Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost

26.12.2017.  Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost

Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost

I celebrated my this Christmas day 25.12.2017, year 2017, one on my own in England (some as it was in the last year too)

I am living alone and one from 2006, divorced in 2010, continue this habit to stay as a single always - i was a victim of domestic violence, making my needs in my extra private safe personnel space, to feel the comfort of the safety that nobody will harm me and nobody will say rude words to me too, so, my choice as a woman was to stay as a single always, as better for me and my needs to be happy.

I had bought a food to cook for a Christmas, some pack of steaks, keeping all to prepare to fry on Christmas Day 2017 for me.

But be honest, I did not bothered a lot here, preferring to value a comfort of mind to do what I want always.

I am not a Western Christian, as I am nor Catholic or Protestant, -  while some my ancestors were this, but they came to stay in Russian Impair old time, baptizing here as  Russian Orthodox Church believers  still so deep in time, as Old Russian Orthodox Church believers.

They lived in Siberian villages with plenty some as they were, and as a strongest religion fanatics, keeping and making all old rules of Old Christianity, including restrictions of season food, as not to eat a meat.

They did not eat meat prior Easter, prior Christmas, - all this had not been permitted by Old Christian , Old Church Russian Orthodox rules.

They used another Old Christian rules, when a father as the owner of a main biggest property, used all wives of his sons as his own wives, for a sex, too, if  his son lived with his wive on his father's property.  (Probably, this was as the oldest  tradition from Noah time after The Great Flood, which had continues to be kept  by decedents of Noah in Siberia in Russian Impair time, as a surviving humans in a hardest circumstance of a cold winters with a shortage of populations in villages).

My ancestor was a rich man,  the owner of a Mill, lake, a huge wooden house, as a wooden palace, with plenty wooden jewelry in ornaments of a handwork.

So, my grandfather leaved  his native village to earn a huge money to build his own property, on a distance from his father's, to be a married, as his 1st wife run away from him, straight, shocking by these wild old Russian Siberian rules of Old Christianity,  - she was so stressed and shocked, that she run away as she was, putting just all her own long skirts, a lot, and run away from a family and a village.

This oldest native Siberian village of my ancestors had been a fully flooded, going under water, as a result of Soviet building time activities, some, as plenty others old villages or towns and a land.

So, they had been forced to move away to re-settle down in other places in Siberia and Altai.

These part of my ancestors as Old Delivers of Russian Orthodox and new, Russian Orthodox Church celebrated always  Russian  Orthodox Church  Christmas which is always  7th January  each  year   and Old New Year which is coming on a night from 13th to 14th January  on 14th January each yea as Old New Year 1st January day.

But as a modern Calendar in a name of The Birth of Jesus Christ,  so, his making  1st  January  date  as the birthday of Jesus Christ  and so, the celebration of Jesus Christ's birth as ... a mental connection to another  Christmas date.

This complicated things, why do we account "Years from the Birth of Jesus Christ"  from 1st January date  as our modern Calendar,  but celebrating this all on another day prior this day  on 25th December for Catholics and Protestants, but on 7th January after 1st January date for Greek Christians, for Russian and Slavonic and Old Believers Christians, and not all together in one some day on 1st January date, as  a date "of a birth of Jesus", would be explained old changing of old calendars and so, dates. 

So, we all as would be 3 date for the birth of Jesus Christ:

25th December  - Christmas for Catholic and Protestants

1st January - for Agnostics, Mathematics, etc. as "New year!" ( Christmas day)

7th January  date - Christmas for Christians of Greek and Slavonic and Russians and Ukrainians and European Slavonic Orthodox - Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox Church, Old Believers.

Russian Ethnic people, not to be a confusing when and how and what celebrate by right way, - they just adapted all celebration dates, to celebrate and 25th December Christmas, and 1st January New Year (so named New Year Christmas day)  and 7th January as Russian Orthodox Church Christmas, and following 14 January as "Old New Year" "Christmas , too.  making 4 dates to celebrate as a really important celebrations days.

And, as Russian border with China, Russian adapted to celebrate Chinese New year too.

Russians in Latvia adapted to celebrate Latvian Lettish old pagan day 23rd June with Latvian Lettish of Latvia, all together.

Russian people live in so cold snowy winters, they use any small excuse to have some fun and to be glad, by stopping to work and just to celebrate some celebration date, all together.

Russians people dislike the idea to work so hard and fast as people in USA and UK and Europe are working fast, - they are complaining:

- We are not robots! we are not biorobots to work fats! We are humans!

So, this Russian tradition to stop any work, just for a small rest for one hours, drinking cups of tea, eating, talking with friends, knowns, colleges.

Plenty people never will go on a work in a time, making a good honest excuse to say as just tis:

-  Sorry, i was sleeping for a long today, did not listened the alarm, so late.

And this excuse worked as each had the some sometimes too.

But this way collapsed Soviet economy, as to win a battle - to be a strong fast robot on your work, making no mistakes and always in a right time.

The price to live as humans and not as robots, as biorobots, -  a loss of economy profit.

Any choice has the own price all times.


Merry Christmas! Eanna and (Ghost in Home) Domovoj By Eanna  25.12.2017 .
Рождество в Англии с Домовым,   a video on Youtube:


Some, my own personnel choice to stay alone, one, a single after my divorce in 2010, but started from 2006 year, was a long experience to live alone, one, single, for me as for a woman 45 yo till 56 yo age on Christmas Day 2017 as for 11 years (for eleven years).

But if someone had the experience to be harm physically, or emotionally, or verbally, some day this flooding as much to over and over,  making a hard point "Enough!"  "Enough! I value myself to stay happy woman.

And you do a barrier, barriers, making your own safe personnel comfortable space, - just for you own to stay here, for nobody else.

This way works  in Great Britain , in England, for plenty adults,  males and females, whom need their own private accommodations, just theirs only, as their personnel space.

So, I am here is not the unique in UK, - plenty British people, British men and British women,  prefer to live this way, as just to come inside their home, and to close the door for any visitor to come to disturb their privacy.

So, I started to be as a British a lot too, living in England near 18 years.


My case was harder,  as I had  Russian Ethnic.  I am British Citizen, but I am Russian Ethnic, and i used to talk with this specific Slavonic Russian accent, making the easy identification me as a foreign woman for locals, - while plenty British people, British women, British kids, British men are acting  as a loudly rude aggressive British Nazi style.

I had not such bad experience as a child, a girl, an young girl, a woman prior I lived in Russia (1961, 2 months and 1967-1974), in Ukraine (1961-1966), in Uzbekistan (1966-1967), in Latvia (1974 - 1998), which i had lived in England ( 1998-2017).

It is a really hard for any normal human or just for a woman to live in Great Britain with these true-born in UK  British.

They similar to Latvian Lettish Nazi in Latvia type with their speeches:

"Great Britain is just for a true-born in UK Britons only!"

(Let's compare with this:  "Germany only for a true-Germans only!" during WWII in Germany and in Europe (hundreds billions had been killed after this, all stayed in ruins in Europe and in UK land too).

Plenty Soviet and Russian people had been educated on films about WWII, each family had a loss, making a loss of 50 billions of Soviet (Russian) Citizens (men, women, kids, elders) during WWII time.

S, to see things here, in UK, is a really hard, as plenty things would be similar ...  to Germany 1933 +, "just the language of British Nazi is English, as they are "English-speakers"".

You find as while Soviet and Russian people were allies during WWII, when USSR/Russia had a loss of 50 BILLIONS  Soviet Citizens of each age group during WWII,  that while British Army and British people were  not able to stop WWII and the bombing of their own land (no orders were for British military sabotages to ruins Germany military economics, - military factories, warehouses, train rails, airports, - no orders were. British Top prefer to reduce numbers of their locals, probably).

You will find  plenty brain-washed stupid double-faced British people,  shouting to you that ... Soviet Russian Christians bombed them during WWII, while hey tried to stop this staying together with their allies Germans and Germany from Red Bolsheviks Devils, flooding Europe.

You travel in UK land to see this their Memorials with words on English as this:

"You gave your life yesterday for us to stay alive happy today here!"

You  do not understand.   This is not words  of Thanks, you saved our lives and properties to Soviet or Russians, -  not.

These words on English are belong JUST  to a true-born in UK true-British men and women, whom had been killed in WWII.    And only.

To understand this, to understand plenty things.

USSR and Russia were countries of a closed British allies, and USSR as Soviet Union had a loss of 50 billions Soviet Citizens of all age group and sex, over 23 billions of lives of soldiers, men and young boys over 16 yo, to stop WWII and to stop a bombing this land island England, some, too.

Soon, as the bombing of a land island England had been stopped, in May 1945, all this huge English-talking  British Community  put a knife  in a back of their own allies, USSR/Russian:

British Top Politicians started  The Cold War with the country of their own closed allies in war,   blaming The Country of Widows and Orphans, The Country of Women and Kids (23 billions men had been killed as soldiers in WWII, 50 billions Soviet Citizens UK had been killed during WWII time by Germans, all land of USSR/Russia and Belorussia's land had been in ruins, in burning villages with local women and kids.

This was not just a lie.    This was not just a blame.  This was not just a betray of ex-closed allies in a war time.

This was the attack  of USSR to continue to do what?  to continue what Gitler tried to do as to destroy USSR land.

Riches classes hated USSR as Soviet State for the another type of economics, where all each Soviet Citizen USSR  was  an owner, or, more right to say, a co-owner of all state property of USSR inside USSR and abroad.

Each Soviet Citizen USSR (Soviet Union)  as  The Co-Owner   of  WHOLE PROPERTY  of USSR, and inside USSR and abroad   -  a huge amount of property on a huge land, -  all gold mines, all silver mines, some about all - cooper, aluminum, reteunius  (i do not remember a right writing), wolfram, molybdenum, coal, petrol,oil, diamonds, emeralds, nuclear, each building, all airports, train stations, ships, submarines, planes, helicopters, roads, train rails, schools, museums, metro underground, factories,warehouses, military bases, rivers, land, soil, lakes, sea sides, coasts, islands, huge state car park, a huge State Treasure  collections, the art collection,  bank accounts inside USSR and abroad.

Really,  USSR was as a closed private club of co-owners with special reducing to a free or to a cheapest prices for each member of this huge private club USSR state.

Steel borders were as a protection of a land of a private club of a co-owners (Soviet Citizens as co-owners), to keep the private property as a huge club land safe and protected well by Soviet Borders and Military Army.

AS all prices were reduced to stay as a free inside this club land USSR for members of private club Soviet Union, - so, steel borders protected prices inside as cheep some for each member of a club Soviet Union.


Just one thing could be not good here, probably, as a measure THE RICHES, making some Soviet farmer girl to be more rich woman in the value of her property of co-owner righter....   righter the riches Noble woman on this world.

* But people said,  this riches Noble woman in the world was a co-owner of USSR property in investments in USSR economy for a profit from here, too.

* So, really, some Named Honored Soviet Citizen (or not named officially) was some Royal Noble rich woman, too

* This make a hard work of British spies to up Soviet economy to return this back as a profit of investing.

* I try to say as some British Spies were loyal to USSR just trying to protect their own country and their own The Queen.

But if USSR won a battle in WWII, here could be a hard work of plenty British spies, working here to create this victory.

I sure, each British Citizen UK and American Citizen USA may look this old Soviet Russian film  "17 moments of spring" and "The Shred and The Ward"  as films of their own British-American spies under their cover as Soviet Russian spies during WWII, as attempts to stop WWII,and to protect British lives and properties.

British people had a loss of the information, not looked  old Soviet Russian films about WWII time and documentaries  as this not permit to be shown on British TV channels. 

This way as to live in a brainwashed dogmatic community, with a strong censure, closed the information and the truth.

When British and American people started to blame Soviet or  Russians which is much easy to do righter to ask themselves - why we do not see the information and opinions of whom we blamed ?


Nobody from English-speakers of USA and UK and Germany  worried to show the truth from Donbass Ukraine villages, towns, - this closed information as plenty women and kids killed and wounded here for news.

If these "English-speakers" are worry about Ukrainian civil war from 2014 - 2017 - +,  they protect murders and some commented "what would be worry about this! they are just these pro-Russians!" as their excuse themselves to help to do this here - to murder kids, women, elders, men, cows, horses, pigs, dogs, cats, chickens,  new born babies, pregnant woman, Russian Ethnic, Ukrainian Ethnic (they live in a wrong side of Ukraine as their gilt), Jewish Ethnic, each-plenty theirs, a mix of all).


"Just an one tear drop from eyes of German child is important!"   

So, plenty other children had been murdered in Europe after.

But the some similar words and value were from plenty English-speaking British.

No a big difference.  German language was a language of murders XX century.

Two  wars, WWI, WWII.

Now English language stated top be on a top of language of murders, whom started wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, ...  USA Congress as these English-talking riches Politicians like ideas to go to kill people in other countries, and in Europe in Ukraine too - as so far away.

The Top of rices could be such, sometimes.

But were are a human normal faces of all others? men? women?


There are plenty normal people in America, in Great Britain, in Europe.

But if to see these official news -- there are not any protests  from wars and a spending the budget money on wars.

I doubt we see real news, so.

They do not show the real news in news, so.


I doubt in the numbers of population which presented officially

This is impossible statistically for a big numbers in billions for USA do not have (by official American news)  different opinions. 

They live in the democratic country with a freedom of speeches and opinions, - a huge number different adults in USA.

And, suddenly, by official American news and etc, EACH and ALL started to think
 the some way as thinking 1 person?   still on a way to be always agree with opinion of their Top Politicians?


Russians never pretend to name themselves as living in their democratic country.

Russia had the experience of plenty attacks and wars, so, the surviving put people to accumulate the trust and the full support of their Top Power, - they leaned as the another way for them, - the death.


We see Ukraine and the death locals on their own land.

Russians had this over and over.

They could not be or stay democratic in the continue wars and attacks of their land, state.


But American people had not this?

So, while all each American adult is sure as this so nice for American families to go to kill families as theirs in other country?

No protects against the decisions of Congress USA to start wars?  to support wars?  to give weapons to kill humans, too, - no protests in USA,   all Americans, civilians too, started to think just as all what their top did or doo is nice.

Hundreds of billions and each thinks as 1?  This a point to think that

1. or we do not see a real news. (so these protests too). (!?)

2. or these are not already that populations in hundreds billions in USA.(!?)

3. or a real people had been changed to their copy biorobots

4. or some technology had been used to make people to stay to think as robots on programs.

5. or these not America with billions population for a while, we see just some film production news.


So, about Christmas day 25th December 2017.

I sat down on the kitchen new a comp, was alone and one, not worrying to start a cook to fry a steak for just for me one.

Suddenly,  a plastic cork from a plastic 2 liters tall bottle had flied away with a huge noise Bang!

I was alone and one.


and suddenly - Bang!


I continue my study still for a while.

It was  a late already, i cooked steaks, frying for my Christmas dinner, prepared salads and celebrated (I have just a juice and a tea to celebrate and cakes).

After this i did some drawings on photos, and a cartoon video of them as my Christmas present to some unknown from Internet.

I was sad a little bit, as alone and on, so, i tried to up myself, doing something.

After this I did 7 photos of me as self.

I live in the building which was built in 1894. 

Plenty people here some experiences of ghosts,-  looked, listened.

I did not saw by eyes, just on photos by me, some with holes in heads, as ghosts just in digital photos.

But I listened plenty noises, to know as this area had some ghosts in properties from 1894 year.

Some people on our street had ghosts or ghosts, knocking around in properties, too.

I did photos of different shapes and sizes of ghosts and in UK from 2007 and in this property, to think, here could be.

When  i started to do selfi,  suddenly i decided to do this:

I had asked if someone is here now near me on this kitchen area, if they wish this, they might to use this to present themselves visual on photos with me.

I did not asked by my voice loudly.

I asked as a talk inside me in my mind and my head, so, as a some telepathic experience to talk to someone whom able to listen to recognize my telepathic speech in words.


I did not see nothing by eyes.

I did not listened any voices inside my head.

But when I looked on selfi - digital photos by digital camera by me, -

There was a head of someone looking as a humanoid with a gray color skin and some light gold-beige sport,- his head had a size smaller righter my head, but his eyes were more bigger, much biggest my eyes. His mouth with lips was a wide (as for monkeys in drawings).

 He was on a right side of the photo or as under my left shoulder on a back of me, so, I did not saw or listen him, doing this photo as a selfi with me.


I saw The Ghost, as a Home Ghost, or, on Russian, we named all home ghosts  as Domovoy (Domovoy, Homovoj, Domovoi,
(  Home+wail = Homewail, Home+howl= Homehowle ))

Dom = Home
Voy = howl, wail

Domovoy = Homewail    (*if to translate this from Russian)

Domovoy = Homehowle    (*if to translate this from Russian)


I was so surprised!

I sat down near a screen, looking this amazing photo with my home ghost here, Homehowle (Domovoy).

I realized, whom was this unseen, knocking here on the kitchen.

I realized, whom was this unseen, making a BANG  sound by a cork from a plastic bottle.

I realized, as Homehowle (Homewail, Domovoy) might really worry that here was a Christmas day already, and i was so late to make my Christmas Dinner, to fry steaks, so,  he might decided to remain me to start to cook this Christmas Dinner, worrying a lot, making a noise BANGS by the cork from a bottle.

He might started to help me to cook my Christmas dinner, too -  probably see my inability to  open plastic freshnesses - i damaged them, not able to open a top nicely.

And Home-wail still did me a present on a Christmas after I cooked my Christmas dinner, - he put himself a visual on the photo with me, as his present to me:

- Please, not cry!  You are not alone one in this home!  I am here too! always with you here! just unseen!

When I realized this all, i sat down here, really happy and smiling. I was with a gladness and tried to present this around me to this unseen World.

So,  I had the amazing memorable Christmas on 25th December 2017 day, Monday, here in England Nottinghamshire!

I sat down after as a lamp of light of a gladness, smiling and smiling and happy.

On the next day, or some, still, as it was still 25th December 2017 in England, Christmas Day,  when I saw more, i noticed,  as it was some a blue small screen of a light of some another image too here, between me and this Domovoy (Homehowl / Home-wail).

He came not just from another dimension as unseen for me, but with all what surrounding him here, probably, - some a light blue sport in shapes of screen with something more on this screen, what i tried to recognize - what is here?

Merry Christmas! Eanna and (Ghost in Home) Domovoj By Eanna  25.12.2017 .
a video on Youtube:


I saw as this Home Ghost was a Christian, as he was so worry to celebrate Christmas in a proper British traditional day.

I laughed.  It was a so warm feeling.

I put videos of photos of this on Youtube:

I had published this my story on Russian


I tried to understand, - what was this image on the blue screen between my head and The Ghost (Domovoj or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost)?

This looked as this Ghost had some technology, - TV with a blue screen, a computer or a laptop with a blue screen wallpaper.

It was interesting, as all coming as a visual from unseen Word  - it was not this in my reality in my this dimension, just my camera filmed this all to show for me (and others).


I find a news from Russia.

One really kind famous Soviet Compositor Vladimir Shainski died on 26.12.2017 in Russia. He died in his 92 y.o.age.

His melody was for plenty kind children songs for Soviet kids:  "The blue wagon (of a train)", "If you smile - you will do this world brighter", for cartoons for children, ...

I am not sure, if the soul of Vladimir Shainsky had been this Ghost in my flat here on the day of his death in America in a hospital in a San Diego, USA at 2 am on 25th December 2017 here.   

America and England and Nottingham could be on his way of traveling somewhere to find his relatives, knowns, friends, so, making a small stop for a rest.

I am glad to try to give plenty energy of a smiles and gladness and happiness, - may be this was for him, Vladimir Shainsky, for his way.

"If you smile - you will do this World much brighter"

If You smile -
You will do This World much brighter"
And The Grasshopper will play a music on his violin for you.
And your smile will return back to you one day!"

It was a true, i smiled, tried to give plenty smiling energy of my gladness to someone in this unseen World and to this Unseen World on this Christmas.

May be someone will take and will be happy too!


Or, my Home Ghost Domovoy or Homehowl, or Homewail, saw me, liking a music, songs on Russians,  just shared his time , a little bit, here with me.


Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzina 
\ Инна Тигги
Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

© Copyright: Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin, 2017   
© Copyright: Инна Бальзина-Бальзин, 2017


2. Story on Russian

3. Story on English
Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoj, The Home Ghost
Christmas 25.12.2017 in England with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost
Christmas with Domovoj or Homehowle, Homewail, The Home Ghost
Christmas with Domovoy or Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost
Christmas with Domovoy, Homehowle, Homewail, Ghost
4.   On Russian, from news.   
Soviet Russian Compositor Vladimir Shainski died in his 92 y.o.
"16:07, 26 декабря 2017
"Умер композитор Владимир Шаинский"
"Cкончался народный артист РСФСР, композитор Владимир Шаинский. Об этом во вторник, 26 декабря, сообщает сайт телеканала «Культура».

Композитору было 92 года. О смерти сообщили его близкие. Шаинский известен как автор музыки для мультфильмов про Чебурашку и крокодила Гену. В частности, он написал песню «Голубой вагон», песенки крокодила Гены и старухи Шапокляк.

В его послужном списке также песни для таких лент, как «38 попугаев», «Завтрак на траве», «Антошка», «Финист — ясный сокол», «Пока бьют часы», «Крошка Енот» и «Трям! Здравствуйте!».

Шаинский — лауреат Государственной премии СССР."

5.  On Russian, from news
5.1  "Скончался Владимир Шаинский"
Телеканал «Культура», 26 декабря 2017". 26.12.2017 | 15:44
"На 93-м году жизни скончался народный артист РСФСР, лауреат Государственной премии СССР, композитор Владимир Шаинский.

Об этом сообщили близкие композитора нашим коллегам из информационной программы «Вести».

Владимир Шаинский родился в Киеве. В 11 лет он начал заниматься по классу скрипки в музыкальной школе при Киевской консерватории, однако, война прервала учебу будущего музыканта. Он был эвакуирован в Ташкент вместе с семьей.

Композитор имел дипломы Московской государственной консерватории имени П.Н. Чайковского и Бакинской консерватории имени У. Гаджибекова. Первыми классическими произведениями Шаинского стали струнный квартет и симфония. Они были написаны им еще в студенческие годы.

Однако наибольшую известность Владимиру Яковлевичу принесли произведения для детей. Песни Чебурашки, Крокодила Гены и старухи Шапокляк были любимы многими поколениями слушателей."

5. 2
[5] "17:35, 26 декабря 2017
"Раскрыты подробности смерти Шаинского"
Композитор Владимир Шаинский скончался в США. Об этом телеканалу «Звезда» во вторник, 26 декабря, рассказал его сын Вячеслав.  По его словам, артист умер 25 декабря в Сан-Диего после продолжительной болезни.

«Подтверждаю смерть отца. Он скончался в больнице в США. Это последствия перенесенной операции и, кроме того, возраст. 92 года ему исполнилось 12 декабря», — сообщил родственник артиста

Он добавил, что его отец боролся с онкологическим заболеванием. «Операция была давно. Был рак. Потом сделали ее, вроде бы состояние улучшилось. Но такие вещи в таком возрасте без следа не проходят», — отметил Вячеслав.

О смерти Владимира Шаинского стало известно ранее во вторник. Композитор известен как автор музыки ко многим советским мультфильмам, в том числе про Чебурашку. В частности, он написал песню «Голубой вагон», песенки крокодила Гены и старухи Шапокляк.

"Композитор скончался в 2 часа ночи 25 декабря 2017 года, на 93-м году жизни, после продолжительной болезни в больнице Сан-Диего (Калифорния, США)[5][6]."Шаинский,_Владимир_Яковлевич

[5] "17:35, 26 декабря 2017
"Раскрыты подробности смерти Шаинского"
Композитор Владимир Шаинский скончался в США. Об этом телеканалу «Звезда» во вторник, 26 декабря, рассказал его сын Вячеслав.  По его словам, артист умер 25 декабря в Сан-Диего после продолжительной болезни."

Vladimir Shainsky
From Wikipedia:

"Vladimir Yakovlevich Shainsky
12 December 1925 – 25 December 2017)
was a Soviet and Russian composer.

Shainsky was born in Kiev, where he first studied violin at the music school in Kiev. His studies there were interrupted in 1941 by the World War II, when his family was evacuated to Tashkent, Uzbek SSR. He continued his musical education at the Tashkent Conservatory, until he was enlisted in the Red Army. After the war he entered Moscow Conservatory, which he graduated as a violinist.

In the 1950s Shainsky played in Leonid Utyosov's orchestra, taught students, and worked as a music manager at various dance orchestras. He later studied composition in Baku conservatory. His first compositional works were a string quartet, created in 1963 during his studies in Baku conservatory, and a symphony, written in 1965.

During his career as a composer, Shainsky wrote a great number of works for children. He created music and songs for cartoons such as Cheburashka, Katerok, Mamontenok and Kroshka Enot; also for films, including "Breakfast on the Grass", "Aniskin and Fantomas", "Aniskin Again", "School Waltz", "Finest, the brave Falcon"; and for musicals. He wrote many songs, such as "A Soldier is Walking in the Town", "Russia's Little Corner", "White Birch", "Smile", "Clouds", "A Dog is Lost", "Crocodile Gena's Song".

Shainsky has also authored numerous songs in the Yiddish language,[1] still popular with the klezmer orchestras. Shainsky has been awarded numerous awards, including the USSR State Prize (1981), People's Artist of the Russian SFSR title (1986), Order of Friendship (1996). He is a multiple prizewinner of the Russian (formerly Soviet) "Song of the Year" festival (since 1971).


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