Conversation under an umbrella on a rainy day

- When is going to be our time?
- Nobody cares about the papers you signed.
Why would you ask the yesterday wind
Whether our chances are good or slim?
- Is our love really forbidden?
- The answer is forever hidden.
For our bodies, there is a pleasure.
The days in love are the only measure
- Why am I afraid of the consequences?
We are only humans with five senses.
- Ignore the Puritans and libertarians,
Who are either slaves or barbarians.
Are you turning your erotism
Into a self-pity egotism?
- Freud called it a destructive urge:
Constant conflict with the self purge.
- It may lead to suffering if transgressed,
When your feelings are under arrest.
- Yes, and what would be left is a melancholy of an observer,
For ex-lover combatants with no mutual favor.
