Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Продолжение 6

The storyteller
The cat is putting on her vest
Then she`s   following her guests.
They thank her for the tasty lunch
And drink with her a glass of punch.
After praise her Cat Basil
And wish him never feeling ill.
Add that want for him good life
To be happy with a  wife.
In such way is more or less
The conversation was endless,
And the sky soon brings darkness.
The cat is going to rest
But suddenly she stays at place.
From the lake comes loud croak
Over the oak is black dense smoke.
She with her friends in wonder glaze
How her barns and house blaze,
Poor Cat can't say a phrase.
The fire quickly grasps her shire
From the logs to lofty spire.
The rooks from belfry  start to trumpet
Nanny Goat brings a bucket.
Missis Sheep her close neighbor
Takes with her one small colander.
Mister Rooster brings a lantern,
The Pig some water in the antler
Cat Basil from little room
Quickly jumps with his witch's broom.
The Ram is on the fire truck
Already is on the track.

Bengal Cat
Help to take out all the clothes
They to my heart are very close.
I left without plate and knife
Where will I spend this night?

A fire fighter
Don’t think about knife
But rescue your own life.               
A beaver
Fill the barrels in the river
And then quickly them deliver!

The rooks
Everyone must go out
We need the fire to put out!
There is no place for gaper,

A fire fighter
Now is burning the wall paper.

Bengal Cat
Where is my red Persian mat

Cat Basil
About it you can forget.

Bengal Cat
My sofa, chairs and so on...
I arrived them all from Bonn

A fire fighter
All your furniture has gone.

Cat Basil
We have left without yard
What tomorrow will I guard?

Bengal Cat
Let`s go to the hilly glen
We were called by Missis Hen.
That fact doesn`t us rejoice
But there is no other choice.

перевод Алла Кердман


Отличный перевод, Алла!
Только зачем публиковать отдельными кусочками? Уж лучше немного потерпеть и сразу опубликовать такой замечательный перевод целиком.
С дружбой и поддержкой.

Макс-Железный   02.11.2017 11:40     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, в следующий раз так и сделаю.

Алла Кердман   02.11.2017 12:32   Заявить о нарушении