Super cute fiery dull ccp-18-10

Сверх мило огненно унылы
Участием сопроводят все щели
Страстей нешуточных уделы
Цинисарказма троллекороли.

Чья почва служит им питаньем
Она же ядом станет им отменным
Лекарством и едой одновременно,
С девизом благовоплощенья, чтоб
Знанье с воспитаньем сочетать.


ccp-синие стихи ру
18-10-дата обновления

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'Definitions containing Super cute fiery dull
We've found 250 definitions:


dul, adj. slow of hearing, of learning, or of understanding: insensible: without life or spirit: slow of motion: drowsy: sleepy: sad: downcast: cheerless: not bright or clear: cloudy: dim, obscure: obtuse: blunt.—v.t. to make dull or stupid: to blunt: to damp: to cloud.—v.i. to become dull.—n. Dull;ard, a dull and stupid person: a dunce.—adjs. Dull;-brained (Shak.), of dull brain or intellect: stupid; Dull;-browed, of gloomy brow or look; Dull;-eyed (Shak.), having eyes dull or wanting expression; Dull;ish, somewhat dull: wearisome.—ns. Dull;ness, Dul;ness, the stale or quality of being dull.—adjs. Dull;-sight;ed; Dull;-wit;ted; Dull;y, somewhat dull.—adv. Dull;y. [A.S. dol—dwelan, to err; Dut. dol, Ger. toll, mad.]

— Chambers 20th Century Dictionary


MeetCute helps people meet someone cute, in a cute way, just like they do in the movies.MeetCute:

    Finds you someone cute, who will also think that you are cute.
    Picks a place & has you both arrive at approximately the same time.
    Never reveals who you have been matched with.

MeetCute shows no pictures, shares no information, provides no messaging system. It’s not a date… It’s just a chance for serendipity.And it's free. ( MeetCute charges local businesses to have people meet at their stores )—————————Once upon a time an idea was born in the mind of a creative genius… ( just go with it ) He polished the idea for years before writing even a single line of code. Then one day, by complete serendipity, he met a young brilliant engineer, who fell in love with the idea & vowed to make it a reality. A few weeks later Bill Warner invested & six months later the world experienced MeetCute for the first time.It was an immediate success. The very first users met, in a cute way, just like they do in the movies. Local businesses & users exclaimed, "We want more meetcutes!".And the most exciting part of the story, is being written now. (probably in the TechCrunch article you just read)

— CrunchBase'
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