Du weisst etwas

Wenn Du glaubst,
Du weisst etwas,
dann nimm Dein Herz
und geh spazieren.

Zum Glueck.
Und taeglich gruesst das Murmeltier.
Es gibt Dinge, die aendern sich
und manchmal
aendern sie sich nicht.
Zum Glueck.

Heading out to sea
The wide open spaces
of sea and sky in the evening,
the colors shifting,
– more blue in the water, more gold in the sky –,
are a balm to the heart´s maze,
in which I cross paths with myself
and do not recognize the man with the greying hair,
stripped of the wisdom he once had,
quietly becoming lighter, beginning to float,
and aware that every vision must include death
to be complete.
I come upon myself
like meeting a stranger,
who turns out to be an acquaintance.
I recognize myself
with a tenderness I always had for the lost.
My name floats out to sea,
and only a golden filigree design of me remains,
– in slight relief on a black wave.
And so I head out,
to where all souls mingle
and exchange breaths,
as they return to the one breath,
that exhaled them all.

Дочь Егора   04.12.2017 18:44     Заявить о нарушении
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