Why do you call me your sunshine?

Why do you call me your sunshine?
Please, do not. It is too much painful.
You know for sure that I'm thine,
But you won't stop being unfaithful.

I would be rather the pale moon,
Reflecting your blaze and your glory.
I know I won't be understood
If I rebel. But I will. Sorry.

Yes, I'm a pagan, you're my god,
But passion of mine should be heaven.
I loved you madly but forgot
That I am a prophetic raven.

I can tell fortune and foresee
That you will try to shoot me down.
My hero, why don't you tame me?
Why do you want to kill your crow?

And I do howl like a she-wolf,
Remembering your former care.
Again I am misunderstood,
And dreams turn into a nightmare.

Ask me why I'm so cold with you
And why tears shine upon my lashes,
Why I'm unhappy, dull and mute -
Because I am burnt down to ashes.
22.05.2017 (tr.)
