А что у вас? Сергей Михалков

 All this happened in the evening,
 Someone on the bench was sitting,
 The other in the window peeping.
 Tolya an old song was singing,
 Boris was the silence keeping,
 Nikolay his leg was swinging.

 Suddenly they have explored
 That indeed   were very bored.
 A cat was playing with its claw
 On the fence have sat a daw
 Boris is talking at the door.

- I have a nail in the pocket,
  What do you?
- I on my neck a silver locket,
- We have a pipe conveying gas,
- We on the table a big glass.
- We in the kitchen made a plumbing,
- And we on trampoline can jumping.
- We from the window see Red Square,
- We open it and breathe fresh air.
- We in the chairs sit and rest,
  And are waiting for a guest.
-We were walking on the boulevard,
  There met my friend Bernard,
  Then were invited to his yard.
- The truck was on the main road,
  And for us it woods have brought.
- Our cat has a little kitten,
  From yesterday it have not eaten,
  It was carefully nursed,
  That is first.
- My dad to work on shifts began,
  He is daring policeman,
  Also he`s always weaponed,
  And that is second.
- My mother works with the navigator,
  She is a famous aviator,
  Now she is on the board,
  That is third.
 Mother is on the board
 So what?
 Gera’s mom works with a gear
 She is electric  engineer,
 This is a fact, I don't jeer.
 Dina’s mother is a tailor
 Rita’s is a driver on the trailer.
 Masha’s is a doctor at the clinic
 She’s grown up and children healing.
 Pitter’s mother is a cook
 She makes a cake without a book.
 Misha’s mom is head redactor,
 Tanya's is a bus conductor.
 Inna’s mother is so great,
 She knows to teach and educate.
 All mothers are significant!
 So from you I just expect
 Them to love and to respect!
 Now stop to argue and fight
 I wish everyone good night.


Вольный перевод, Алла, но очень похожий на оригинал!
Я тоже пытался переводить таким образом, чтобы и Киплинг говорил по-русски без акцента:
С уважением.

Макс-Железный   12.11.2017 08:13     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо.И отдельное спасибо, за то, что не оставляете без внимания мои переводы."Я не волшебник, я только учусь".
С признательностью, Алла.

Алла Кердман   12.11.2017 13:18   Заявить о нарушении