Ночной Дозор

So, this one time, in band camp,

I was taking a walk,

Far behind was my tent,

And the stars were so bright,

And the forest, enchanted,

By some young fairies’ talk,

Stood untouched and authentic,

As I strolled through the night.


All alone, and yet – fearless

For I knew a few spells,

Heard a noise, rather curious

Went to check what the hell?

Who you are, and how dare thee,

So disruptive to be,

In my hills and my valleys,

In my Land of the Free?!?


There I saw ugly creature,

It crawled up from below,

Scary claws tried to reach me,

Yellow eyes with a glow,

Lycanthropic in nature,

Hungry, frightened and mad,

Fear and sorrow and hatred

In its eyes I have read.


In my studies of magic

I have learned quite a bit,

And, although, an apprentice

By my title am I,

Few, of rather eccentric

Spells and magical tricks,

I could cast in defensive

In the blink of an eye.


All my training demanded

That I fight to the end,

Any creature who dareth

Step on my Holly Land,

Any creature to come here

With intention to hurt,

Be it scariest monster

Or a girl in a skirt.


For my Kingdom existed,

Free of influence of

Those who often persisted

To destroy our growth,

To destroy our towns

And to make us enslaved,

To ignore our vows,

To give up our faith.

So I stood there in silence,

And prepared for the fight,

Fireball on my fingertips,

Casted, ready to strike,

Transformation took place then,

And before me, alas,

Stood my Master and Mentor

Mighty Elf Legolas.


“Graduation, with Honors!

In your future I see,

Brave and gifted one are you!” –

Said my Master to me…

“- Now go on, turn around,

And resume your patrol,

Put six feet under ground

Every possible foe…”


Strike!!! And flesh of imposter

Into ashes was made,

For would never my Master

Call me skillful and brave,

Modest, humble and patient,

He was not one to favor

Such improper Appraisal

Of his pupils’ behavior.


With the sense of accomplishment,

And some peace on my mind,

I return to my town

In the dark of the night,

In my bag were the Creature’s

Paws, so heavily clawed,

I completed my mission,

I submit my report.
