Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Рассказчик

The cat`s house.
A storyteller

Once upon a time one cat
Did not want to sleep on the mat,
Or at least  to catch a rat.
So one day she stood and claimed:
" I will sleep in a big wide bed".
Then she buys a soft nice pillow,
It decorates with leaves of willow.
When she rests she takes red blanket,
Then organizes a big banquet.
In order to enter her estate
The guests go toward the main north gate.
All around the house is fence,
It's for the safety and defense.
There is also a cabin,
There either old or ill
Lives and guards the cat Basil.
He helps the cat with whole soul,
And has in the house an important role,
To sweep the floor and to bring some coal.
Basil as well the mice kicks out
Despite he is not so stout.
The cat has also two nephews,
Poor kittens that is the truth.
They are knocking on the window
Ask permission to get into.

перевод Алла Кердман
