent properties for it in which they can perceive gravitational and electromagnetic fields including the famous light, and I want to add: telepathy, clairvoyance , hypnosis and information that physics can read . Perhaps, there are levels deeper than gravitational.
According to my subjective opinion for the Universe itself , time is infinite, in it there is not present neither the beginnings of a birth, nor the end of death. Let us recall Lomonosov, that a matter does not arise and does not disappear, and only for internal processes of transformation, there is time mediated by our consciousness.
Specific "Something" is in form and a content of the certain amount of "Something" in "Nothing". In the Universe itself everything is interconnected with everything: i.e. all has possible access through various levels of field and interstate systems, up to a minimum limit of 1·10-24 m. Due to the other shape and content, limited the length of Planck length.
The Universe cannot extend more beyond the upper limit of 1·1027 m, i.e. to get out of the calculations « The Law of distribution of matter and the relationship of the hierarchy of gravitational systems ».
I support the point of view, that the Universes in the Universe can be an infinite set. From my subjective belief the Universes cannot interact with each other, because they are in absolute "Nothing" where. mc2 = 0.
Many Universes do not form " a super system" because there is no communication between them, through the absolute vacuum, through absolute "Nothing", although the notion of the « Multiple Universes » and the primary brick of matter fascinates imagination.
Being based on the fact there is no absolute equality in anything although the scientific world has grossly sinned ,it should be that there is not one absolutely identical system, in the Universe particle, quantum and so on deep into and in breadth. Of course, without complex numbers, tolerances of equality and generalizations can not do,which I had to do to me.
I would be sincerely grateful for everyone for getting to know my work, for your feedback and criticism.
In the chaos of the diversity of our Universe, I hope, you will find your own harmony.
10.11.2011 г.
The author : Vasiliy Andreevich Ptashits.
7. The conclusion
Harmony is seen in the chaos of the Universe. Perhaps, scientific discoveries will eventually confirm this. Some scientific concepts require the consideration of other factors for their explanation.
I want to express my gratitude for the assistance provided on the Internet to Alexander Gukov , Alexander Kulbed; to the translator Yazikova M.S.; to his former teachers: the teacher of astronomy and physics Bognat G.D., the teacher of the theoretical foundations electrical engineers at the Buda – Koshelevsky technical school of Konchitsu V.A., Pruzhany state farm-technical college , Belarusian Polytechnical Institute.
About myself: Vasiliy Andreevich Ptashits, was born in 1949, an engineer-energetic by education , engaged in poetry, philosophy, photography, video shooting, and so on , there are two native daughters: Ptashits Elena Vasilyevna 1974, and Ptashits Maria Vasilyevna 1995.
The address: Belarus , 224009 Brest, Moshenskogo str., 92 flat 12. tel.: 8-10-375-162-56-73-41.
Passport code: P <BLR PTASHYTS <<VASILI <<
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