Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Продолжение 1
Dear and precious Bengal cat,
We are here at your estate.
Would you like at the window to peep
Then to warm us and to feed,
We are cold and need to eat?
You are rich and have a cottage
We only want from you some sausage.
Cat Basil
Who is there near my room?
I will hit you with my broom.
I am here, cat Basil,
Wait I'll put you on the grill!
Who is blocking here a view?
We are the kittens,
The cat's nephews.
Tell please to our greatest cat
We have no even a mat,
The floor is eaten by the rat.
There is a hole in the wall,
Our house can soon fall,
We have no food at all.
Cat Basil
Now try to listen,
I am talking, the cat's assistant,
Disappear in an instant
And from this house keep a distance.
Bengal cat
Whom are you putting on the grill,
My dear helper cat Basil?
Cat Basil
There are here two little kittens
And say long time they have not eaten.
Bengal cat
What a shame!
When I was a little kid
Such things in life I never did.
Put them all in a big bag
And quickly take them to the lake.
Someone at the door is ringing
The ring new guests to cat is bringing.
перевод Алла Кердман
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