Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Полный перевод

Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак.

In the garden there is a house,
It has a balcony and a penthouse,
It`s both beautiful and tall,
There are many pictures on  its wall.
On the wide window is painted shutter,
On the table is  plate of butter.
There is also a bed,
In bed is sleeping a Bengal cat.
The cat gets up early in the morning
And at once she starts adorning.
She puts on two silver bracelets
And gets ready for the guests.
She likes to step on printed carpet
That was bought at the nearest market.
When she is walking on the path,
All her neighbors’re clapping hands
And admire her new dress.
The dress is so impressive
Despite that such expensive.
It's decorated with red lace
As well it fits to her nice face.
The neighbors gaze at her estate
There is only one in the whole state.
About this cat and her possessions
You will read in the next session.
And if you quietly sit and wait
May be soon you'll get the date.
A storyteller
Once upon a time one cat
Did not want to sleep on the mat,
Or at least  to catch a rat.
So one day she stood and claimed:
" I will sleep in a big wide bed".
Then she buys a soft nice pillow,
It decorates with leaves of willow.
When she rests she takes red blanket,
Then organizes a big banquet.
In order to enter her estate
The guests go toward the main north gate.
All around the house is fence,
It's for the safety and defense.
There is also a cabin,
There either old or ill
Lives and guards the cat Basil.
He helps the cat with the whole soul,
And has in the house an important role,
To sweep the floor and to bring the coal.
Basil as well the mice kicks out
Despite he is not so stout.
The cat has also two nephews,
Poor kittens that is the truth.
They are knocking on the window
Ask permission to get into.
Dear and precious Bengal cat,
We are here at your estate.
Would you like at the window to peep
Then to warm us and to feed,
We are cold and need to eat?
You are rich and have a cottage
We only want from you some sausage.

Cat  Basil
Who is there near my room?
I will hit you with my broom.
I am here, cat Basil,
Wait I'll put you on the grill!
Who is blocking here a view?

We are the kittens,
The cat's nephews.
Tell please to our greatest cat
We have no even a mat,
The floor is eaten by the rat.
There is a hole in the wall,
Our house can soon fall,
We have no food at all.

Cat Basil
Now try to listen,
I am talking, the cat's assistant,
Disappear in an instant
And from this house keep a distance.

Bengal Cat
Whom are you putting on the grill,
My dear helper cat Basil?

Cat Basil
There are here two little kittens
And say long time they have not eaten.

Bengal Cat
What a shame!
When I was a little kid
Such things in life I've never did.
Put them all in a big bag
And quickly take them to the lake.

Someone at the door is ringing
The ring new guests to cat is bringing.
On entering stands a happy Goat
He wears a beautiful green coat.
With him his wife Miss Nanny Goat
Quickly writes for him a note.
On her head a long bent horn,
At everyone she looks with scorn.
The Goat takes from her the note
And from it begins to quote.
Then with a wife comes Mister Rooster
He is a local famous Brewster,
After him a big White Pig
On her had a modern wig
That was made of leaves of fig.

Bengal Cat
Mister Goat how are you?
Enter please and make preview.

A Goat
I respect you Missis Cat,
But we both are slightly wet.
We were returning from the school.
And have fallen into the pool.

Nanny Goat
Today the water in the pool
Is not so clean but very cool.

Bengal Cat
Hi Mister Rooster, dear friend
Today you have such pleasant scent.
Nice to meet you Missis Hen
How is life in hilly glen?

Missis Hen
I am tired of the way
You are living so far away.
I would better sit on the eggs
Instead of hurting two my legs.

Bengal Cat
Warm greetings dear Missis Pig
You are so perfect in this wig.
Would you like to eat and drink?
I want to know mainly
About your big family.

Missis Pig
Thanks, you are so kind and hearted,
The children  are in  the kindergarten,
And I have  them all  to hearten.
My husband is looking after fence,
And I`m visiting my friends.

Nanny Goat
Now dear Bengal Cat
We want to look at your estate.

Bengal Cat
Welcome and look at my design,
I wish you in Guest Book to sign.
On these chairs you can sit,
At the table you can eat.

Missis Pig
On this table we can sit.

A Goat
And these chairs we can eat.

Bengal Cat
Mister Goat it’s a mistake
I heard you suffers from headache.
You can't my chairs eating,
They suit only for sitting.
The furniture is uneatable,
But it should be habitable.

Missis Pig
I think it is not fair
To sit a pig on a chair.

A Goat
Goats used to eating in the field
It's very healthy I revealed.

Mister Rooster
This meal makes you often ill.

Mister Rooster
Tell me dear Bengal Cat
What is here on your left?

Bengal Cat
On the left is a little room
Basil naps here with his broom.
On the right is a wall with pictures
On the shelves there are lot of pitchers.
In the middle is my bed,
It has a beautiful mattress.
When I am going to rest
In wardrobe I put my dress.

Mister Rooster
The mattress is full of feathers
It warms in windy and cold weather.

Missis Hen
I think the Cat is stealing hens,
I`ve heard some missing  in neighbor glens.

A goat
And what is this,
It has a spice?

Bengal Cat
This is a trap for catching mice.
It’s made of steel and very nice.
In my distant motherland
In catching mice there is not demand.
For this purpose we have a band
That is waiting for command.

Missis Pig
Who is looking from that picture,
And looks like your old ancestor?

Bengal Cat

He is indeed my forefather
And my grandpa`s little brother.

Missis Hen
He is a nice and handsome mouse.

Mister Rooster
And lived in so amazing house.

Missis Pig
He is so cute, I also like…

Bengal Cat
I am told we look alike.
Now please enter my parlor
Yesterday I bought a mirror,
It’s near a tall  and wooden pillar.

A Goat
Look at the mirror Nanny Goat
There is inside your husband Goat.

Missis Pig
Mister Goat you have an error
Ii`s only Me in this big mirror.

Missis Hen
You both aren`t so wise,
Or have a problem with the eyes.
Your sight is not very wide
It's only Hen on every side.

Bengal Cat
My dear friends you all are wrong,
And now let’s to sing a song.

For many years from  sunny Ghana
Comes a maestro to teach me piano.
We are sitting in the bay
And together sing and play.

Nanny Goat
We don’t want to wait so long,
You start to play
We'll sing a song.

A goat
Ding -dong ding -dong, ding -dong,   ding – dong…

Missis Pig
Your voice is neither nice nor strong.

Missis Hen
Ding dong ding dong
I also want to sing a song

Mister Rooster
I like to sing a song with you
Cock- a- doodle -doodle - doo.

Bengal Cat
Mew, mew
I love you.

Missis Pig
Snore and snore and snore and snore,
I have got my daily chore.

Nanny Goat to the Goat
The fool!
Stop eating the Geranium
I think it has inside Titanium!

A goat
I have tried but really can’t
It is very tasty plant.

Nanny Goat
You’d better try to eat bamboo

A goat
It's very hard for me to chew.

Bengal Cat
Now I will look and glance
How everyone can dance.

Nanny Goat
I would like to dance a quadrille
But my husband is feeling ill.

Mister Rooster to Missis Hen
I invite you to а gallop
After we will rent a shallop.

Missis Pig
First I want to taste a mango,
Then will be able to dance a tango.

Bengal Cat
I wish everyone to please
So my dear ask you, please
Joy and dance the whole day
Make a cheerful roundelay.

Dear and precious Bengal Cat,
We are here at your estate.
The situation is very bad,
We  have left without bed.
Can we here spend the night?
We will leave with first sun light.
Now we only need some place
It can be near your furnace,
On the floor or in  the corner at the door.
We will be also so glad
If you give us an old mat.

Bengal Cat to Cat Basil

Go quickly to the park,
Outside is growing dark,
Close our main gate
The uninvited guests I hate.
In the Saloon light up a candle
With my nephews avoid a scandal.

Cat Basil

My dear Cat,
I will  fulfill  that  your  command.

Bengal Cat to her guests

I have you all to stop, I’m sorry,
But now let's  think up a story.
Sit please around fireplace
Each of you can tell two plays.

Nanny Goat

In the field there is a pit

Missis Pig

Cats used to drink and eat from it.

A Goat

Goats and Hens can there meet

Missis Hen

Pigs like there eggs to hatch

Mister Rooster

And Nanny Goat mice to catch.

Bengal Cat to Mister Rooster

You have all mixed up my friend.
The party goes to its end,
Now I think is greatly late
Children at the home wait.

A Goat

We are living in the east,
Near the house of the priest,
Come please on Sunday to the feast.

Missis Pig

And my house is in the north
Beside the paddock with one horse.
You are invited for a meal together with your Cat Basil.

Missis Hen

The hilly glen is far away
But soon I have a special day,
Join us for this event
Of corns will be assortment.

Bengal Cat

To leave the home is not so easy
But I promise that all you`ll visit.

A Goat

Mister Rooster

Goodbye and thank for music lessons.

Missis Pig

And for so warm acceptance.

Bengal Cat

Basil, please accompany
To the gate the company.

The storyteller
The cat is putting on her vest
Then she`s   following her guests.
They thank her for the tasty lunch
And drink with her a glass of punch.
After praise her Cat Basil
And wish him never feeling ill.
Add that want for him good life
To be happy with a wife.
In such way is more or less
The conversation was endless,
And the sky soon brings darkness.
The cat is going to rest
But suddenly she stays at place.
From the lake comes loud croak
Over the oak is black dense smoke.
She with her friends in wonder glaze
How her barns and house blaze,
Poor Cat can't say a phrase.
The fire quickly grasps her shire
From the logs to lofty spire.
The rooks from belfry  start to trumpet
Nanny Goat brings a bucket.
Missis Sheep her close neighbor
Takes with her one small colander.
Mister Rooster brings a lantern,
The Pig some water in the antler
Cat Basil from little room
Quickly jumps with his witch's broom.
The Ram is on the fire truck
Already is on the track.

Bengal Cat
Help to take out all the clothes
They to my heart are very close.
I left without plate and knife
Where will I spend this night?

A fire fighter
Don’t think about knife
But rescue your own life.               
A beaver
Fill the barrels in the river
And then quickly them deliver!

The rooks
Everyone must go out
We need the fire to put out!
There is no place for gaper,

A fire fighter
Now is burning the wall paper.

Bengal Cat
Where is my red Persian mat

Cat Basil
About it you must forget.

Bengal Cat
My sofa, chairs and so on...
I arrived them all from Bonn

A fire fighter
All your furniture has gone.

Cat Basil         
 We have left without yard       
 What tomorrow I will guard?      

 Bengal Cat   to Cat Basil      
 Let`s go to the hilly glen
 We were called by Missis Hen.
 That fact doesn't us rejoice
 But there is no other choice.

Step by step
And hand by hand
Basil and Cat both look for bed.
The night is dark,
They tremble and dread
And hope to get a piece of bread.
The way is hard
They stray and roam
On the hill then see a home.
Missis Hen is on threshold

Cat Basil
Can we enter?
We are cold.

Bengal Cat
Can we stay this night at coop
And at least to get some soup?

Missis Hen
Our coop is very small
For guests there is no place at all.

Bengal Cat
We were called before one day

Missis Hen
Yes, on Wednesday, not today.
The coop is full of little chicks
For you we don’t have a brick.
Mister Rooster is feeling sick
With you even can`t he speak
And tomorrow have to sing.
My chickens only look for the site
Where can they bite and fight.
A Chick1
Lets pull the feathers from her tale

Basil and Cat became both pale.

A chick2
You even don’t make a breath
As I will peck you both to death.

A chick 3
Who is here a new guest?
I his legs and hands will wrest.

A chick 4
And I will add some fists on chest.

Basil and Cat are very stressed.

Bengal Cat
Well, we`ll go to the west.

Cat Basil
I think for us it is the best.

Thus they on the way again
And feel on them some drops of rain.
Then strong wind begins to blow
Soon rain turns into to the snow.
So I don’t know how
They approach the goat's house.
In the yard beside doorstep
Goats are learning to dance the step.
Then they both are playing cards
She at him to shout starts

A goat
You are so stupid Nanny Goat
Stop shouting with all your throat!

Nanny Goat
You will get with my long horn
Now listen you are warn!

A goat
You don’t know playing cards

Nanny Goat
You’d better go to the yard,
Fix the tires of your  carriage
And I will make a cake with cabbage.
Suddenly they see Basil
Nanny Goat
My husband Goat is very ill.
Cat Basil
We were called to you for a visit
Nanny Goat
You have a problem with a digit.
Bengal Cat
We were walking all the day
Can this night with you we stay?
Nanny Goat
To meet you I am always glad
But the Goat today is mad.
Mister Goat to Nanny goat
Nanny Goat you are cad!
Nanny Goat
We have no extra bed.
Bengal Cat
We agree to sleep in straw
Nanny Goat
Mister Goat can break your jaw.
Mister Goat to Nanny goat
Wait, you`ll get from one my paw.
Mister Goat to Bengal Cat and Basil
I can`t strife with my strange wife,
She will curse me whole life.
Nanny Goat
On the left you make a zig,
You will come to Missis Pig.

Soon they are beside the shed
Want Missis Pig to ask for bed.

Missis Pig
Our home is very narrow
And we have ten little farrows.
Farrows sit all in the row
With their father Mister Boar
They`re eating slipslop at the door.
For every piece they have hot war.
Cat Basil
May be do you need a helper?
Missis Pig
You will only make a welter.
You my dear have to learn
We can`t here make a turn,
There is no place for urn.

Missis Pig gives them a spurn.

Bengal Cat to Cat Basil
In the whole world and space
There is no for us a place.
Cat Basil
In front of us is a little hut,
The hut is covered with black smut.
It is also is small
And it is not tall at all.
Let`s my dear Cat to guess
If here want to greet the guests.
A storyteller
Bengal Cat with lame Basil
Who also is old and ill,
Go down along the path
Both are dreaming of the bath.
And they both are don`t know
That in the wind and in the snow
By the neighbor dogs are bitten
Here live two little kittens.
They are eating from one plate
Someone is knocking on the gate.

A kitten1
Who is knocking on the gate?
Cat Basil
That`s Basil an old lame cat.
All the day we`re in the way
Our house is burn away.
Kitten 2
Yesterday we were your guests
You kicked us out from the fence.
Our aunt the Bengal Cat
Did not treat us with a rat.
Cat Basil
But your dear Bengal Cat
Left without shoes and dress,
And for that God have her ``blessed``.
Now we are both homeless
Bengal Cat
I admit that was not right
Can with you we stay this night?

Kitten 1
In the town for the guests
Was built  the house of the rest.

Bengal Cat
It from here is far away
I will die through such long way.

Cat Basil
I suffer from acute headache
And this way I can’t remake.

Kitten 2
What do you say my clever brother?

Bengal Cat
I promise to be you mother.

Cat Basil
And I will guard your little yard
Fair with my whole heart.

A kitten 1
Although the hut is small
We are glad to see you all

A kitten 2
Our home is not so nice
For the food we have some rice

Bengal Cat
Every day I'll catch you mice.

A Kitten1
We are sleeping on the floor
And we don’t lock the door.
Cat Basil
I'm a builder and wood maker
And for you will be a baker.

Bengal Cat
You my nephews are so special
We will on you put more attention.

Cat Basil
Very soon we'll do some actions
And build up us new possessions.
Bengal Cat
Now I want so much to sleep
That my eyes can`t opened keep.
A Kitten 2
Who in trouble was and on wane
Can’t the others persons pain
A kitten 1
We will be family again
Bengal Cat
Can I now you embrace?
Kittens loudly
Yes, yes…
Basil and Cat so get a place.
Tili-Bom, Tili-Bom
Bengal Cat gets a new home
And she doesn`t need to roam.
The home is painted in chrome
As well is beautiful and tall.
Outside is now Fall
Cat is sitting in red shawl.
Everyone can read the news
She respects her two nephews.
Cat Basil is fun and nice
Every day he hunts some mice.
He is also a bard
And their famous yard should guard.
The nephews will grow up
Soon new home they`ll build up.
Cat Basil
With a painted new door
A green carpet on the floor,
Kitten 2
With a picture on the wall,
Bengal Cat
Many guests we`ll there call.
Cat Basil
All the friends we are informing
We them invite to House Warming.
Tili-Bom, Tili-Bom
You are welcome to the home!


Замечательный перевод, Алла!
Такой титанический труд!
С уважением и дружбой.

Макс-Железный   04.11.2017 20:45     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо большое.Не знала за что взялась. Алла

Алла Кердман   04.11.2017 20:50   Заявить о нарушении