Кошкин дом - Самуил Маршак. Хор

The cat`s house. Chorus

In the garden there is a house,
It has a balcony and a penthouse,
It`s both beautiful and tall,
There are many pictures on  its wall.
On the wide window is painted shutter,
On the table is  plate of butter.
There is also a bed,
In bed is sleeping a Bengal cat.
The cat gets up early in the morning
And at once she starts adorning.
She puts on two silver bracelets
And gets ready for the guests.
She likes to step on printed carpet
That was bought at the nearest market.
When she is walking on the path,
All her neighbors’re clapping hands
And admire her new dress.
The dress is so impressive
Despite that such expensive.
It's decorated with red lace
As well it fits to her nice face.
The neighbors gaze at her estate
There is only one in the whole state.
About this cat and her possessions
You will read in the next session.
And if you quietly sit and wait
May be soon you'll get the date.

перевод Алла Кердман
