Сказка о Гуннаре и Торе

              Tale about Gunnar and Thor.

In the ancient times in the northern land near big iron mountain lived one family. Head of the family was blacksmith. In this times peoples haven’t surnames and have nicknames only. And therefore this man named Gunnar Blackbeard. His wife named Halldora Fairy. Their  three children named Kari Silver Stream, Bjorn Bighead and the youngest child called Littli. Gunnar every day spend your time in his forge and older son Bjorn helped to father by furnace. Kari helped to mother in the home. One day to the  forge came man. His name was Gapi Talkative. And he asked Gunnar make traps for catch beavers. In the short time work was finished and very glad Gapi paying money Gunnar and come back. And in the his way  he meet unknown rusty man. Together way short twice and Gapi Talkative boasted his new traps and praised blacksmith Gunnar and his gold hands. And after short time their paths  diverged. Sharp envi hit the heart unknown man. Unknown man was Thor, mighty older son of the Great God Odin. He loudly whistled and from gloomy dark forest two big black ravens fly to him and seat down on his shoulders. Then he put on iron mittens, took in his hands incandescent big hammer, seat down in the own thunder coach, harnessing two goats  and with rattle run on the sky toward Gunnar home. All inhabitants blacksmith’s house go outside. Not every day Mighty God Thor visit people. And Thor say to Gunnar:” Let’s complete in the your job!’’
 Blacksmith don’t have rule refused and answered agree. The first Thor propose make big hooks for fishing. And one day both make this work. After ending they go to lake fishing and Thor’s hook bent, but Gunnar’s hook was good and he get out of the water big pike. Angry fire flashed  Thor’s eyes and he propose make ploughs. And they worked a week and after ending took every two horses and begin plough field. And Thor’s plough soon bend but Gunnar’s plough glitter only. In this time Gunnar’s neighbours went look on this competition. Thor threaten down his red brows and order make swords. And this work they made one month. To the finishing work many people gather to the blacksmith’s house and when both appear of forge’s door with shine swords in their hands, people almost breathe haven’t.
    There was two big stones near forge and both go to them. Mighty strike lower go Thor and his
 sword break half. Crowd breathe out’’ A-a-a-a!’’ But when Gunnar strike, another stone break half, but his sword don’t have one scratch. Crowd again breathe out’’A-a-a-a’’ Sharp rage struck Thor’s heart. It’s thunders and lightning in the blue cloudless sky. And Thor shout  crazy’’ Man! You dare winner me three times! I punish you!’’ And he turned blacksmith into stone. Then seat down into coach and with rumble run away. Silence  was among people and silence stand stones Gunnar. Only his wife and children loudly weep and embrace stone father’s legs.   
      And after this day not only his family, but and people from afar began come to stone Gunnar and brought him flowers,water and bread. Hear about, Thor destroyed the stone Gunnar  his incandescent hummer when around of the blacksmith crowd people. Flown around small bits stone Gunnar get into people’s bodies and hearts. Of love to Gunnar in the human bodies stone Gunnar’s piece again has become in the blacksmith, small size only. Of those people origin and
all today living on the Earth. To put on his palm on left side your chest and you feel that small blacksmith day and night tirelessly strikes the hammer on the anvil in your chest.
