Truth could be derived from the shared aesthetic

Thoughts after reading
Arrogance saves us all
From feeling too small
From the despair of insignificance,
From the frustration of not making a difference
Our existence is not known
To others.
Why would they want to own us?
Make us their slaves?
We are already slaves of the circumstances ...
Is our civilization doomed in the struggle for power?
Are rulers and policies inherently flawed?
Our knowledge grows every year.
Our hardest task is facing the unknown future.
"Savonarola" may succeed for a short period of time because people are afraid of their future
Hope is a mother of the optimism
Destruction of hope is the destruction of life.
There is nothing else to keep us alive, but hope!
Hope denies inevitable death.
Hope helps us to survive in difficult circumstances
Hope does not seek the universal truth!
But the fact is that the universal truth does not exist.
Because humans exist in multiple instances.
The future path, that is not taken yet, impacts our decision today.
Quantum computers produce output that depends on intermediate results being computed independently at the same time.
Our reality does not consist of the known numbers. A thing has different values for different people. Mathematically, a thing is in many dimensions at the same time, measured by a multidimensional matrix, not a number. But, can different values of the same thing make similar predictions about the future?
Yes, if all measured opinions, but one seize to exist. But, this would be a disaster.
Instead of trying to integrate different opinions, a random opinion prevails. People train themselves to accept one ruling opinion to survive.
Neils Bohr said that the quantum theory trying to accept the only, randomly chosen, measurement/opinion is a valid description of reality. Heisenberg called the values, about which one was not allowed to ask, potentialities.
But, what happens if in reality multiple opinions/histories happen simultaneously?
Heisenberg won a Noble prize by deriving the multiverse world in his equation.
Happiness is a state of continually solving one's problem. Unhappiness is caused by being chronically balked in one's attempts to do that.
What is the beauty?
Thomas Huxley said " the great tragedy of science - the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact". Facts kill beauty.
The art is a form, not a fact. The art is composition, framing, lighting, focus.
Elegance is a heuristic guide to the truth.
A bad decision is always because-I-say-so. Einstein eliminated Newton's rule that time flows the same for all observers.
The need is to create an objective knowledge in order to allow different people to communicate
An objective truth could be derived from a shared aesthetics.
