Men have plan

Baby, hey! I think you must know
 Two things.
Men have plan
Before the first you meet
Sleep with you as quickly as can
And what to do
To sleep in your bed today
And go away

After smile and after his pretty «hey»
He hope to go
Together home today
And go away

You can laugh, you can cry,
You can try to do hurt,
But I take that I want
Coz  it”s your choice.

Here we are. I do more I can
But I don”t
Sleep with you again
What is up?
I don”t know you know my plan
Hunt you in bed and
Throw away!

Sweety, hey!
O sorry, my darling lady.
I fell in love and
You have won already.
You guess the way
In hearts and heads all guys:
Don”t give us sweets
And we will be try,try, try...
