Есенинская грусть по английски

Сергей Есенин. Письмо матери. Перевод на англ
Вячеслав Чистяков
Sergey Esenin
A Letter to Mother

Do you stay alive, my dear old woman?
I’m alive as well, send a regard!
Let spring light ineffable, superhuman      
Be shed over your old little hut.

They do write that you, concealing fear 
In a grief for me with sense of doom,
Very often on the road appear
In a worn out out-of-date shooshoon*.

Often you in drear evening lighting   
See a dreadful picture in mind’s eye    
How someone in a tavern fighting
With a Finnish knife caused me to die.

It is not as bad, my dear, get quiet,   
It is just a nightmare, - simple and pure, -
Be a boozer I do not deny, yet
Must not die without seeing you.   

As before I’m tender-hearted, mother,
For the only thing I now yearn:   
From this stormy soul-sickness rather
To our little house to return.

I’ll come back when in the croft arises
Spring-way whiteness of apple trees once more. 
Still this time, my dear, at sunrises      
Do no wake me as eight years before.

Don’t awake the dreaming gone forever,
Don’t remind the hopes ceased to be, -
Early I in my futile endeavor 
Suffered losses and got tired of spree.

And don’t teach me praying, no guilty pleasure!
There is no return to the bygone. 
You’re the only help for me and treasure,
That ineffable light – the only one.

Do not worry, change the panic mode: 
Don’t believe that all is doom and gloom,
And do not go often to the road
In your old and out-of-date shooshoon. 

*An old kind of woman’s cardigan (transliterated Russian)

М...да...Вася! Мне со словарем читать дня два!..Но ты растешь, брат, -статьи, политические и критические замечания и прочие умные вещи!!! Ты решительно изменился в лучшую сторону, рада за тебя...умница !Чтоб написать на английском, да еще соблюдая рифму...это не шутки...главное, чтоб все там приличненько было.
Обнимаю. Дальнейших успехов!

Ирина Боговина   16.03.2018 23:41     Заявить о нарушении
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