I will go as a Bliss beyond Time and Space
I Am All
Fifty Five Holy
Fifty Five One Before Eternity
True reality beyond manifestation word
Joy Happiness Love and Bliss
The True State of the Hearts
Knowledge Awareness Spirit Fields
Time to Realize the Main Things
I Am All
Remember just four
Clear your mind clean your words
True Reality Beyond Manifestation World
Address your consciousness as a creative God
Only that's matters in this existence
Parabrahman bliss is the Buddha nature
Realize Your Mind As
5 Ether, Air, Fire, Earth, Water
3 Sattva, Rajas, Tamas
2 Purusha, Prakriti
145. Om Jagadadijaya Namaha
Vishnu Sahasra Nama
"The Lord Who was Born Before the World"
Four Mahavakyas
"Prajnanam Brahma
Ayam Atma Brahma
Aham Brahmasmi
Tat Tvam Asi"
Nisarga Yoga
Natural selection
Self-knowing wisdom
All concepts are deceit
You must live aware
Existence is the cure for ignorance
The truth is in the heart
Address your consciousnes as a creative God
Only that's matters in this existence
Parabrahman bliss is the Buddha nature
The One who can walk this path as Bodhisattva Tathagata Buddha or as Saguna Nirguna Satchitananda Swaroopa Parabrahman Bhagavan
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