Alphabet in Rhymes Song for kids

A-A-A — An apple Ann is eating
B-B-B — Betty bought a bike
C-C-C — There is a circus in a city
D-D-D — A dog drifts towards dyke

E-E-E — From England Eve was coming
F-F-F — Frank frowns a fat face
G-G-G — Girls gave gifts to mummy
H-H-H — A hunter hides in haze

I-I-I — Ice-cream is in the shop
J-J-J — Jack’s joy is jug of jam
K-K-K — Kate’s kitten is climbing on top
L-L-L — Liz lost a little lamb

M-M-M — Missis Morning is my mother
N-N-N — Nick is hard nut for nanny
O-O-O — An oak is old as others
P-P-P — Pete paid for pet a penny

Q-Q-Q — Queen quotes Quisack quickly
R-R-R — A rabbit’s friend is ram
S-S-S — Steve's sister spoke strictly
T-T-T — Tim travels by a tram

U-U-U — The United Kingdom
V-V-V — A violet blooms in May
W — What? Where? When? ask wisdom
X-X-X — Ex-doctor made X-ray

Y-Y-Y — Young men are yelling yonder
Z-Z-Z — A zebra is at Zoo.
ABC — I know and I wonder
If you can repeat this song well too?


How many letters? Let me see…
How many letters? Do you see?
Can you count the speech bricks?
— May be there are 26.
I can count the speech bricks.
— Sure, they are 26.



Завершается прием произведений на конкурс «Георгиевская лента» за 2021-2025 год. Рукописи принимаются до 24 февраля, итоги будут подведены ко Дню Великой Победы, объявление победителей состоится 7 мая в ЦДЛ. Информация о конкурсе – на сайте Представить произведения на конкурс →