
I can only give you recommendations:
Doesn't matter, mind you, that I am patient,
Doesn't matter, mind you, that I am tired;
Make my eyelids leaden
And you may fire.

Make my hair ashen, my fingers bloody —
I'm unneeded, useless, an understudy;
You may do whatever you please;
But mind you —
I'm your shadow, dearest.
I will find you.

You may run away, you may turn at random —
I'm your shadow, dearest, I'm your phantom,
I'm an understudy of my own choices,
My unchosen roads, my nocturnal voices,

My forgotten dreams, my eternal vices;
And if you are death, I'm the one who dices;
Yet, if you are life, I'm the one who claims it —
All the flashy phrases and flimsy flames and

All you have; and please, don't try to hide —
Simply look behind.


splendid !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Хана Год   22.10.2017 01:58     Заявить о нарушении