The Chronology from Adam, Bible Study
The Chronology from Adam, Bible Study
Adam had sons Cain, Abel, Seth by Genesis, (may be more).
Adam had daughters Azura, Awan by Jubilees, (may be more).
I will extract the information just from Genesis here as this official traditional Bible book on Russian was which I had used in 1989 year for my Bible study, living in Riga, Latvia as Russian Ethnic girl.
I will add the translation of Bible names from Genesis from Bible on Russian, making more easy understanding the texts and pictures and the final result in the hidden image as a picture in Bible text, as the original 1st search was in a writing on Russian language by me, here the translation on English by me.
* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian
* Adam = АДАМ Адам on Russian
* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian = Eva on Latvian Lettish
* Ev, shortage from the word "evening", sounding as the saving the name Eve (?)
* on Russian, the name of a willow-tree is ИВА (ИВА or Ива or ива), sounding near to Eve or to this ev[ening]+are = ev are , but different from Russian word for Eve, but plenty Russian words had a play of sounds, changing sounds to other sounds during a talk, o-a, e-i, и-е, ... Russian people would say she (the willow-tree) is always a sad young girl, having her longest beautiful green hairs (twigs with green leaves)down till the water. But I do not know if the name of a willow-tree on Russian was a sacrificed secret saved name of Eve, as a sad girl as always sad for somethings).
When Adam was 130 yo man, his son Seth had been born, by Genesis.
Adam lived 930 years after he had been created, by Genesis.
When Seth was 105 y.o. man, his son Enos had been born.
Seth lived during 912 years, by Genesis.
* Seth = СИФ or Сиф on Russian
When Enos was 90 y.o. man, his son Kenan had been born.
Enos lived during 905 years.
* Enos (Enosh) = Енос on Russian
Kenan was 70 y.o. man, when his son Mahalalel had been born.
Kenan lived for 910 years.
* Kenan (Kenan, Qenan, Kainan, Cainan) = КАИНАН Каинан on Russian
* Kenan sounding near to Connon, may be some changes and links (?)
Mahalalel was 65 y.o. man, when his son Jared had been born.
Mahalalel lived for 895 years.
* Mahalalel (Mahalalel, Mahalaleel, Mihlaiel, Maleleel; Mahlayil (Islamic); Mualeth (in Book of Jubelees) = МАЛЕЛЕИЛ or Малелеил on Russian.
* On Russian, name a small, a little, [mal] мал, [malenjkii] маленький.
* Russian word [malichik] мальчик for a boy.
* Russian word for raspberry is [malina] малина.
* Could be Russian words мал, маленький, мальчик, малина (a little, small, a boy, a raspberry) to be saved form of the Bible name Mahalalel?
* Mualeth sounds near to Russian word or nicknames as Муля , or as "Муха" (Russians named men whom had a small height as "муха" for a small height or a light weight and while this word "муха" means "a fly", a name of insect "a fly", all Russian people and men used to name this word in a soft tender manner with a love to whom they say or talking about.
* Could be Russian word as a nickname "Муля" or Russian word as a nickname as "Муха" (Muha, Mucha) to be a saved form of Bible name Mahalalel?
* Could be a name Muchacha (a friend) to be a saved form of Bible name Mahalalel?
* Could be English words "may" "must" came from a Bible name "Mahalalel" or Mualeth?
Jared was 165 y.o. man, when his son Enoch had been born.
Jared lived for 962 years.
* Jared (Jared, Jered; Jarad (Arabic) = ИАРЕД or Иаред on Russian
* May be this that an English word "red", "a red" a saved form or word from a Bible name Jared, a name of a son of Mahalalel?
* May be words "Ya" "Ja" "я" ("I" "I am")to be a saved short forms as a word connected to the Bible name "Jared"?
* May be a name Gerard to be a saved form of links to a Bible name "Jared"?
* May be a flower, a word "geranium" to be a saved form of links to a Bible name "Jared"?
Enoch was 65 yo man, when his son Methuselah had his birth, by Genesis.
Enoch died when he was 365 yo age (by Genesis, another versa as Enoch had been taken alive from here).
* Enoch = ЕНОХ or Енох on Russian
* Enoch'es wife was Edna by The Book of Jubilees
* By another versa, Enoch had not died, he had been taken alive
* 2nd Book of Enoch or "2 Enoch" or "The Secrets of Enoch" or "Slavonic Enoch" in "The lost Books of the Bible and Forgotten Books of Eden"
" "1st Book of Enoch"
* Jewish "3rd Book of Enoch"
* Enoch had been taken to be Angel Methatron
* By legends, Enoch could be a personality of ancient King or Kings.
* ...
Methuselah was 187 y.o. man, when his son Lamech had been born
Methuselah died, living for 969 years.
* Methuselah = МАФУСАИЛ or Мафусаил on Russian
Lamech was 82 yo man, when his son Noach had been born.
Lamech lived his life for 777 years.
* Lamech (Lamech, Lemek; Lamk (Arabic) = ЛАМЕХ or Ламех on Russian
* May be a word "Lama" to be a saved form - a word from a Bible name Lamech?
* Indian word "LAMA" / "Lama" is sounding so near to the Bible name Lamech, whom was a father of Bible man Noach. Can be some connection here between Indian word "Lama" and a Bible name Lamech?
Noach had sons Shem, Ham and Japheth.
When Noach was 600 y.o. man, The Greatest Great Flood was, plenty people had died during The Flood on the planet The Earth.
Noach survived, giving the birth of his decedents.
Noach lived for 950 years.
So, if The Greatest Great Flood on the planet The Earth was after 1656 years from the Year of The Creation of Adam.
If to take the Year 0 (Zero 0 Year) as The Year of Creation of Adam, the Greatest Flood, The Great Flood was in Year 1656, in 1656 year from The Creation of Adam.
We read legends about Atlantida, as a loss of a land during the last greatest flood, plenty writers and Historian and Geographers and investigators saved this story for all us.
So, if to trust to a text of Bible, which I would do, a huge loss during a great flood was on our planet in year 1656 if to account from the year of the creation of Adam.
I sure a Bible is The Greatest Book, providing plenty information for all us.
But this is not just all.
If to calculate years of events (a birth, a death, a flood) as events in The Chronology from Adam (From The Year When Adam had been created, starting to be alive), and if to put these events as dots of coordinate to a system OXY,
OX - a measure of time in years from the years 0 for a year of Creation of Adam.
OY, the events in The Chronolofy from Adam connected with data of years,
Adam, Seth, Enos, Kenan, Mahalelel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noach and the additional event The Great Flood
(The Great Flood)
as events on OY, - I calculated The Chronology from Adam, where Year 0 (Zero o Year) had been taken as The Year of Creation of Adam.
As I calculated this already all in 1989 for myself, you may check my writing on Russian or translated text in a poster by me on English.
You may see a final result here, when i had put all information in data of events, and connected each data.
If you see, the final result which i received in 1989 year (by Chronology from Jesus Christ's birth) was the image of the Smiled Whales, as Hello! and as the image of another form of life, of another alive creature, making his body from lives of each alive object as a man, as all men from a list of Bible names of men
Adam, Seth, Enos, Kenan, Mahalelel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noach.
This is as a form of a life, The Field of Life, somethings what Vernandski named as Noosphera, somethings, connecting each alive human together.
I look on my body, i have 10 fingers in each my arm, each alive, while they may not know about me or each another making The One body - my body.
This, may be, something as the some here?
As each alive men is a part of somethings more biggest?
This is not my individual idea, this is the information from a Bible.
This as as Hello! to each, through a text of Bible, from the past to the future generation and each, whom will take The Book to read.
This Hello! and the information is open publicly to each reader of Bible, whom will try to understand a text, to memorize names, data, years, and so making a visual image of the information as a picture or a graph.
There are 2 main texts of Bible with numbers having two different small differences (all texts had been re-written plenty times, so, probably, some differences as a human misprinting mistakes or understanding).
I used the official main text.
* Some another text of versa Bible was "Seth was 205 years when his son Enos had been born" (the main text "Seth was 205 years when his son Enos had been born")
* Some another text of versa of Bible was "Enos was 205 years when his son Kenan had been born (the main text "Seth was 105 years when his son Kenan had been born")
* I used the official traditional text of Bible, as more proved and checked by generations of priests and as saved by generations.
Adam lived 930 years. When Adam was 130 years, his son Seth had been born
0 year - Year 0 when Adam had been created, and he lived 930 years.
Adam life was from year 0 till year 930, 930 years.
130 year - the year when Adam's son Seth had been born
130 year - Seth had been born
930 year - Adam died, was 930 y.o. man.
Adam (0 - 930 y.)
When Seth was 105 y.o man, his son Enos had been born.
so, Enos had his birth in year 130+105 = 235 year
235 year - Enos had been born.
Seth lived 912 years, and died.
so, Seth died in year 1042 year (130 + 912 = 1042 year)
1042 year - Seth died, was 912 y.o. man
Seth (130 y. - 1042 y.)
Enos birth was in year 235 (130 + 105 = 235)
235 year - Enos had been born.
Enos lived during 905 years
1140 year - Enos died (235 + 905 = 1140)
Enos (235 year - 1140 year)
all results of calculation you may see on the attacked poster - drawing - picture.
I will not put all them here as all in a poster to this work.
I am a human, so, some human mistake or a misprint could be in my work, as a calculation or the translation from one language to another.
This my work had been done by me, really, for a curiosity to see the year of the Great Flood on a time when I read a lot information about Atlantida land.
But this unexpected result as a hidden image in a text of bible was touched my souls and my heart really strong.
When I saw this at first time, it was so strong feelings, as someone would was in my room near me, talking to me:
- Hello! I love you! Be happy and smile!
So, the main lesson was the love. as someone unseen said as loved me a lot.
as someone said me, as they could not return back in their time, stayed in the past where they were.
That this was their own choice.
That they love all us, praying for each and all, keeping us alive, as they loved us.
The main lesson from Bible was a lesson of The Love to each, coming through the time and spaces.
- Look, nobody died while we are alive, while women give birth of their sons and daughters, while men protect their families, wives, kids, parents.
- Look, when someone died for you, they are still alive all.
- We all The One.
I did not know this was the truth or a legend and the tale, this chat, coming from pages in Bible.
Look, Bible is The Greatest Book if they saved this all for generations, openly publicly for all.
It is not secrets to read a text of Bible, searching the text, calculation events, putting all information in a system to a visualization all.
Much later I though, as American special force as a Seal Whales, or something. I read as American military people used a time traveling experience back to time on their military troops soldiers and officers.
It could be such as some modern intelligent military people from American special force Sea Whales could returned back to their time and land, staying where they were, trying to pass something really important to all us.
I respect other people secrets, I respect secrets, so, I had stopped the study of text of Bible, not wishing to damage somebodies secrets.
But I knew the main human secrets from Bible as some humans could traveled back in time, to save all us, as i understand this.
I could not to blame America or USA after this, this would be a wrong to do. We are not able to know all, so better choice is the trust, to wait and to trust.
But as I am the ordinary human and a woman, all my opinions and thoughts are just my personnel opinions and thought of a human and a woman.
I was really touched by this all.
May be this will help to survive for still someone else.
About Bible names
I started to write my thoughts about Bible names.
We know as nobody survived in The Great Flood on the time of Noach, as just Noah and his family.
The knowledge of this, so, was a knowledge of Noah family and his decedents as from a particular group of survivors whom not just survived but continue to repeat the old memory and a knowledge about their ancestors and their life till The Great Flood to save the memory.
I tried and try to say to you as people MIGHT SAVED Bible names In their languages, as the fact of their memory about their own ancestors - they might remember these all people, as a personnel memory of their own relatives, so to use some warm nicknames or their characteristic names of individual characters, habits, looks, etc..
For example, i will extract some ideas, at first and add other people study too. as my own ideas as Part 1 or as Part 2, better
Part 1.
The information from other searchers about Bible names
Eve, Adam, Seth, Enos, Kenan, Mahalelel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noach .
Thanks to Alex, he put me to the information, to read these meaning of Bible names (by a work of thers people here, i will try later to find more as their name to mention this).
So, by a work of someone else, not me, the meaning Bible names might be as this:
Adam = Man
Seth = Appoitment
Enos, Enosh = Mortal
Cainan = Sorrow
Mahalele = The Blessing God
Jared = Shall come down
Metheselah = His death shall bring
Lamech = The Desparing
Noah = Comfort (or Rest)
* This information not mine, but from another group of investigators in English-speaking resources of segment as a natural true-born British Ethnic people in Great Britain and in USA.
* I am not able to confirm this information and their result as a true or a false or wrong or right or a mixed as i had not searched or had any access to be able to do this, so, i just take this with thanks for a sharing their information with me as a free sharing of the information and ideas.
* I put their information as Part 1 as my thanks for this.
Part 2
My own searches of possible linguistically links and shades in modern languages as a possible opportunity that some survivors listened stories about Bible personality as a way of a warm alive human memory about their own ancestors
Eve, Adam, Seth, Enos, Kenan, Mahalelel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah
My ideas was as the alive living memory, in repeating family memories or through communications, could saved Bible names in words or nicknames in languages of planet The Earth, especially, as plenty of them lived for so longer as hundreds years each, making a lot personnel events for the memorizing them threw all this.
For example, Bible name Noah.
* Noah = НОЙ on Russian
Plenty people saved this No! Not! (= НЕТ! on Russian sounding as [net] [nate] similar to English word [net] [set] - NET.
But Russian word "но" / "..., но ..." = "but" in senses.
We would go to a cinema BUT we have not money. (But = [ No ] on Russian language)
English "but" word = "но" [no] on Russian
"but" as near to "no" / "not"
English word 'but" sounds similar Russian word "БАТЯ" (a father, a biological father)
English word "Dad" sounds similar to Russian word "Дед" (a grandfather, or any old age man, as a male).
See, shortage of a long names as
Robert, - a shortage of this name Robert could be as Rob, Bob, Bert, Berr, Ber.
Anastasia - a shortage of this name Anastasia could be as Stacy, Tasia, Assa, Assia, Nastia
Ekaterina - a shortage of this name Ekaterina could be as Kate, Cate, Katia, Cattie, Rina, (Terina, Erina, Ketty, ...)
Alexandr, - a shortage of this name Alexandr could be as Alexis, Alex, Al
Aleksandr, - a shortage of this name on Russian could be as Aleks, Leks, Leka, Leksa, Shura, Sasha, Sania, San
Sergey/Сергей, - a shortage of this name on Russian "Сергей" could be Serge, Serega, Serioga, Seriozha, - this sounds near to English words
Serios? Sir? 2nd part to a word "guy" (a homosexual habits as a man, a guy), Serioga / Серёга sounds on Russian as a words for a jewelry as 1 earning on an ear - "серёга", some sounds in Russian name "Серёга" "Серёжка"
Sir Guy = Sirguy --> Sergey
Russian people have their famous Saint Sergey Radonezhski, as a high level blessing Russian Saint in Russia and in Russian Impair.
Plenty Russian Noble males, men had this old Russian name , - Russian Noble Sergey Volkonski.
This name Sergey was a really popular in Russia and in the past time and still for now too.
*My own 1st husband was Sergey, a really attractive beautiful young man with his soft polite calm manners, making me to feel his as the especial, I still love when remember him, making the shouting loudly drunken man near me in a train to be quite as he tried to protect my comfort as to his pregnant wife.
* My 2nd ex-husband was Robert, a really strong physical British man with Scottish-Irish touch of his ancestors, he was a strong as a bear, Russian old name of a bear on Russian is бер .Бер, ber, Ber . The home of a bear is a word berloga [berloga] берлога
German word Ger sounds similar to Russian [Ber] /Бер = Медведь = Bear on Russian
Bear = Бер [berr /berr] - 2nd Russian word for a bear on Russian.
Russian river Бия / Bia in Siberia sounding some way as English word "Bear" (= Медведь, Бер on Russian)
German words Ger sounds similar to Russian [Ber] /Бер = Медведь = Bear on Russian
and to [Her] which a nickname of male penis (people in tribes used to pray for male penis as they all depending for having their kids to survive as a tribe, and as this nicknames of a male pennis was as a sacrificed nickname of name of The God in the ancient old time, as The God gave kids to families, to women, to have kids to survive as a tribe).
Russian used and another secret word for a male pennis too, similar to Hui.
Traces of their old believes saved, probably, in words on English as a linking "Her Majesty" "Her Highness" on English, where "Her" could be a transform word from "Herr" (a male pennis or the name of The God in old age for some tribes), "Herr" "Her" "Ger" on Germany
Germany = Ger many = Her many = herr many === the land where there are plenty men with their male penises herr, but as the old Herr was the sacrificed name of More Highest, Godds, The God, a play of words as a Blessing many time land by The God, too,
or as a land where God put his sperm on a land, blessing this land a lot (old pagan traditions were to bless a land and a soil, making a sexual activities on this land, making "Herr land", "Her Land", and this sound making us to memorize a land Holland.
Herrland, Herland sounding so near to Holland (!).
Herr, Her, Ho, Highest, ... , Hui [Russian], herr [Russian for a male penis]
in Bible, we may find old senses about a Bible man, whom used to put his sperm on the land and not to make a love with any woman or with his own wife, what had been named as a sin, as there are were not so plenty humans and the surviving could be continue without a birth of kids.
On English, the name of such man with such habit to throw down his sperm (on the land, not inside a female bodies) named as a swarring word Wanka,
This English word Wanka for a man, using to threw down his sperm on the land not inside a female body, as a swarring word Wanka.
But "Wanka" sound as a traditional Slavonic male name Wanka, Vania, Ivan /Ewanю
English dirty swarring word "Wanka"! = sound as Russian male name "Ванька"! from "Ваня" from "Иван" , a common word for the male ancestors for Slavonic people, as plenty Russian male are descendants from Иван / Ivan (/Evan /Ewan) name.
But if to look, plenty Chinese people and men had the some "Ван" / "Van" name as a name of male ancestor for plenty Chinese males, men.
European men had some van as a part of their surnames, for men in Holland in Netherlander.
And Russian word hui sounds as old Chinese words, as hui, zhui, hunna tribes,.
We took the history to check what historians said to read as yes, there were some old tribes of people with light ears and white skin on area of China, plenty these old tribes moved from China across a land which now Russia to a Altai Mountains and after to a Black Sea area and after they moved to Europe, so, yes, this is a really possible for Slavonic Russian or European Holland men or European Germans or British men had some genetic biological connections saved this all in languages in words Her, Herr, Van, Ho, Hui, Van, Wanka, Ivan, Vania, ... in words Holland, Germany, Berr, Bear, a river Bia (Bear) in Siberia.
Not all English speakers know the old Slavonic Russian legend in Siberia, as saved warnings words from the past to a future, by locals in local villages, that the last battle on the planet The Earth (Apocalypses theme here) would be in the place between a local river Bia / Бия / sounding as Bear
Bear = Медведь [med'ved'], Бер [berr] on Russian
[Med'] Медь = Cooper
[Ved'] Ведь
[Vedat'] Ведать = To know, to have a knowledge.
Russian word Medved' (Bear) = Copper said, Cooper know, Cooper knew
Here English surname Cooper, there is Russian surname Medvedev. This sounding as some special ma, surname as a Cooper or Medvedev had some sacrofized secret knowledge about Apacalipsis time in the future.
We see as English people like toys Teddy Bears as their traditional soft toys.
We see as the name for Russians, Slavonic Russians was Bears, Berr.
See, a place Bermudes, has the some Ber- part.
mudes, mudi = a dirty wet soul
if to see a map, here more geographic places started with Ber-
On Russian, Russian word for a sea coast side or bank side or a river bank side, - [bereg] Берег.
Bereg --> Ber + eg --> Berr egg
this sounds as some creatures as Berr will leave their eggs on the coast or river banks as the last battle of Apocalypses for humans on the planet The Earth.
Latvian Lettish legends about Apocalypses said the some, as something will come from a bottom of rivers to the air surface in a river Western Dvina in Riga, Latvia on day, making The Last Battle as The Apocalypses.
Latvia a part of Europe, plenty Lets mixed with Germans, and so might saved old German legends of old German tribes. Local Latvian Lettish tribes genetically mixed with a huge number of others - Baltic tribe Kuri/Kurshi/Couronian, Germans from Germany, Scandinavians from Scandinavia, etc, including some Slavonic Russian tribes too. This is hard to say the resource of their legends as the information, as Latvian Lets had not own alphabet or letters, saving their legends just verbally.
But people from the past might tried to some their ancestors, passing some information throw a time.
Noah as a Bible name sounds similar to Russian word
[Noach] Ночь === Night on English translation
On Russian [Noi, Noy] Ной - Noah <------> similar closed to
Noach Ночь [Noach] = Night.
On Russian,
[Noach] Ночь [Noach] = Night
Noach , The Night
Noach near to Night,
Night near to Knight,
Knight near to King
as a real King is a Knight.
A Knight is King of His Heart.
The heart is hot warming
When you are a honest
And love.
"Any Night may be stronger righter and Knight", -
there as some old English-British words about a change political power in countries during a night, or when old kings had been killed and replaced for new coming to a political power.
"No, no, no, never!", - this short "No!" may be a saved short form of male name Noah \ Ной on Russian
No - sounds as Russian word Но = " ..., but .." if to translate from Russian.
Russian word НЕТ/нет [NET /net] = No on English
Russian word НОЧЬ [Noach] = "Night" on English
Old Russian Orthodox Church family traditions in Slavonic Russian villages (in Europe and in Siberia) were that the old age father or the father had used a wife of his son and wives of his sons as his own wives, or wife, making a sex always when he wanted this, but providing the full financial and physical and moral support for this to stay in his house, his home, to eat his food, to stay protected and giving all his heritage to his family.
So, this old Russian Old Believes family tradition look as connected to a surviving humans in the old time after The Great Flood when just one man Noah had been left.
These old traditions are alive still now in some families and areas in Russia, in Siberia.
I am not a specialist to see that some other tribes, believer, Ethnic would saved similar family traditions as a sharing a sex for a husband and his father to use their common shared wife as a wife of a son.
But this all looked as connected with Bible, The Great Flood story and a hard surviving time after this, as saving oldest traditions of Noah, probably.
I never read Jewish people, Hebrews would had or saved this, as looked they tried to give their daughters just to be a wife of one single man, this sounding as a possibility of saving other's stories in their books as theirs,
as this mark or sign as Noah could be a Slavonic Russian man, leaving this evidence in Old Russian Orthodox Church believers (but they took plenty old traditional things and habits, just adapted to a new religion to be accepted by Slavonic Russians).
* Adam = АДАМ Адам on Russian
АДАМ Адам on Russian [Adam] = Adam on English
АД / Ад [AD / Ad] on Russian = a Hell on English.
Дама [ Da:ma ] on Russian = Lady on English
Дам [Dam] on Russian = a verb (I) "WILL GIVE" (to you),
Дам [Dam] = "will give", a verb
Russian short slang word АМ [am] = "eat" "to eat"
on English a.m. - at morning hours, hours in a range from 0 am midnight till 12 am midday.
Eve == as Evening, Ev
This sounding as a cosmogony, when a name Adam linked at the start of day and date and a name Eve as Ev linked to the time of a rest of day pm, evening hours.
* Noah as to Noach = Night on Russian
and a missed pattern between a midday and evening.
* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian
* Eve (Evve) = ЕВА or Ева on Russian = Eva on Latvian Lettish
* Ev, shortage from the word "evening", sounding as the saving the name Eve (?)
* on Russian, the name of a willow-tree is
ИВА (ИВА or Ива or ива), sounding near to Eve or to this ev[ening]+are = ev are , but different from Russian word for Eve, but plenty Russian words had a play of sounds, changing sounds to other sounds during a talk, o-a, e-i, и-е, ... Russian people would say she (the willow-tree) is always a sad young girl, having her longest beautiful green hairs (twigs with green leaves)down till the water. But I do not know if the name of a willow-tree on Russian was a sacrificed secret saved name of Eve, as a sad girl as always sad for somethings).
ИВА (ИВА or Ива or ива) [Eeva] on Russian == a willow-tree on English
Russian short slang word АМ [am] = "eat" "to eat"
on English a.m. - at morning hours, hours in a range from 0 am midnight till 12 am midday.
Eve == as Evening, Ev
This sounding as a cosmogony, when a name Adam linked at the start of day and date and a name Eve as Ev linked to the time of a rest of day pm, evening hours.
* Noah as to Noach = Night on Russian
and a missed pattern between a midday and evening.
* Seth = СИФ or Сиф on Russian
Russian word
Сиф sounding similar near to English word
Thief (= Вор [Vor] On Russian)
Сиф (Seef, Sif, Sef) sounding similar near to English word
Thief (= Вор [Vor] On Russian)
Вор [Vor] On Russian = Thief , sounding as Russian Bible name Сиф = Seth
But Seth sounding as Sis and in Russian words 6th [Shestoi], 6 [Shest']
There are texts on Genesis in Bible and The Book of Jubilee with more details, including names of missed sisters Azura and Awan, so, there are a possibility as Seth was been or 6th child in a family of Adam and Eve, or just 6th human in account.
6 - six on English
The Bible name Set could be linking in the transformation and shades to words "6th" "six". "set", and "Thief" (sounds as Sif as name of Seth on Russian).
But another word as "Seths' work" "Sif's word", a huge hard work with no rest and no results.
Still words Sheff (Boss) , Sherrif, could be shaded of a Bible name Seth.
Egyptian God Set was.
Words sit down! sit! could be a shades of Bible name Seth (by Russian legends, Seth worked all time without a stop, so, probably, all his relatives and parents shouting to him his name
- "Seth! Seth! Sit! Sit down! You have your dinner left!"
English word "sit" sounded as a saved shaded form, linking to Bible name Seth, a son of Adam and Eve.
Slavonic and Russian people had the some word "sit" in the some meaning
"Cидеть! Сиди! Сядь! Сидя",
Russian word "посиделки" (a family evening meetings, when people came to sit down in someone house, all together, just to communicate, to talk, to eat, to drink, to share stories, to sing songs, some for a secret kissing, and for the sharing a work (a knighting, etc).
Russian word [сидой] [sidoi] седой = a gray on English.
Russian word сито [sito] = a net (a kitchen net equipment or a special net to sort a flour to make a fine flower after the mill pressed grains to a flower. Russian women sat down, used to put a pressed grains through a special net to make a fine flour to make a bread, cakes, pancakes, souses.
English people use a special kitchen small net to make a cup of tea from a loose tea leaves, this named by Russians as "sito" or "sitechko", and a name of Bible personage Seth could be here, as a saved memory.
Thief as a some links to a name of Seth, could be too. But as the Bible Seth lived for 912 years, a really long life from this childhood, so, plenty events, so, may be as his childhood memory events, for example as a taking some tasty food while his mother Eve was cooking, and as they were all first people, just first, this event could be memorized in a word Thief / Sif .
Unfortunately, we all know, as this habits to take something was always, some as similar shared habits to monkeys, so, all could be, and as to a child taking his Mum's tasty food, not waiting a dinner, as so hungry, this could be too.
*But Alex gave me sending the information that the meaning of Bible name
Seth was "Appointment".
English word "set" , "to settle down", "settings"
(arrangement, appointments, rules, timetables)
are too connected with Bible name Seth, probably.
Russian and English language saved the similar sounding words as "sit", "sit (down)",
but Russian had not English word "set" "setting".
so, some changes could to point on the moment of a time as a different time of a communication with Seth whom lived during 912 years, so, each saved words, connected to skills, received or knowing or saved a connection to some person in a different time pattern from a range of 912 years.
When we see a cross of similar sounds and words and meaning, we see evidence of communication of some particular time, saving similar words, sounds, meanings. When we see a difference, we see the evidence that all communication had been stopped, not saving common shared words of that time.
English and Russian as Slavonic languages had shared common similar sounding words, -
The Sun,
Daughter --- [doch, doach, doatch],
Mum - Mum, MAMA,
Mother - - Mat',
Dad (just on Russian this as a grandfather or any old age male man, whom could be not a relative and/or not to be as unknown personally too),
Sit! -- Sidet'! ,
Nose -- Nos,
No!, Not -- net,
Night - Noach,
Bear - Ber, Berr,
Milk --- Moloko,
Cow ---- Korova,
River -- Reka,
Water - Wada,
Brother --- Brat, Bro,
Sister --- Sestra.
- this looked as sisters and brother played and lived together all, sharing a life together, and some events separated them to grow after separately on a distance, so, other words and meaning developing as different from a childhood.
* By Alex, "Enosh = Mortal".
But I am thinking here as just a ordinary human and a woman?
* Enos (Enosh) = Енос on Russian
Нос [nos] = Nose on English
Nose = Нос [nos] on Russian
"Носи!" "Ношу!" "Нести" "Понести" "нёс" on Russian
[nosi!] [noshu!] [nesti!] [ponesti] [nios]
=== Take it! I take it. to take , to care / or to be a pregnant, a slang, "he took this/he cared"
"You have a long nose!" - to be much to curios about something, to like to see things including as a hidden
Russian had this word [tak] , using to add at the start of sense.
"Так, что мы сейчас будем делать?"
= Well, what will we do now here?
English word "take" sounds similar to Russian word "Так" [Tak] = Well on English in senses started as "Well, ...."
"Так" [Tak] on Russian = "Well" on English in senses started as "Well, ...."
This sounding as the similar family speach pattern habits, but these were arranged in 2 different words in sounds already, but still repeated the rhythm of the some speech.
Russian kids said a lot English word [die!] [DIE!] ДАЙ! = "Give!" on English
Russian word ДАЙ! Дай! [dai / die] = "Give!" on English.
Russian kids asked a lot "Die me!" ==== "Give me this! that!" == Dai me!
Да, ДА [Da /da] === "Yes" on English.
Da - a positive answer
They asked not to die you, but the asked a positive answer "YES" = "DA", "Dai!"
Russian "Dai!" sounding as English word "Die!"
I mean as cats and dogs.
But you know Tibetian Dalai Lama as ancient Saints Priests of Buddhism religion belief.
You do not have fears to pronounce Tibetian Dalai Lama, have you?
Dalai --- Da (Да)-
Da(la)i = Dai = Дай!
Dai! = Дай! == Give (me)! on English.
Da! = Да! == "Yes!"! on English. ( a positive answer as a response).
So, when small Russian kids asked their English-speaking American or British parents
"Dai mne!" "Dai!", - -- they did not talk about a death died, die,
they asked "to give them a positive answer "Da" (="Yes")" to them they used "I" just English people put this "I" ("i") on the start of speech, here this "i" in a meaning "to me" on the end of the speech or a word "give"
Please, give (to whom?) I (=me) = Give to me! = Dai /Дай! on Russian (= "Yes" to me!" = "Dai!"
This sounding as more old ancient verbal words of signs language
a sign "Give me!" / Say "Yes!" /Say "Da! - 1st sign symbol to show
a sign "I" - when someone out a palm on own breast to show a visual sign "I" "me"
So, Russian verb for "Give me!" as a verbal translation of symbols of sign language (as monkey would tried to say "give me!"),
- plenty small kids tried to use to talk by a sign language at first.
So, Russian verb "Dai!" (="Give me!" == "Yes"/Da symbol + symbol I (I/me)
Amazing, is not it?
Russian words and language looked as connected with 1st proper language of monkey and humans developing their speech from 1st speech by sign language.
Can you English ear to start to listen this Russian sound "Й" as developing of English word "I" (I / me) ?
English people started their senses as I go, I will go, I was with "I" at start.
Russian used this "I" to put as "Й" making as shortage as "to me" /"to I"
ДАЙ! = Yes (to me) = Yes + I == Give me!
* Пой! [poi] === Sing songs! (to me)! (or just)(now)
( -Й end in Russian verb asking something to do, meaning to do this "to me")
* Танцуй! [Tantsui!] = Dance! (to me) (or just) (now)
I give you this!
Please, give me this, I ask you! === Da I === Yes (to) (me=) i! == Da i! = Dai! = Дай! (on Russian)
Give me this! ==== Yes (to) (me= i)! ==== {Yes =Da on Russian} == Da i! = Dai! = Дай! (on Russian)
Give me! ==== Yes (to) (me=i)! ==== (Yes =Da on Russian) == Da i! = Dai! = Дай! (on Russian)
See, English word "I" /"i" come to Russian language as in a small children talk, a mix words, making English word "I" to move to the end words to "Й" in "ДАЙ"
ДАЙ [dai] = ДА-Й [da-i]== Yes + I == Give me! on English.
English people listen Russian word "Give me!" as "Die!"" while here "Dai!" = (Yes+i)
See, Russian language saved English word "I" in the Й-end in Russian verb for verb asking something to do now "to me" (= I => Й)
English word I [ai] = Я [ya /ia] on Russian
English word
me [mi] = мне [mne]
mine [main] = мой [moi], моё [moijo], моя [maija], мои [maiji]
to me [to mi] = мне [mne]
It was a real case, American family adapted a small Russian child from Russian, whom used just to know Russian language, and English-speaking American parents had been terrified to listen as their new adapted child used always to talk or to shout about died, death "Die!" Die!", - they listened, talking their new small adapted child from a Russia to American Psychiatric Department, saying as their adapted child from Russia is a really aggressive and not a normal child, always talking about the death, died, wishing them as parents to die.
(* while a normal small Russian child asked American parents "give me!" on Russia as "dai mne!"
American English-speakers listed this "Die!" instead "Dai!" ((yes+I, Ye to me == Give me!") too, American Doctors used to prescribe pills, finding a mental problem here as so as not a normal for kids to ask their parents TO GIVE something to a child.
This case and still another, plenty them were, with leaving adapted small kids in a car in USA summer on a hot sun rays weather without a working conditioner.
This as a reason of over-heating of this adapted small Russian child in USA land.
So, this what why Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to stop any adaption process for Russian kids to American parents in USA or Europe as a juridical decision to a stop a violence to small kids by foreigners, taking small kids abroad and not to worry to have a translator to support needs of their child to be recognizing easily straight.
We cried, all, looking this. A small child asked something from American new parents, - a drink or a food, or to sleep, or a comfortable, or hot, or cold, or a toy , - and American adults had treated a child as a small human Homo Sapience with medication as a dangerous mental ill boy as asking a cup of water to drink? in a hot summer weather?
There had been adults, had they? Their child talked on Russian about something, they could not understand this, - there are plenty Translators from Russian to English in USA, not a problem to pay money to have a help.
I saw a documentary film, what another American young mother used a humiliation and a tortured her new adapted Russian boy from Russia, she really enjoyed making a sadistic activity to punish a strange child, not her biological child, a boy. This case had been stopped, plenty cases had been covered.
I support Russian President Vladimir Putin whom stopped a process of the adaption of Russian kids abroad.
I was so surprised not to find in English language a normal human tender words from mother to kids, from a wife to her husband.
On Russian, we knew words for "a son" as - "сын, сынок, сынишка, сыночек, сынку, сынуля"
"сын, сынок, сынишка, сыночек, сынку, сынуля" = "a son" on English.
"a son" on English = "сын, сынок, сынишка, сыночек, сынку, сынуля" on Russian
"a son" on English = "a male penis", English word = "пенис"
"Пенис" [penis] on Russian
== 1 , "penis" on English,
2. = "a son", English slang for "penis"
*So, English women, English, British females, used to put "a son" ("penis") inside their womb to make a sex with a men.
* Russian people could understand why so plenty pedophiles in Great Britain, this they do not know a lot English tradition to use a word "son" "my son" as a sexual slang for a male penis of a husband or any word.
* I was sick when my British husband said this to me, complaining me my refuse to name his penis as "my son" or "our son", having a sickness to lean English. I divorced with him after.
* But plenty Russian men (my own father named my mother as Our Mum, Mum, Mother), some Russian men used to named their wives as "Mum" "Our Mum", Our mother", in open public manner, so, probably, there are some hidden secret words in adult sexual life and life too are the some shared words in some British/English and Russian families, coming from the some deep ancient shared resource in common shared ancestors throw generations.
Six Russian words for a word "son" on Russian from Russian mother to their sons == 1 word for "son" on English
But Russian mothers used much much more their tender emotional word for their sons, growing them
Plenty British women had a domestic violence habits as sons whom other British English-speaking women grew up as their sons, - their sons started to attack women, wives, damaging women soon as they grew up enough in adults.
English and Russian had a shared common words in two languages.
This as "a sister" and "a brother", whom had been separated by the force.
And if to see a result, whom had created this coldness as fishes as attitudes and standards?
Солнце, Солнышко, Солнечко = "The Sun" on English (1 word)
Белка, бельчонок, белочка, рыжик, пушистик,= "a red squirrel" on English
Заяц (Заяц белый куда бегал), белыш, малыш, зайчик, зайчонок, зайчиха, зайчата, пострел, поскачок, трусишка (трусишка-зайка серенький), зайка, ... on Russian === "a hare", "a stowaway", "a gate-crasher" on English
Вода [wada/vada], водичка [watichka / vatichka], водица [waditca / vaditsa] on Russian = a water on English
Probably, some differences in national characters as for melancholics, sanguineous, choleric, phlegmatic,
British people looked mostly as phlegmatic, whom do not need plenty words to express their ideas or emotions:
"Give me my pint a beer and a time to sit down near TV all ev calmly!".
On Russian,
Сестра [sestra] = sistra [sistra] on English
Брат [bra:t] = brother [bra: ze] , bro [bro:] on English
This sounding as the kids from some family or tribes, a sister and a brother, had been separated as child.
So, as they started to live in some new (adapted) families, some of them had a loss of own language, saving just couple words from their childhood memory.
For example, a brother, a boy could been given to island England land (or a sister).
Another child, a brother or a sister, leaved in Russian Slavonic area.
Some creatures whom were not humans (!!), so they had not normal feelings and emotions for humans, but liked to adapt other kids as their own (pets, home pets, or kids).
But they had been some another race, aliens, not humans, so they had not emotions as humans to develop a human normal language.
Or, some biorobots might had not feelings and emotions to develop languages.
Or, what could be too,
Humans had so terrible bloody shocking stressing time and experience in the past to lean to see to know that this all closed down all their emotions, frozen them.
When someone had a strongest stress and shock or depressions, they always as a frozen after, the body tried to save them, making this.
some way as the winter frozen all around, covering with a snow. till a time passed away to be again alive/
So, British people had some side effects of a huge strongest shock and stress.
May be they saved what was in that terrible past, may be forgot all.
When we sit down
at the home,
it will be warm,
soft light from
a lamp,
I will keep a silence
for a moment,
just memorizing this
and us.
I can not say
all this my story,
it would be so
to say.
I just enjoy
to see you
a spark of light
in the darkness of day.
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
"The Chronology from Adam, Bible Study", the story, the study, the article
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