To be going to... стих для детей

   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Monday?
   - Iam going to be at school,
     To read a text, to learn a rule ,
     That's what I am going to do on Monday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Tuesday?
   - I am going to do some sums,
     To add, subtract, divide and multiply,
     That's what I'm going to do on Tuesday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Wednsday?
   - I am going to learn about writers
     And how to write a story or a letter
     And to make them better and better.
     That's what I'm going to do on Wednesday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Thursday?
   - I am going to learn about plants and animals,
     And where and how they grow -
     These things are good to know.
     That's what I'm going to do on Thursday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you  going to spend this Friday?
   - I am going to learn to sing and dance,
     And paint and draw and jump and run -
     These things are really great fun!
     That's what I'm going to do on Friday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Saturday?
   - I am going to see a film and go to the Zoo,
     And wonderfully spend the day.
     That's what I'm going to do on Saturday.
   My dear friend,
   How are you going to spend this Sunday?
   - I am going to play computer games,
     Walk in the park, eat ice-cream with nuts
     Which I like best.
     In short, I'm going to have a well-deserved rest.
     That's how I'm going to spend this Sunday.


Благодарю автор от души! Данное стихотворение стало находкой для меня. Искала стихотворение как раз на данную грамматику. Супер!Пусть теперь только попробуют мои студенты не запомнить оборот to be going to dosomething. :)))) С уважением, Олеся Гуревич

Илларион Попов   08.07.2020 17:42     Заявить о нарушении
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Люфед   13.07.2020 19:13   Заявить о нарушении