Homewail, Homehowl, Domovoy, Ghost 24. 01. 2018
Homewail, Homehowl, Domovoy, Ghost 24.01.2018
I was sitting on the kitchen near my laptop, working, writing something here.
Some plenty noises started to be around me on the kitchen, - on the table areas, as plenty loud knocks on all surfaces, on a metallic casserole, a pot, a, pan, a, saucepan, on a plastic kettle (this stopped to work after this complitly, started to be broken), on a glass bottles, on a plastic oil bottles.
Sounds of knocks were so louds and fast as plenty small unseen butterflies would flied around, banging about all surfaces, especially loud about a big metallic casserole.
If to stay on the spring birch forest in a spring, coming after the coldest snow winter time, after the great warmth and a warm sunny days came to warm the air, you may see some sounds of plenty knocks in air from the new open buds of birches and poplars: - Bang! Bang! Bang!
and again "Bang! Bang! Bang!", and again "Bang! Bang! Bang!"
Just all this was not in a spring forets, not on the meadow film at night with plnety butterflies, knocking about a lighting lamp, - this was on the kitchen, and it was 24.01.2018 day, time to 7 am.
I was busy, reading, just saw to check to see no one and nothing to make such noises.
Later all noises of some unseen resource came from a ground floor lever, in a corner under a cooker, - some unseen as knocked about a big silver grey plastic bin here, making noises, knocks, rustled inside of a bin.
I was busy, writing my texts in a laptop, sitting on opposite diagonal corner of cooker and a bin.
But knocks changed, started to be more loud, and on a way to knock, as so loud and mannered, a speople would knock for some attention or in a door, to be noticed by knocks.
So, I realized, some inssen ghost tried to win my attention to him, probaly.
But as this was so different, so, I was a curious to find a resource: a rat? or what was hee?
I checked the corner - nobody was here, no one to make a noise, and no one inside of a bin too.
I was confused, what this might be and walked back to my place, to sit down to continue to write.
But suddenly, still working, I turned my body back to suprised to be shocked to noticed as some brown shade moved near a right side corner of a bin, moving fast to hide himself from a look.
This brown fast moving thing was somethings as a hand of some mammal animal as a bear or a biggest cat or a tiger or a panther or a lynx or a monkey or a body or a big brown fat rat.
The speed of a move of this was as a magic, really rapid and fast, so, i was not able to see all clearly as in a reality, but as somethings on a great speed move as to look for a fast moving objects, moving faster righter a car or a motor bike.
- Oh, so this is why we are not able to see them! The speed of their move is much faster rigther our ability to see object by our vision and eyes!
I returned back to a corner, as i noticed this move to here, and i had checked all again, moving this out, used a flash light to light all over too, -- nobody and nothing! no one!
The unseen before object started to be unseen object again! This moved out throw the walls inside walls!
So, this was not any real object - no a rat, no a human , no a human thief. This was some special specific creature with over-skilled talents of extra-senses to move fast to stay unseen, to make himself unssen, to walk in walls and throw walls to dissapair, to be a ghost or to be more real to make noises, knocks, to rusle inside the bin.
This disspaired, i check all.
But i took my camera in a mobile to make some photos of this are.
When i looked digital photo, it was nothing too.
But when i used filters (brightness, contracts, color balances, etc, ) from editor, - I saw intersting emotional changes as some huge size of colored buttefly was (as an angle make as 2 wigs), and the filters of one of the last photo gave some image of someone, looking, having 2 eyes, a head, a nose, a mouth, looking as some type of a big cat head look, - a biggest cat or a tiger or a lynx or a female tiger or a baby tiger or a panther, with two eyes and a red hole above the right eye, looked as a wound hole area from a shooting or something another.
Or, this was as a human type of a some human race look, just mixed with cats.
Or, some race.
Or, some human.
Homewail. Homehowl. Domovoy. Ghost & Tiger poem
Homewail. Homehowl. Domovoy. Ghost 24.01.2018
So, it was not some thief, coming inside, or a rat, - it was some creature as a mix of ghost and something more.
I realized, he searched a table and all on the kitchen and a bin on the kitchen, looking, so, as the Ghost searched for some food, staying unssen for me and moving on the top of the kitchen table and jumped down on a floor and searching inside the bin, moved all tins here, and rustled, checked, looked. Probably, he was a hungry, or just some curiosity.
I had some food on the kitchen area, pack of a buscuits, a chocolate in bits on a plate, covered by a plastic. He had not eat or take nothing, just looked all and this all. All was undamaged, looked as untouched.
I was worried before here, listening noises at night, that some humans, thieves came inside while i slept sometimes, walking in a kitchen and a corridor area.
I waked up by noices sometimes, to check the property, all had been closed, but sometimes this looked as someone defenetly had vizited and was here.
This someone broke a lot of electical equipment - a fridge (it was noised), a steamer, a washing machine, two electical kettles, plate, etc, plastic busket, a printer, a computer, broke pipe with a hot water, making batteries empty (each all straight).
I did not find no one here to see, so, I started to think already as some humans could used some old secret doors or walls or something to come inside, as this in Sherlock Home's investigation stories had been written.
This house had been built in 1894 year, and people and me had experiences with such types of strange coming noises sometime, thinking, some ghosts could presented here, or some boggart, brownies, homehowle, homewail, Domovoy, hobgoblins, goblins, ghosts, or just some small animals as rats or mices or smal incescts.
But I was thinking that a possibility of some thieves coming secretly on the property might been more realistic rigther some ghosts.
So, as i saw this all myself myself at 7 a.m. with minutes on that morning on 24th January 2018 here, this was some special type of unssen or seen a little bit The Home Ghost, whom might be named a The Domovoy or The Homehowle (Boggart, Brownie, Hoblin, Hogoblin, Homehowle, Homewail, Domovoy).
I was smiled happy after, as i was so lucky to see a little bit so strange unusual.
He was a delicate, he had not tried to put me in fars, so, tried not present himself visualy clear or to make noices as a type to afraid me.
He knocked loudly enough to show me - "I am here! please, notice me! I am here!" Knock-knock-bang!
But he had not moved things. and tried to disspaired not to disturb my mind.
I was a happy and smiled after.
I just said after loudly open for him this:
- Look, if you think something wrong as i make some noises here, please, take in your mind, that i am paying a rent and counsil taxes to stay here, and for a warming a house too, while you live here free unpaid.
But as ghosts may live for much longer rigther people, over 300 years, so, they may like their home, house, building, walls, native walls much much stronger rigther people.
I started after to be calm, as i worried thieved made noises at night time here, coming, but as i saw a homehowle, the domovoy, this was much better to see to know a reasorce of this sounds for me. I felt myself lucky too, as not one each day able to notice a part of body of any ghost or domovoy.
Russians said, as each real house must to have athis own Domovoy, as this as a soul of the house or a part of the real house, some as people feel this, having their home pets, - cats, dogs, birds, fish in tanks, making their families with kids to stay with the home with their home pets to be a happy family.
We can not do here nothing.
We may blame thieves to a coming inside our properties, but not ghosts or Homehowles.
Plenty old houses had this, just as a fact.
One man said me, as his relative looked or listened knocks of some ghost just above my flat, and this was so horror experience for him never to return back to this flat.
One man said me as his neighbor said to him about a knocking ghost here sometimes, so, he tried to use Morse Code to communicate with a ghost.
And another someone said about ghosts in his property, too, coming sometimes.
I had some strange experiences here on this property before too.
The Old Russian Slavonic believs for each house in a village to have their own Domovoy as a Home Ghost as a part of each house and a part of a family, something some as a cat at a home or a dog at a home.
Slavonic Pagan believes named Domovoy ghosts as some special magic race, needed in their own homes, helping owners of houses and women, as a house-keeprs, to look for the properties.
For example, people lived in a wood houses and used a wood to make a fire to warm their properties, and when they slept all, if a real fire came inside, as just a spark, the home ghosts Domovoy waked up, tried to make plenty loud noises to wake up people to check to put the fire down.
Home ghosts tried to save houses as they lived here themselves, and their life was for 300 years or more, so, their affection and their loyalty to their place of living and their owners made them as Home Ghosts.
Slavs and Russians used to put one metallic horseshoe near the exit door inside their houses, to protect their house, too, probably, as the shape of a Horseshoe looked as a letter C, as a Moon, or a a New Moon, the Moon on the sky.
Russians used to show money, as mettalic coins to a New Moon on the sky, when this as a letter C too, for a good luck to have more money coming after during the next month or year.
This looked strange, but, probably, C symbol as The New Moon or The Moon was some secret ancient symbol as The Good Luck, and for home ghosts, Domovoy, too.
Russians and Slavs used to leave some food on 1st day of each month for their own Domovoy.
Each home host, domovoy, had his own individual character, temper, emotions, ideas, thoughts, making them emotional to react sometimes to show this all.
Some liked to do things as some as small kids like, playing with everything, damaging all sometimes. Some were nice, delicate. Some had a hard temper, similar to some people in age, disliking all what is a new. But mostly, while all could be different, this was an experience of a symbious of two races, similar to have a cat or a dog as a family pet in a home, so, people liked and valued and smiled to say things what their home gosts Domovoy did.
Homehowle, Homewail, Domovoy.
On Russian, ДОМ [Dom] = Home, ВОЙ [voy] = howle or wail.
As the fact of a real life, plenty peole in different countries of each social classes and groups, including Christian priests, writeres, farmers, reported about their personnel experience of communication with their home ghosts Domovoy (Homehowle, Homewail, ..., brownie, boggart, hoblins, hogoblins, home ghosts) as facts of the real life reports and strories during centures and centures.
Females and males, women and men and children were saying about their personnel experience of contact with something as or unseen but making noises, knocking, loudly walking, laughed sometimes, cough, sometimes acting, moving some items, knocking, making pranks, mischief and destructive pranks, sometimes seen, mostly time as unseen, sometimes helping to guard a home, looking for the safety of a house, and warning about the fire.
The quantity of such reports are huge, the time collection for such reports coming deeply inside of a time and till present modern time life.
But modern science prefers to ignore evedances and reports, while taking reports about Snowman or Yeti (Mythical creature, in the folklore of Nepal, the Yeti or Abominable Snowman is an ape-like entity, taller than an average human, that is said to inhabit the Himalayan region of Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet, still in Mountants of Caucusus and Siberia in Russia too), about Loch Ness Monster (Mythical creature, as an inhabitant in the Loch Ness lake in Scotland in Great Britain in island England).
Plenty people are not just reported their meetings with Domovoy (Homehowle, Homewail, boggart, brownie), but some tried to film to report this by a modern technology too.
Our scientists and our Top Politicians and people looked to find some aliens from another planet or on the Moon to communicate with or just for the curiosity, they spend a lot budget money to try to film other planet.
The quantity reports about meetings people with their home ghosts are much more in the quantity rigther the quantity reports about meetings with any Snowman or any Loch Ness Monster , still collected during a huge time in plenty centuries, still from people of all age group and social classes, and from priests and from writers, and from farmers, and from ordinary people, and from famous people too.
So, say, why modern science is fully ignored these facts "not to see", "not to know"? ordinary people reported to noticed this all from pagan time till modern time?
One thing is a really interesting, as people used a Horseshoe which shape C look likes The Moon, The New Moon as a symbol of protection for their house and a good luck for some time when pagan tribes and pagan people used to name home goblins (Domovoy) as their small family God for the small area of their house only.
So, a Horseshoe and a Homehowl (Domovoy) came as linking together in the some plase to a native home , a house, a home of people.
Look, may be this a fantastic idea, but hard not to think, as a Horseshoe shape C as The Moon, some The New Moon was as a Talisman and The Protection for a home, and a symbol, connected with race of Domovoy, so, too.
One of the modern study put plenty towns on the planet The Earth, having some deep underground floors as hidden underground levels deeply inside of a soil, which looked as a type of mix river mud soil.
Youtube videos and photos in some livejournals show picture of a town Omsk in Russia, Moscow, some about peterburg and other towns, with the look of evedences as couple first level of buildings and streets stayed in deep underground surface, including buildings of 18-19 century, which would be impossible to go so deeply inside as a "cultural lay".
So, as a new knowledge of evedances came, it was some secret mistery of change of a real history fact to the official history, which is not saying or explaining all this photos and facts.
Some another mistery facts, that the technology of work with the stone and a hard stone was with the use of some automatic rotary gigantic machines with huge size of grinding stone and a hardest cuttera, making impossible to do the some some things of 18-19 century still now by our modern technology skils.
Some sculpures of 18-19 centurty as the unique artefact of scuplures 3-D printing technology of granite and a white marble, with the smallest anotomic details (see a sculpure of a girl in "English" Voroncov Palace , in English Garden park in Crimea as a work of a Sculptor Quintilio Corbellini
See photos of a "alive" sculpture of a girl from "English" Voroncov Palace's garden park:
"Живая статуя таинственного скульптора в невозможном Воронцовском дворце"
Some similar had been sold in Bonhams, London (December 12, 2013), as by
Quintilio Corbellini
(French, 19th C)
"Young girl", a sculpture, was a
Lot 209 - Bonhams, London (December 12, 2013)
Fine European Furniture, Sculpture & Works of Art (Sale 20857)
Materials: ved white marble
Measurements: 38.19 in. (97.00 cm.) (height) by 16.93 in. (43.00 cm.) (width) by 9.84 in. (25.00 cm.) (depth)
Description: late 19th century; circular base
Markings: signed and located to the top 'Q.lio Corbellini/ Milano'
Bought In
Estimate: ; 10,000 - 15,000 GBP
More better quality photo:
Plenty British people do not kno a fact of a work English Architectors and etc to make a look of Voroncov Palace and a park in Crimea in Alupka, and that British Premier Minister Cherchill stopped here in 1945, coming in Crimea for a meeting with Stalin and American President Ruzvelt.
Some sculptor, another work:
Quintilio Corbellini,
Crema/CR, 1823 – Milano, 1905
1860 circa,
Marmo (white marble ), cm 91 x 33 x 36
Il pudore ("The Modesty")
Some sculptor, another work:
Quintilio Corbellini, (1823-1905)
"Il primo bagno al lido", / "Primo bagno al lido"1873.
(was in Accademia di Brera, Milano and in Milano, Villa Reale)
Quintilio Corbellini
"Tamar di Giuda"
Marmo (white marble ),
Importante statuette en marbre blanc finement sculpt;, repr;sentant une femme l;g;rement d;v;tue, drap;e (quelques ;clats)
Sign;e Q. Corbellini ; Milan XIXe si;cle H. 110 cm. 2013
The level of a work as a technology of Carver, Sculptor Quintilio Corbellini is just impossible for 19 century as a hightest level of modern technology which just on the way of 21 century, making the plenty smallest anatomic details as so trustfully as a real.
Why i mentioned this all? as a level of a sculpture work of some sculptures of 19 centures over-hiperskilled highest level of technology, just on the way to come in the future, as the use of 3D computer plan with a extra-lazer quality of accuraticy of glitting and cutting work.
If to think, the ability to present to make noises and suddenly disspair and the ability to stay as unseen is over-skilled abilities too.
So, if something may look as not having any technology, but if to look for a point as this over-skills, all things looked as connected together as the messages and the information about some ancient old time with somethings in more high level of developing of technology and some abilities.
We know as this came as a new fact of a knowledge, as yes, it as a Great Flood time, and in 19th century too, as a possible result of a change of the location North-South or the angle, making a huge gigantic waves, washing all land, towns, buildings in some directions, and covering street of towns, villages, soil by new coming mud, or washing a good soul out.
Some more photos came about this time, with the explanation of the some huge rotary machines, taking a good soil, all, out from a planet, leaving empty.
This explanation, a true or some fantazies, as it was the invation of planet The Earth, so, some civilazizations in the past had their end and the loss.
I put this possible fantazies or the truth for the possible explanation why some creature as Homewails (Homehowls, Domovoy, goblins, etc etc) or tried to stay unssen for people or unseen while our old tales and legends and stories had been full of presence of plenty Tale creatures, Demiurs, etc, fairies.
For example, if the Great Flood had been in 19 century, coming suddenly to here, as the truth, so yes, plenty alive creatures died suddenly all in one day - humans, people, animals, birds, incects, fishes, ... some could start ghosts.
So, some ghosts may be lossed souls from Great Flood event which was couple times already, and the last time, probably, it might be in 19th century.
If so, and plenty died, - some might started to be ghosts.
We know as plenty ghosts in island England, making to think that plenty people died suddenly here (in a Great Flood, for example), so, there were no priests to pray.
Russian area has ghosts in homes too, and we saw photos from Omsk town, with use to dig a soil on old streets of Omsk to find as some first floor levels were inside of soil, deeply inside, for 1-2-3 levels of floor with a high level of a floor celings inside for each floor.
The modern history is not able to explain this, as no any paper work in archives about this.
If to go to see some tall building, and to imagine the some as a new with 2-3 first floors as already ... undergound .. with a time less that 100 years, so, not a lot for any thickest "cultur" lay, but this had happened, as a fully impossible!
Or, if you ask yourself what may happened suddenly for such result as this result is already a fact?
and people say you more -all soil what was taken was a mud as a river mud-etc. so, all was underwater "just" in the 19 century here!
and people say you - The Great Flood was in 19 Century, plenty died suddenly! See a resource of a tall thikesy lay of mud, covered all, each town, each building!
and, left plenty ghosts - noboy had been left or not able was to pray for them already.
So, some resource of ghosts can be this - The Great Flood in the past.
2nd resource of ghosts may be The Great Flood in the future, (see marina Yaremina and other investigators'es books). Some writers have their thoughts as some ghosts are .... some died people from the future , started to be as ghosts with ability of time traveling in spaces and in a time.
as they died in their bodies, they can not be in bodies to present themselves to live.
as a time traveling moment, some rules of protection of a time may come on them all too, making some deep talks impossible.
It is easy to imagine, as a true-patriot of Great Britian and England would traveled back in a time in Middle Age, liking English language, culture, history, etc. But I doubt people living in the past would be welcoming.
Or, you may be a true-patriot of America and American Citizen USA, some your parents, and etc, but if you will travel back in a time and your skin is not white, you may have big troubles in The South Of America.
Or, if you are a modern age man, a gay, a true-patriot of Germany, and you travel back in a time 1933 - 1945, ...
Or, if you live in Ukraine, rigther, in Western Ukraine or in Eastern Ukraine as a true-patriotic Ukrainian Citizen or a foreiner or a separatist, and traveled back in time, in Stalin-USSR time, ...
as a history changes all times, some nobody would be predict what will be in the future too.
or example, you a white race local, Christian, living in Europe or UK or USA, coming suddenly in a future time in your native state area and a native town or a vilage, and ... here another race, another religion, another official doctrines and another religion believes and rules.
If we looked a history of some places, we see changes of religion, pagan-Christians, Christians-Muslims, so, if you travel in a time, righter, in the future or in the past, it may be another religion.
So, these examples to show as in cases of 1. time travelers in a body 2. time travelers as an energy or souls or ghosts of some mix but under resptictions of ability and their believes, -- for example, we know the history of Middle Age well to know as better to try to look as all around, the some, and to keep a silince.
Believes of Middle Age were so simple as all unusual was to blame to kill.
So, any 1. time traveler 2.a traveler from another dimension 3. from another planet 4. just from another human race but with usual for local look would be blamed to kill them.
So, some human race creatures with extra-skilled abilities to dissapair from a look can be
1. time travelers
2. travelers from another dimension
3. travelers from another planet, or aliens
4. just from another human race surviving during a longest time to avoid all contacts as a part of surviving and a long time excistance experience.
5. "Matrica", "Matrix" effect, when some meetings as a programmed join point, a holografic or teleportation effect of a program, so, they are unseen as they present of join of a program elements.
I do a break. The Matrix or Matrica is the idea that we live in a world where our World have much more Dimentions righter we able to pick them by senses practically ourselves all.
so, all creatures or events from a worlds which has more freedom as more dimensions, they all in a meetings with them here will be as Matix or Matrica effect as they all just some shades here in our World from their real World and their real abilities and, may be, a look too.
But mostly, some people think that we live inside some programmes realistic "night dream" World, sleeping somewhere in bodies, with some technology, which created the visual reality for us.
Some said forward, as we all here just a prisoners in a type of a prison to go throw all life experiences as our task to return back to our native planet.
In such cases, as a prisoners inside a prison, which modern to create illusions for all us, we will have strange feelings if some extra-unusual would come on the meeting.
In prison has own control group, CCTV, someone to look to check, as an Prison Warden, an Prison Officer.
So, just one of another ability that some of Domovoy (not each and all, but some) can be such Prison Warden, our Warders, staying themselves as unssen for us, with their ability of distance too.
You say that some modern technology Warders would be extra-technological.
Look, plenty people reported as if they see Domovoy at a short moment of a time, - them stayed or unssen after or walked into a wall to disspair.
So, they able to change DIMENTIONS and to move from one to another and their VISUALITY too.
Do you know plenty other alive animals here with some ability now on our planet?
Each animal may hide, but no one else as this. (!)
If you see a man with plenty technical equipment, you may think he would be a modern, rich if all really expensive, or a possible spy.
If you see a spy without any visual extra-technocal equipment? without any STAMP on his "I am a spy!"? still looking as an animal?
We open news to find as a modern time technolgy started to work from a mind control of operator.
So, this type of technology may be not weared visual near sometimes, if having abilities designed for tasks not be visual wearing.
In such explanations, Domovoy could be anythings, from an another ancient old race, anythings.
Any explanation of a hipoteza would be here a right, as another possibility here-there are all possibility may present, as some may just mask themselves to looked as others.
So, some may try to pretend to look as Domovoy race.
I know just one explanation that some phizical particals as neutrinos may flied across all planet The Earth and all walls, so, too, and to be rapid and quick so unseen for us.
Neutrinos are rapid.
So, a nature of Domovoy (Homehowl, Homewail, Domovoy) looked as on the base of controlled neutrino energy life form.
This is the EXTRA.
We know resource of neutrino as particuls coming from The Sun.
So, the Motherland of Domovoy as a neutrinos base life form is The Sun.
The Sun was named as Ra or RAM.
The Sky, ski
Bum! = Bang!
Bumba = a ball on Larvian Lettish (мяч on Russian)
Ra - The God Of Sun
Ski, sky
ball big big ball ba'
Sh = S if to translate from Russian on Latvian Lettish, and from Latvian Lettish to English
Bumbarashki --> Bumbaraski --> Bang!ba'RaSki
Bumbarashka, --> Bumbaraska --> Bang!ba'RaSkie (-ie as here sounded tender soft as Doggie, Tommie, Mummie, Daddie as a prounance)
Domovoy = DOM (Home) + voy (howl) = Homehowl = Homewail
Russian said about home ghost, Domovoy, still one another modern nickname as Bumbaraski (Бумбарашки),
I will try to find a right translation on English:
Bumbaraski (Бумбарашки) = Domovoy
Бум [Bum] = Bang!
Baraski = a tender style word and for curvy baby lambs, and for curvy sheeps, and from a word as 1. RAM
2. sheep, mutton
(овца, баранина)
3. bighorn
(снежный баран)
ара [ara] - ARA (Big ara B'ara = Bara)
Ski, Sky
Bumbarashki === Bum + baraski =
Бум [Bum] = Bang! + RAM (RAM, Sheep, mutton, Bighorn) =
0. Domovoy , Homehowl, Homewail
1. Bangram, Bangramie
2. Bangsheep, Bangsheepie
3. Bangmutton, Bangmuttonie ( Bangmutton assosiated with Badminton) )
4. Bangbighorn, Bangbighornie ( Bangbighorn assosiated with Badminton)
5. Bangminton (from association from 3 and 4)
6. Bangwhitecaps
7. Bangbaraski, Bangbarasky, Bangbaraskie
8. similar to Home Ghost, as a class of Boggart, Brownie, a Goblin, a Hogoblin, so
9. Bang!ba'RaSki
Sh = S if to translate from Russian on Latvian Lettish, and from Latvian Lettish to English
Bumbarashki --> Bumbaraski --> Bang!ba'RaSki
Bumbarashka, --> Bumbaraska --> Bang!ba'RaSkie (-ie as here sounded tender soft as Doggie, Tommie, Mummie, Daddie as a prounance)
[sh] would be [s] in the writing from Russian to Latvian Lettish and from Latvian Lettish to English, masking shki to ski.
So, from where are they all? these Bumbarashki? Domovoy? Homewail? Homehowl? etc?
1. They are real existing as real, by plenty report of people, saying they lived in houses with people always as a part of family and a home, making Domovoy raca a true born in planet The Earth race as our local planet race.
2. They able to walk throw dimentions and with a rapid speed, to stay unseen for people. This their ability put me to think as particuls neutrinos have all such abilities:
- to stay unseen for people
- to move rapidly with the great speed (so to stay unseen)
- to cross all planet as the open air space (so to cross walls too)
So, the nature of Domovoy would be the energy and bodies, making from neutrinos particals as their cells, probably.
3. The Motherland of all neutrinos are The Sun. So, the possible deepest Motherland of Domovoy would be or is The Sun.
4. If this the biological object, this would the ancient form life of the organazing neutrinos links.
5. If this is not on neutrinos, they may use such technology of a controll of neutrino, which is extra- for us and our level of modern knowledge.
6. reports of communications, as a practical information, put Domovoy as individuals, having their individual character, emotions, reactions.
7. some activities as pranks, mischief styles, can be linked or to the possible age group (they live 300 years or over? so, they can be and kids, and in age, having their own age typical problems, some as for humans kids and humans adults), or emotional to react, ...
8. Some people have a sympathy and a love to their own Homehowls as a part of their family and their home. Some Christian priests too, as reported, liked to have homehowls at their home, as ahome pets.
9. some disliked.
More nasty Ghosts experiences had been reported mostly as inside some old English Castles.
British people had a fear of this all.
People sure this from died people came, whom died suddenly unexpecting.
But for example, Russia and ex-USSR land area had a loss of 50 billions inhabitants (50 millions - 50 billions people, humans, kids, women, men, pensioners just during 1941-1945 years on World War II time.
Prior this, Russia and ex-USSR land had a Bloody Russian revolution 1917 and a Bloody cruel Stalin time with a loss of lives.
But here are not such things as in UK, Great Britian for some reasons.
15 millions European Jews had been killed in WWII in Europe.
Plenty people too.
French Revolution was a bloody, taking lives of women, kids, men.
All these areas near to England, but they have not such what England have.
So, English Ghosts would be somethings, so, strange and unsual.
Why? Why England have this all?
There are plenty possible explanations for this.
1. the real Word has much more dimentions, and so, the map of a real World would be different, an this is a possible that island England may coonect closely bto a borders of some another "lay" of Dimention, making tome their or our planet creatures to jump in one or another World.
2. Some could be not humans and not to have, so, humals souls to flied in Another World.
3. Priests had not been accepted by more highest power in the ski, for their somethings, so, their prays had not helped as not worked properly and right
4. there were not at all any prays.
5. The real history of England is another rigther British people learn all in schools as the official. And if The Great Flooed was, especilly.
6. Unseen Dimentions connected or located near to England island.
7. If the died souls from the future, some with the loss of memory, this can be too.
8. I do know. And this would be truth to say. I just do not know.
But if this an ancient race, having a fear of people to present themselves, they have their good reasons Why? as a possible experience of surviving, and plenty loss on this way.
May be one day, people will know more.
May be not.
But they exist.
===== Appendix 1 ====================================
My poem "The Homewail" (The Homehowle")/(The Domovoy)
===== on Russian ===================================
Если рыбки плавают в пруду,
Иль в аквариуме, на виду.
Мы у стенки стоя, смотрим,
Корм порой им всем подбросим.
Послушай, как звучит ветер,
завывая всхлипами тоски
и воя ночью
в темноте
тоскливою зимой?
Когда за окном
бушует въюга,
а в доме тихо
и все спят
и темно?
Капает капель с сирени
За окном.
Стучит по тротуару детский мячик
За стеной.
До-мо-вой, -
Колотит, выбивая,
Ковёр одна дама.
Скрипят пружины
Железной кровати
В ночи вечерком.
- Да! Мама! Твой!, -
Да мама воет.
Он опять ушёл.
И дама воет,
Любовной тоске и печали,
Сидя за столом.
А Домовой
Глядел на всё и всегда молча,
И так день за днём.
Он то смеялся и сам,
А то жутко сердился, серчал,
Даже стучал порой.
А люди смеялись и плакали,
Приходили, ели и спали,
Сопели, шумели,
Говорили, кричали, молчали,
И опять что-то ели.
- Мы такие ж? Такие же мы?
Тоже ведь
и горести и радости и печали?
Эмоции прут из души?
Тоже ведь так порой?
Совсем не рационально?
А просто так? Без причин?
Ты не грусти! Слышешь? Эй, Товарищ!
Давай мы лучше споём тут
В тиши?
И солнце встало и сияло, сверкало.
Такой замечательный день!
Всё ярко, отрадно, красиво,
И радует.
Ведь живы! Живём!
Только верь!
И пусть всё хорошее
В твоей жизни случится.
И встречи, любовь, и судьба
Будет к тебе и твоим благосклонна,
Чтоб ты улыбаясь, жила.
И дом твой пускай
Никто не порушит.
Чтоб жить, и твой дом - он твой дом.
И чтобы любила ты, как летала,
Как бабочка в счастье,
Как пчёлка, с медком.
И пусть никогда мы не встретимся снова,
Возможно, уже никогда,
Быть мелькну я однажды звездой,
Иль просто улыбкою дня.
И я улыбнусь, увидав - вот, хохочешь!
И я улыбнусь: хорошо!
Пусть тёплые ночи окутают плечи
Как шалью пуховой
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Инна Бальзина-Бальзин
===== Appendix 2 ==========================
To Slavonic old traditional believes and attitude
The Theme "
in old Soviet Russian cartoons
in Russian cartoons for children
Cartoons about the baby-Domovoy (the small child of Homewail/Homehowle/Domovoy/Home Ghost Kuzya
(Kuzya, or this Russian name Kuzya is pronanced as Kuzya, Kuzia or Koozia or Coozia or Coothea)
"мультфильм про домовенка кузю" in Youtube search
"мультфильм про домовёнка кузю"in Youtube search
Look all 4 cartoon films (26min57sek)
"The Domovoy Kuzya" (The Domovjonok Kuzya), all 4 cartoon films.
"Домовенок Кузя" все 4 серии
Film 1 , cartoon film
"Кузя - Приключения Домовёнка"
"The Adventure of Domovoy Kuzya"
Film 2 , cartoon film
"Кузя - Дом для Кузьки"
/ "The Home for The Domovoy Kuzya"
Film 3, cartoon film,
"Кузя - Возвращение Домовёнка"
/ "The Domovoy Kuzya - The Return Back"
Film 4, cartoon film
"Сказка для Наташи - Кузя"
/ "The Tale For Natasha - The Domovoy Kuzya"
"The Domovoy Kuzya ", the tale, audio story, reading a book, on Russian
"The Domovoy Kuzya ", the tale, audio book, a reading a book, on Russian
"Домовенок Кузька" аудиокнига (RU)
The Present from The Domovoy (Homewail/Homehowle)" , Swedish tales, audio, on Russian
"Подарок Домового и другие сказки! Шведские аудиосказки."
The cartoon image of The Domovoy Kuzya look likes similar to another famous cartoon image of Antoshka in children cartoons for Soviet children, just Antoshka was a boy with his red ginger hairs,
you may look at Antoshka to compare to image of Domovoy Kuzya after here:
"The Cartoon Concert film The Funny Carousel" for children, on Russian, for Soviet children:
"Мультконцерт - Веселая карусель Песни из мультфильмов [HD]"
If to see some episodes of cartoons films about Peppa Pig, we see images of Homewails (Homewail, Homehowle, Domovoy, Brownie, Home Goblin, Home Hobglin, Boggart, Home Ghosts) here as images of some small flying faires, coming to houses, when all kids are sleeping, especially on Christmas time, having their magic sticks, some, to make their small miracles and to leave presents to kids on the Chritismas time.
Some images of English Brownie (Domovoy, Homewail, Homehowle, Brownie, Hobgoblin, Goblin, Home Ghost, Boggart) can be sometimes as a really posite images, as a smallest flying fairies, living in English house, leaving some small presents on Christmas days.
Some British children sure that some of small fairies, living in their home are babies of Angels, and when they will grow up enough, they will fly to a sky to fly to be the adults Angels here.
This belief is keeping Christian believes about Angels on the sky and thier deep connections with humans and all kids. as places where Angels may live or how they may live.
Plenty English kids believed and faires flying on flowers outside in their gardens or in the nature, too.
Italian tales and legends are with the similar to English tales as oldes tales - stories about small flying faires, flying near flowers, having their magic sticks.
Ссылки / Links
Видео / Video
"Homewail. Homehowl. Domovoy. Ghost & Tiger poem"
Homewail. Homehowl. Domovoy. Ghost & Tiger poem
Видео / Video
"Homewail. Homehowl. Domovoy. Ghost 24.01.2018"
2. On Russian
Видео / Video
"Домовой в Англии в 7 утра 24. 01. 2018"
Видео / Video
"Домовой в Англии и стихи Тигр на английском". Фотки 7 утра 24. 01. 2018.
Видео / Video
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost" / "Рождество с Домовым в Англии 25.12.2017"
Видео / Video
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost" / "Рождество с Домовым в Англии 25.12.2017"
5. Story on Russian / Рассказ
"Рождество с Домовым в Англии 25.12.2017"
6. Story on English / Рассказ на английском
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoj, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoj or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost"
"Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost"
7. Story on Russian / Рассказ
"Домовой в Англии в 7 утра 24. 01. 2018"
8. Poem on Russian /стихи
"Домовой" , стихи. Запись 25.01.2018
9. Story on English / Рассказ на английском
"Homewail, Homehowl, Domovoy, Ghost 24.01.2018"
#Домовой #Domovoy #Homewail #Homehowle #Ghost
#homewail #homehowle #domovoy #ghost #домовой
© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2018
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2018
Свидетельство о публикации №118012712285