The Song At The Night

28.10.2017. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire

The Song At The Night

Please, sing songs
as this day will go away
by not a load ...
your voice.

May be, one day
in the future,
We sit down with you
to memorize this always.

Do you remember this night
When The Moon
Looked as
We were siting?

Do you remember
My kiss on your lips,
When I said "Love you
And always?"

Do you remember
As boats on waves
Moved so far
or so near?

Do you remember
My coddle and kiss
As I said "Be mine

One day it will be not such
As today
will change
all forever.

Please, friend, remember
if you see
Angel will fly
as a single.

The Door will be closed,
the dark or the light,
You're ... one or not one
and forever.

Just memory pockets
and a memory'es heart
just a love
if you loved
and always.

Please, sing songs
as this day will go away
by not a load ...
your voice.

May be, one day
in the future,
We sit down with you
to memorize this always.


Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin / Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин

"The Song At The Night", poems, a song
Eanna "The Song at the Night" (Do you remember/All will pass away) 13.11.2017
*a free translation of Russian song
"Всё пройдёт" (Слова Дербенёв Л, Музыка Дунаевский М., пел Михаил Боярский) ("All will pass away")

"The Song At The Night", a song


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