Коан 1

The common words.
The common thoughts.
The wave of excitation in the cortex.
Vibrations from the evening twilight till the morn are barely catchy.

Sirius has just descended.
Venus is in the zenith.
In our Universe, all things are so simple and complex anywhere.
And what to do, where to go, what hack to hide just for a while?
We, gray-haired kids, are hiding in the fairy tales.
But no remedy to smooth this fear for a while.

The Book of Fate, the deaf-mute counselor,
who coached me for so many years has just been lost somewhere.
But there `s a road open.
The Dao.
Just try to step ahead.
Where to?
You only need a drop of some commitment and desire.

© Copyright: Валентин Лученко, 2018
