
Оно пришло ко мне в таком виде, в каком и изложено здесь, сразу на данном языке. Я лишь смутно понимаю, что красивый и мощный образ. Наслаждайтесь, не особо цепляясь за грамматику.


She come in me, she step my room, my sleeping and my life
She asked me, when I go on with you, to you and for you?

My cup is empty, coffee or black tea, lemon, survival things
About my lifelines in night will be longer, longer, longer/

«But who are you?» – my question like a battle in a blacky hall
Inter shine shapes and gorgonical beasts for cup of blood

She smile and than she told me why I be this place tonight
When I away from their tetragon of melancholy fog

And leaving this my pain, my past, secrets and smell lavender
For future and for shine, for hapiness, for forward in softly love?

«But who are you?» - she asked me and I be lost in thought
She very carefully  looks in cup of tea or coffee with lemon

I answer very slow and quiet: «I don’t know, who I am, who was,
Who will and exist I in world or is it an illusion into earth stones and heaven?
So you, why you in armchair in my room, in my life, in my body, in my soul?»

She began fall away and whispers: «Please, remember me so longer than
I ‘ll tell you all this. Search me, always search me in sleeping, evening, busy

And in freedom time, search me in gardens in the center of the dark
Because I am – is you, because my name «Is yours Victoria».

Just do not forget that you saw me into night in room near an empty cup –
I am is you, in you, for you, - I am is you Victoria».



В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →