Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Продолжение 2

On entering stands a happy Goat
He wears a beautiful green coat.
With him his wife Miss Nanny Goat
Quickly writes for him a note.
On her head a long bent horn,
At everyone she looks with scorn.
The Goat takes from her the note
And from it begins to quote.
Then with a wife comes Mister Rooster
He is a local famous Brewster,
After him a big White Pig
On her had a modern wig
That was made of leaves of fig.

Bengal Cat
Mister Goat how are you?
Enter please and make preview.

A Goat
I respect you Missis Cat,
But we both are slightly wet.
We were returning from the school.
And have fallen into the pool.

Nanny Goat
Today the water in the pool
Is not so clean but very cool.

Bengal Cat
Hi Mister Rooster, dear friend
Today you have such pleasant scent.
Nice to meet you Missis Hen
How is life in hilly glen?

Missis Hen
I am tired of the way
You are living so far away.
I would better sit on the eggs
Instead of hurting two my legs.

Bengal Cat
Warm greetings dear Missis Pig
You are so perfect in this wig.
Would you like to eat and drink?
I want to know mainly
About your big family.

Missis Pig
Thanks, you are so kind and hearted,
The children  are in  the kindergarten,
And I have  them all  to hearten.
My husband is looking after fence,
And I`m visiting my friends.

Nanny Goat
Now dear Bengal Cat
We want to look at your estate.

Bengal Cat
Welcome and look at my design,
I wish you in Guest Book to sign.
On these chairs you can sit,
At the table you can eat.

Missis Pig
On this table we can sit.

A Goat
And these chairs we can eat.

Bengal Cat
Mister Goat it’s a mistake
I heard you suffers from headache.
You can't my chairs eating,
They suit only for sitting.
The furniture is uneatable,
But it should be habitable.

Missis Pig
I think it is not fair
To sit a pig on a chair.

A Goat
Goats used to eating in the field
It's very healthy I revealed.

Mister Rooster
This meal makes you often ill.

перевод Алла Кердман

Замечательный перевод!
С уважением и улыбкой.

Макс-Железный   29.10.2017 08:37     Заявить о нарушении
Большое спасибо.

Алла Кердман   29.10.2017 09:24   Заявить о нарушении