Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Продолжение 4
My dear friends you all are wrong
And now let's to sing a song.
For many years from sunny Ghana
Comes a maestro to teach me piano.
We are sitting in the bay
And together sing and play.
Nanny Goat
We don’t want to wait so long,
You start to play
We'll sing a song.
A goat
Ding -dong ding -dong, ding -dong, ding – dong…
Missis Pig
Your voice is neither nice nor strong.
Missis Hen
Ding dong ding dong
I also want to sing a song
Mister Rooster
I like to sing a song with you
Cock- a- doodle -doodle - doo.
Bengal Cat
Mew, mew
I love you.
Missis Pig
Snore and snore and snore and snore,
I have got my daily chore.
Nanny Goat to the Goat
The fool!
Stop eating the Geranium
It has inside Titanium!
A goat
I have tried but really can’t
It is very tasty plant.
Nanny Goat
You’d better try to eat bamboo
A goat
It's very hard for me to chew.
Bengal Cat
Now I will look and glance
How everyone can dance.
Nanny Goat
I would like to dance quadrille
But my husband is feeling ill.
Mister Rooster to Missis Hen
I invite you to а gallop
After we will rent a shallop.
Missis Pig
First I want to taste a mango,
Then will be able to dance a tango.
Bengal Cat
I wish everyone to please
So my dear ask you, please
Joy and dance the whole day
Make cheerful roundelay.
перевод Алла Кердман
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