It s from my heart

Перевод стихотворения "От всей души"
Анастасии Коноваловой

Well, nobody will be against
If I present the dawn anew,
The tender dawn of truly pink,
My Salavatians to you!
The deepest pink of my heart I won’t spare
To give you all my love and sparkling joy,
To let my song like red-hot fire glare,
To warm your hearts, your kindness to enjoy!
I’ll paint with words like with live blossom
All gardens, streets and our green parks,
No one’ll reproach me for my being lonesome –
My soul is singing like the gayest larks!
Well, let me take you to the domain
Of sunshine over Salavat, my town
The spell of Hope, of Love without pain,
Of Faith comes from the Sunshine down.
