Начало Письма о косвенных наклонениях

You should always know that modality
Is relation between your thinking and reality.
And the mood as it was said
Is the form expressing that.
There is just other form
That modality perform.
It is called ( you will amaze )
Paranthetical word or phrase.
Its is when you say «perhaps»
All your problems will collaps
If you know very well these words in English
If you shall understand and memorize
And just simply practicise
You will learn them and exam
Will be passed without any problems then.
There is another form
that modality perform.
And this topic you disturbs.
Can you guess?the modal verbs.
But lets just put this book on a shelf -
I havent learn this theme myself.
Nothing more. i just must show
That it is and you should know.

                To be continued.
