I used to love you like in movies

I used to love you like in movies.
I used to love you like in dreams.
I loved though I knew that love ruins
Both hearts and lives. I knew it kills.

When I met you, I said: “An angel.
So joyful and so kind to all”.
I could not think you were a danger
Both for my body and my soul.

We did possess each other's kisses
And I felt happy being yours.
But it's not me whom your heart misses.
I'm not your fate, I'm not your choice.

Why did you want to come much closer
If you won't treat me like your Luv?
Why are you now so much opposed to
My wish to be all life with you?

I feel as if I were a stranger –
That's really what I'm for thee.
I knew that love is a great danger…
But who knew that it would kill me?
01/06/2015 (3:28)
(tr. «Я тебя любила как в кино»)
