And Nothing...

Words and Oaths in vain.
Dreams and Desires for nothing.
Was the everyday the same?
You made me simply blinding.

Every step for it caused me crying.
I was infinitely much time exhausted and cursed.
Were You ever worried for my dying?
You pleasured, knowing it, of course.

“There are only weakness
And void in the eyes.
Waiting for something,
That can possibly kill.”

The nightmares excruciate me
With the inevitable thoughts of the past.
How much is forsaken from me?
The feelings were sincere and last.

The Golden Savior, I knew,
Became the blackest punishment.
Is the illusion like a sun dawn view?
The consciousness has an incurable lament.

“I spend my life
Incarcerated of myself.
Darkness, save me
From You and myself.”

The useless forgiveness –
Your apathetic look.
The contemplation of sadness.
The serenity You took.

Striving for eternal unknown,
From the life I knew.
I was worthless for everyone
And even for You.


“(1)” – And End... - Paeonia
“(2)” – And End... - Alone

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