Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Продолжение 3

Mister Rooster
Tell me dear Bengal Cat
What is here on your left?

Bengal Cat
On the left is a little room
Basil naps here with his broom.
On the right is a wall with pictures
On the shelves there are lot of pitchers.
In the middle is my bed,
It has a beautiful mattress.
When I am going to rest
In wardrobe I put my dress.

Mister Rooster
The mattress is full of feathers
It warms in windy and cold weather.

Missis Hen
I think the Cat is stealling hens,
I`ve heard some missing  in neighbor glens.

A goat
And what is this,
It has a spice?

Bengal Cat
This is a trap for catching mice.
It’s made of steel and very nice.
In my distant motherland
In catching mice there is not demand.
For this purpose we have a band
That is waiting for command.

Missis Pig
Who is looking from that picture,
And looks like your big sister?

Bengal Cat
This is my ancestor,
He is indeed my forefather
And my grandpa`s  little brother.

Missis Hen
He is a nice and handsome mouse.

Mister Rooster
And lived in so amazing house.

Missis Pig
He is so cute, I also like…

Bengal Cat
I am told we look alike.
Now please enter my parlor
Yesterday I bought a mirror,
It’s near a tall  and wooden pillar.

A Goat
Look at the mirror Nanny Goat
There is inside your husband Goat.

Missis Pig
Mister Goat you have an error
Ii`s only Me in this big mirror.

Missis Hen
You both aren`t so wise,
Or have a problem with the eyes.
Your sight is not very wide
It's only Hen on every side.

Bengal Cat
My dear friends you all are wrong,
And now let’s to sing a song.

перевод Алла Кердман

Сам Самуил Маршак переводил с английского на русский хуже!
С уважением и дружбой.

Макс-Железный   29.10.2017 19:22     Заявить о нарушении
Принято с улыбкой.

Алла Кердман   29.10.2017 20:02   Заявить о нарушении