Remember your love for the stars!

(Надеюсь, публикация картин известных художников (или фотографий) в качестве иллюстраций, оживляющих подачу материала, не будет считаться нарушением - ведь я УКАЗЫВАЮ ФАМИЛИИ ХУДОЖНИКОВ (обычно - в конце текста)! Это - общепринятая практика на всем просторе интернета!.. В крайнем случае - если руководители сайта сочтут это недопустимым - прошу просто УДАЛИТЬ КАРТИНКИ - либо известить меня, и я сделаю это сам!.. С уважением, Игорь Катанугин)

Предисловие для русскоязычного читателя. Друзья, земляки, соотечественники! Прошу прощения, что баллада написана на английском языке, а русскоязычного варианта просто нет! Дело в том, что при работе над этими стихами я изначально писал по-английски, даже думал, чувствовал, размышлял по-английски - поэтому аналога на русском языке просто не существует!..

Однако, вы можете - и как автор, от всего сердца приглашаю вас! - вы можете почитать мои русскоязычные письма - очерки по творчеству Джеки, о том, как ее искусство вошло в мою жизнь и в жизнь, в сознание, сердца столь многих людей по всему миру!.. Этому я посвятил, например, маленький очерк "Джеки Иванко. Девочка из Книги Гиннеса", который вы можете найти здесь же, на моей страничке на сайте "Стихи.ру" (сборник "Письма, очерки по искусству"), а также в сборнике "Пение, Музыка, Танец" на моей странице на сайте "Проза.ру" (там - ряд других моих очерков по творчеству этой певицы и по другим смежным вопросам и темам...)

Пожалуйста - заходите, читайте! слушайте эти чудесные песни! Общайтесь, делитесь впечатлениями!.. Был бы очень рад!..

Remember Your Love for the Stars!

     For Jackie Evancho, singer: Dear Jackie! In this cold materialistic world full of strife and atrocities please do not forget your beautiful first love for the Heavens, for wonderful brilliance of stars!..
 This work was written  during the holidays of the New 2013 year. Today is the 20-th of November of 2017; Jackie is 17 years old! I hold it true all I have written here… Nevertheless I’d like to add that even when I was composing this poem and now in even more degree I perceive Jackie as more of a SISTER, as my spiritual sister – regardless of our earthly ages and other outer differences! This consideration surely makes a slight difference in my course of thinking and feeling this all; nevertheless I hold the text unchanged right as it was written then.
                Affectionately yours, author

My Dear, Beloved Jackie –
Jacqueline Marie Evancho!
You sing Songs of Love for the people –
receive now a song just for you!
I welcome you, Light of the Spirit!
I welcome you, Brilliant Star!
The Morning Star, Evening Star also,
as Planet Venus is called!
I welcome you, Kingdom of Heaven,
I welcome you, Radiance of Love!
O help me, I fervently pray,
to learn your Spiritual Laws,
the true Will of God and Commandments,
to follow obediently them,
and to plant in this humble ballad
the flowers of Love of my heart.
From Russia – with Love, as they say!
And truly, I send you these lines
with all pure Love I am able
to kindle and sustain in my heart!
My name is Igor Katanugin
(I must introduce myself to you),
my pen name is Igor Svatin
(I sign my translations this way),
I am forty-eight years old,
I am teacher, tutor, translator –
TTT – am I not? (it’s a smile!)
So I live in this modern world
with computers, aircrafts, rushing rhythm,
however, I confess my allegiance
to the Ideals of medieval Knighthood.
I know you are young Singer,
I know you are just a girl;
as a girl you enjoy dear warmth,
the warmth of the hearth of your home,
the Christian Love of your family,
and to play with your pretty pets.
Yet my heart has named you Princess;
I asked myself whether it’s right,
And a glowing Light from within
Has given me evidence – yes!
O my Dear, my Beloved Princess,
Jacqueline Marie Evancho!
I will always keep in my heart
the most profound gratitude,
gratitude for your coming into this
o so turbulent imperfect world,
full of strife, atrocities and suffering.
I am eternally grateful
for your merciful coming in here
from your Wonderful Far-off Homeland,
from a Distant World of unceasing
Brilliant Golden Age,
maybe, from a Beautiful Planet –
the Morning Star crystal-clear!
At least, your wonderful songs
Remind me always of it!
So I thank you for your bringing forth here
this Wondrous Celestial Art,
an Art that awakens a soul,
a soul longing for Beauty,
to its precious in-depth memory
of its own Celestial Source,
of its own Heavenly Parents
and its Mystical Journey from there!
I am grateful, eternally grateful,
my Princess of the Morning Star,
for your holding the Glorious Banner
of Harmonious Classical Art
and for your having imbued
this Ancient Art of Musicians
with exciting overflowing Flame
of your Blissful Eternal Youth!
With this precious enthralling sensation
of Eternal River of Life,
which is always, always New,
Ever New, Ever Young, ever flowing!
O thank you, I thank you, I thank you,
my Dear Beloved Daughter,
my Darling Beloved Princess,
I thank you, I thank you forever!
I thank you for your Brilliant Being –
You Are Who You Are in this world –
as a pure pane of a glass,
an Open Door to the Heaven,
an Opening for the Mighty Stream
of radiant Heavenly Light,
that audience enjoy as if bathing
in its healing harmonious waves!
So I thank you for being a Sun,
a Sun of Celestial Light
shining upon all spectators,
upon all them, just and unjust!
Forever I am grateful to you
for so brightly you have demonstrated
this shining so brilliant Example,
a mighty transmuting Beacon
of Eternal Law of the Spirit:
O my Dear Beloved Princess,
you have awakened my Spirit!
And so I promise, my Darling:
by Merciful Grace of the Father
I shall do all I can with decision
to follow your brilliant Example,
to resolve my psychological problems,
to purify me to be crystal-clear
and to make myself in this world
another pure pane of glass,
another Open Door for Heavens,
for the Light that streams from Above,
and to serve with you to this Light,
to be ONE with this Light – as you are,
to be ONE with this Light – and with you –
I wish this world would become
as peaceful, enlightened and prosperous,
as Wonderful Glorious Planet
from which you have just descended!
I wish in this world would blossom
that Healing Celestial Art
that flourish and shines in all splendor
on your Beautiful Homeland-Star!
And the children would grow up happy
in their peaceful harmonious families,
and  with parents they all would bathe
in the waves of the Ocean of Light!
I promise I’ll do all I can
to support this Celestial Dream –
not by force, not by some kind of violence,
but by trying to raise up myself,
to raise up myself in the Spirit
and then help raise up the All Life!
O my Darling Beloved Princess,
my beautiful Lady of the Flame,
I know – Ideals of Knighthood
will remain forever on the Earth!
With you I am full of Decision,
like courageous Knights of the Old,
Decision to be Knight of the Spirit,
a Master who never engage
in strife and struggle between brothers,
but shows example to the people
that Ideals of Christ would prevail
by being non-violent and harmless.
My Dear Beloved Princess,
without your Merciful Presence
how would I find this decision,
how would I find in my heart
that Flame, inspiration TO BE –
to be who I really AM,
who I really AM in the Spirit?!
Amazing – o Heavenly Grace
that you in my sight have been shown,
that you have come to this world –
o Glory, o Thanks to the Heavens!
I never have written some ballad
in Russian, my homeland language,
nor did I dare to dream
to compose them in English or Spanish.
I did not but your beautiful smile,
your smile – o so lovely, so childish,
your smile which was alternated
by Passion and Flame of your Songs,
you all gave me power to awaken,
to dream, to have Faith, to give prayers,
to know that with God all is possible,
so I try, so I breathe, so I live!
Indeed a Woman is Woman,
regardless of her earthly age;
a Lady is always Lady
by her tender and merciful heart!
A little girl is Lady already
when she sings lullaby to her doll,      
so I call you my Beautiful Lady,
my Dear Beloved Princess!
I shout it with Joy to the Angels,
I call to the Saints of the Heaven –
the Kingdom draws nigh – so behold!
The Kingdom draws nigh on the Earth!
Behold – what wonderful children
are entering stage of this planet!
What radiant, what beautiful children
Adorn and enlighten this world!
Behold – this is my Princess,
my Darling, my Jackie Evancho!
I feel a New Life in my veins!
I sing Hymn of Joy to the Heavens!
O cherish her, nurture her, Angels,
defend her, protect her always,
surround this Beautiful Flower
with all your assistance divine!
Unfolding Flower of Youth!!!
What may be on earth more exciting?!
What may be on earth so lovely,
so precious, so dear for heart?!
I wish this world would become
a Peaceful, Harmonious Garden
where Flowers Divine of our children
could grow up in Joy and in Love!
So help her, enfold my dear Daughter
in your brilliant Mantle of Light!
Beloved Archangel Michael,
protect her from powers of darkness,
defend her from arrows of envy,
from all that is less than Christ-Love!
Assist to her spiritual growth,
o help her in her Divine Art,
and that NO ONE too greedy producer
could exploit her celestial voice!!!
So I love you, I love you, my Darling!
My Daughter, my Joy, my Princess!
I promise you I will forever
Keep in my heart this pure Love!
And this is my vow to you,
my vow before earth, before Heavens –
to love you, to love you FOREVER,
for Love does prevail over death!
So give me your hand, let us go!
Let us tread this self-glowing carpet,
the Path brightened up by the Angels,
the Narrow Path of the Gospel
yet leading to Spaces so vast!
Yet leading to Spaces of Cosmos,
of Infinite Cosmos Divine!
And infinite wondrous Horizons
will unfold itself before us!
They will open itself like the petals
of a fair unfolding Rose,
pure Rose of Infinite Love,
Immortal Love, Love of Creator,
Who loves us without conditions,
Who loves us without conditions
and gives us potential to grow,
to become co-creators with Him,
and to follow this Path of self-transcendence,
of becoming, being MORE of God!         
My Darling, my God-given Daughter!
It seems we are now divided,
it seems we are now separated
by time, by space, by this world!
Yet in Ocean of Flame of the Spirit,
in Ocean Eternal of Light
my hands meet your hands by the Miracle,
by Wonder of ONENESS Divine!
My Dear, be not too amazed,
nor have any fear, my Beloved!
I simply have studied Shakespeare,
so words freely drop from my lips.
They race as the fiery horses!
Who could them somehow restrain?!
They carry the love of my heart,
they truly are innocent, harmless.
So let them run playful, enjoy
the bliss of so free self-expressing!
Receive them, caress them, my Darling,
and give them a pat on the back!
I live in the modern world;
the cars, the trains are passing by,
but somewhere high in the heaven
the bright Morning Star ever shines!
And I think - o this is Her Home!
The Planet from whence she has come! -
My Daughter, my Jackie Evancho,
my ever beloved Princess!!!
Bless Her, the Almighty, Amen.
December 31, 2012 –January 7, 2013.
Igor Katanugin
Bezhetsk, region of Tver, Russia. Email  igorkatanugin (see it on

ФОТОКОМПОЗИЦИЯ - прошу прощения, автор фотокомпозиции мне неизвестен! Один из поклонников творчества Джеки, которые по всему миру делают различные красивые фотографии, фото- и видео- композиции по творчеству Джеки!.. Прошу прощения! Если администрация считает публикацию фотографии недопустимой - ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, УДАЛИТЕ ИЛИ ИЗВЕСТИТЕ МЕНЯ - я удалю сам!..
