There s a second reason...
There’s a second reason for all this
My man, what do you do with me?...
Without you - how can I exist?
I can’t eat, drink, I can't sleep...
I’ve never really loved anybody before you.
You did love me, you even became jealous
You chose me, you claimed me as yours
With you, I forgot about the whole world.
And what was it about you,
What sparkled between us two?
Feelings covered me from head to toe,
Yearning came and churned my soul.
You almost don’t talk to me any more
You stopped writing your sweet pink words
You don’t fight for our happiness any more
You don’t try to win over your love.
I will finish my last poems soon
Pages of life will calm down the muse.
My soul hurts, what’s nature doing with me?
My love hurts, humbled by destiny.
I'm very scared and I cannot bear it…
I cannot forget you, although I try.
I still don’t know how to help myself out
And, quietly ... from love ... I burn up.
AP (the original version – ru)
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