Учебник дружбы. Макс-Железный

The book of friendship!

Many rulers can countries lead
But people always want to eat.
You're concerned about cough
Drink Russian vodka eat some  pilaf.

Even now it's earthquake
I would like to eat beefsteak.
On dessert to taste sweet cake
To add konyak to milkshake.

When from the sea is blowing breeze
I like to eat some Holland cheese,
Then to drink some Scottish whiskey
With piece of duck that's very crispy.

Did you taste the German sausage?
It’s very good with stewed cabbage.
When we visited in Rome
There drank some Irish rum.

If you have one British sterling
For the supper buy a herring.
Then eat cucumbers in brine
After drink a glass of wine

I ask you people eat and drink
About wars please don’t think!
If you suffer from bad mood
You’d better start to make some food!


Спасибо, Алла, за прекрасный перевод!

Макс-Железный   19.11.2017 15:56     Заявить о нарушении

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