The ballad is about an old-ancient Rassha

As i live in our homeland?
With our Russia not happen.
Other times have come now.
In pre-Petrine country more i do not breathe.

The wind is blowing from the East soaked thunder storms.
Smoky,cloudy has been around.
I'm trying to forget for a while the echoes.
What irreversibly interwined with the fate

   At night,the calm as before the storm.
   Birds somehow silent.
   Sleep,do not sung.
   Maybe i just-
   All of this dream.
   Only bad thoudhts climb.
   The rest did not give.
   Domes bud bunches-
   Ripe,gilded copper tear.
   To hide a secret from prying eyes away.

No more strength to be tormented with questions.
I am alive only by prayer alone.
I'm trying to convince my self  an illusion.
Power that is me,as soon as the native.

Now shines brightly in the sky summer lightning.
Somewhere in the depths of consciousness,soul.
Old belief they honor snd remember the ceremonies.
And no strangers pass right through this"Taiga".

   Then shi will,
   Repeat will rise from the ashes.
   Like a bird"Phoenix",
   That's just fill out date.
   Forty to forty at Moscow
   Wall in temple.
   As a result,the angels
   Will find,promised peace.
   And the sky a peal,section.
   To help us,Gud has sent.


Английский перевод моей песни:
"Баллада о старо-древней Русси"
